Showing posts with label Revlon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Revlon. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Review: Revlon Wet/Dry Eyeshadow (Raisin Rage)

Produk yg mau aku ripiu kali ini adalah esedo Revlon. Bukan merk lokal tapi lagi males aja pake basa Inggris. Karna kalo bukan pake 'basa ibu' itu mikirnya dua kali. Nulis plus mikir basa Inggrisnya apaan, iya gak sih. Berhubung ini otak lagi dong-dong, yahudahlah...
Karena beauty box-ku sudah dipenuhi oleh esedo berwarna ceria (baca: warna gila), jadi ceritanya aku mau agak-agak menyentuh bumi dikit. Kebelilah ini esedo yang warnanya amat sangat au naturel sekali, pake banget juga... Nggak beli juga sih, karena ini gratisan setelah belanja berapaaa gitu di apotik Watsons. Itung-itung, lumayan lah. Kan ceritanya eke belom pernah nyoba esedo Revlon.
Kemasannya kayak Hamutaro-kun, imut-imut. Paling selebar telapak tangan. Tutupnya juga transparan, jadi keliatan isi dalemnya. Sayangnya no mirror bo. Tapi tutup plastiknya itu lumayan tebel loh, kokoh lah keliatannya.

Kalo dilihat dari deskripsi nama dan petunjuknya sih, esedo ini bisa dipake basah dan kering. Kalo mau lebih intens warnanya, cukup basahkan sponge-nya. Walau menurutku agak absurd juga sih... kan semua esedo bisa dipake basah, tinggal korek aja pake sponge basah. Bahkan semua esedo itu bisa dibuat lipstik.

Teksutrnya sih nggak berbubuk, tapi kok ya keras banget. Kurang empuk gitu pas dicolek. Masih empukan esedonya Sariayu.
Yang jadi pertanyaan aku waktu liat aplikatornya, et dah kenape penyet gini bentuknya? Soalnya kalo buka ripiu blogger lain, bentuknya oval. Apa karena kegencet kali ya. Tapi kebetulan juga sih, jadi ujungnya yang penyet itu bisa aku pake buat warnain bagian outter V. Sebenernya seperti kebanyakan aplikator, ini emang seadanya. Tapi emang kemasannya praktis banget, males deh mau bawa kuas lagi kemana-mana. Lagian aplikator kayak gini tinggal beli aja kalo udah gak bagus lagi, banyak dimana-mana.

Swatch-nya sekilas di jariku kayak gini. Yang satu coklat gelap (meski gak terlalu gelap), yang satunya warna kulit. Bahasa kerennya 'fleshtone'.

Kalo ngomongin soal pigmentasi, ah nggak banget deh. Kayaknya aku udah usek beberapa kali tapi jadinya tetep aja tipis begitu. Setelah dikasi NYX Eyeshadow Base (White Matte) agak lumayan membantu sih, tapi yah tetep kurang menurutku.
Rasanya takkan lengkap sebuah repiu esedo tanpa kehadiran EOTD. Daaaan karena aku lagi rajin juga, sempet juga kubuat pictorialnya, yay! Sedikit catetan ya, di EOTD ini aku make esedonya dengan aplikator bawaannya itu, sekedar menguji performanya. Hehehe...

  1. Setelah merapikan alis, beri eye primer di seluruh kelopak mata.
  2. Apply warna fleshtone di seluruh kelopak mata hingga melewati bagian lipatan mata. Baurkan.
  3. Apply warna coklat tua hanya di kelopak mata bagian atas. Baurkan.
  4. Apply warna coklat tua di kelopak mata bagian bawah.
  5. Bingkai matamu dengan eyeliner hitam di atas dan bawah mata.
  6. Hihlight bagian dalam bawah mata dengan eyeliner atau eyeshadow putih/silver.
  7. Kamu bisa tambahkan bulu mata palsu atau maskara kalo mau.
Sedikit tips, riasan mata ini bisa banget dibuat jadi lebih natural lagi. Untuk step No. 5 kamu cukup membingkai matamu dengan eyeliner di bagian atas mata saja, udah berenti di situ, ga usah diterusin lagi kalo menurutmu udah agak lebay. Bentuk eyelinernya juga bisa dipendekin dikit, ga usah sepanjang itu.
Jadinya seperti ini, dilihat dari beberapa sudut:
Jadinya natural banget ya. Di foto hampir gak keliatan, serasa gak pake esedo, dalam 'kehidupan nyata' esedo ini juga nggak terlalu nyala. Padahal sponge bawaannya itu udah aku usek-usek banget loh di pan-nya.
Menurutku sih produk dengan warna seperti ini cocok banget buat yang:
  • Nggak terlalu suka riasan menonjol.
  • Baru belajar dandan dan masih malu-malu tengsin buat makeup-in mata.
  • Buat anak sekolahan yang pengen dandan buat hangout (bukan buat sekolah ya).
  • Anak kuliahan yang sebenernya berjiwa lenong banget tapi nggak mau kemenoran karena takut di-bully senior atau disinisin ama dosen yang punya anggapan mahasiswi kece itu pasti lenjeh, ganjen, males, kerjaannya dugem mulu, nggak pernah belajar.
  • Orang kantoran yang napsu dandan tapi peraturan kantor gak boleh dandan selaen pake warna netral, terus kalo cakep dikit bisa disirikin sama yang udah tua senior, terus dicap sok pamer, dibilang beli kosmetik ngabisin duit suami doang.
  • Atau... ya udah udah udah... ngelantur, maap jadi emosi dikit. Hahahah...
Balik ke topik...
Ketahanan esedo ini aku bilang lumayan ya untuk harganya, nggak mengecewakan deh. Tapi dengan catetan, aku baru pake ini buat ke tempat-tempat non-hardcore. Entah gimana jadinya kalo kamu pake buat outdoor atau berenang, kayaknya sih nggak bakal tahan diliat dari harganya. Paling banter aku cuma pake buat wudhu, dan luntur tapi dikit. Mungkin harus pake primer yang lebih nampol lagi biar hasilnya lebih pol.
Oke mari kita rangkum:
  • Medium to low pigmentation.
  • Very natural shade, tidak cocok buat yang berjiwa banci tampil
  • Medium staying power.
  • Travel friendly packaging.
  • Great for daily use.
  • How much: IDR40-50K (I forgot), but not more than IDR 50K (USD 4).


Saturday, August 2, 2014

Review: Revlon Colorstay Creme Gel Eye Liner (02/Brown)

Dipbrow Pomade by Anastasia Beverly Hills is one of my wishlist items, but the price is just above my range. Spending that much money on one beauty item is a big no no for me because I am not a MUA, but if I were, I'm buying it definetely. So, anyway, after reading some poisonous articles (LOLs) on several beauty blogs, I found out that you can use brown gel liner as a substitute for an eyebrow drawer.

And after, again, reading, some beauty blogs, Silky Girl gel liner is one of the most recommended with reasonable price, but I couldn't find any shade other than black, and I was too lazy walking around the shopping mall looking for just one item. So, when the BA in the Watsons drugstore offered me gel liners from Maybelline and Revlon, I chose the last one. Firstly, because it's a bit cheaper, and secondly, it is equipped with a built-in applicator which makes it more practical.



The cap is made of plastic, but the pot is glass although it doesn't look vulnerable. This product is actually very tiny. Btw, you will find the applicator by flipping the cap and click it. I like this kind of built-in applicator. Separated ones are too much of a hassle, especially if I have to bring the product with me.

Somehow, bentuknya mengingatkan akan esedo bubuknya Inez. Siapa yang punya jugaaaa? Cek review nya di sini kalo penasaran.

The ingredients:

My shade is Brown or 002. Available also in black, grey, and plum.
See the nett weight? It's only 2.3 g. Well, actually tiny products has their own advantage. At least I don't have to keep this too long in my drawer until it run out, so that I can keep on buying new ones. Agree?

The applicator in detail. It's actually equipped with a guard which I threw away already. Ribet. This applicator is very smooth and pretty thin. But you have to keep it clean from the product residue and always to click it back to the bottle. Or else, it will be stiff and hurt your eyelids the next time you apply it.



I expected the formula will be matte, turned out it has glitters, but not too much. Only visible if you look at it very closely. But the shade is a pretty dark brown shade. The opacity, I must say, is a medium one. You really have to swipe more than once to get an opaque result, doesn't go along the way.

Swatch di tanganku... Ternyata ada glitternya booo, keliatan ga? Kirain matte. Gini nih kalo beli Revlon di apotik, BA nya bukan dari Revlon jadi dia kurang tau detil produknya gimana. Beda kalo beli di konter langsung.

These are the result on my eyes. Applying this product using the applicator is actually very easy. I can draw a thin line on my eyebrow. But the formula is very smooth and I doubt it will stay like that 24 hours like it promised


These are when freshly applied:

Applied on my eyebrows as eyeliners.

If you smudge it using the applicator or simply your finger tip, you can make a simple brown smokey eyes like this. They don't appear to be too intimidating, do they?


I prone to oily lids and my skin type is normal oily, and by the 4th hour, the color faded a bit and smudged to my eyebags like usually happened to most of my eyeliners. Since the color is brown, the smudge effect wasn't as obvious as when you wear a black liner, but it's still a problem especially when I wore soft lenses. On the eyebrows, on the contrary, this liner stayed pretty well until the end of the day. Well, they faded a bit, but juuust a slightest bit. Maybe because my skin condition on the eyebrows area isn't as greasy as my eyelids. Please note, that I didn't wear any eye primer/base underneath it, just to see how this product perform on its own. Maybe if you apply eye base first, the result will be different.

The glitter effect, somehow, is pretty obvious. Well, this might be disturbing for those of you who prefer natural and matte result. I saw my eyes and eyebrows looked a bit shimmering under the lamp light and some of the glitter residue will remain on your face after you wipe it with a makeup remover. LOLs. But, I'm the type of person who likes to wear red eyeliners and purple lipstick... Sooo, I don't really mind with that.

The texture itself, since it's not very opaque, is very buildable especially for beginners. The user friendly applicator also makes it easier for you to draw a thin line. It is very creamy textured as well, compared to my Etude House Gel Liner, it is even creamier and less pigmented. 

Overall opinion, this product really does fulfill its promise to "stay" on my eyebrows and eyelids the whole day, although the number "24" is a bit exagerrated, since it didn't really stayed that long, but at least it does a pretty god job defining my eyes (and eyebrows as well) for more than 8 hours (with fading effect, of course). 

That's all my opinion this. Please note that different shade delivers different result, as well as your own skin condition/type.

My take for this shade:
  • Dark brown shade
  • It has glitters but not too much
  • Doesn't go along the way, but this also makes this product very buildable, esp. for beginners
  • Easy to apply cream
  • Good applicator
  • Very tiny (2.3g)
  • Waterproof? Yes
  • Smudgeproof? Not really, on my oily lids. Maybe this will be different on those who don't prone to oily lids.
  • Price: IDR 90K something (USD 8-9)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Review: Revlon Colorburst Matte Balm #205 (Elusive)

This lip color is actually a part of my last June haul, I finally get the chance to review it.



Actually there are three types of this lip crayon divided by their finishing effect. Matte balm (matte), balm stain (creamy/satin finish), and lacquer balm (glossy and less pigmented). You can judge the formula based on the packaging. The one I have here is matt, that's why the tube felt smooth. I once had the creamy one (balm stain) which I already reviewed here.

I took this picture because I thought the ingredients were written here, but turned out you should peel off this sticker on its cap, really carefully, to find out more.

These are its ingredients, taken with my phone camera. Hope it came up pretty well.

The crayon tube color represents each shade. Mine is #205 or Elusive. Judging from the tube, it's gonna be a dusty pink shade. The color that I mostly picked when purchasing a lip color.

Perasaan lipstik gue banyak, tapi kenapa warna yang dibeli itu lagiiii itu lagi. Maap intermezzo dikit.

Aaaand just as I thought before, it is a dusty pink. At least, that's what I thought.


Swatches and performances

Swatched on my hand, using both lighting.

My bare lips.

The swatches on my lips. 


Although the color is actually a nice one, but I gotta say I'm a bit dissappointed since it's not the dusty pink like I hoped. Turned out the shade was a pink with yellow undertone that looks too bright on my lips and make my complexion looks dull. I think I should have bought the Sultry shade, a warmer tone.

If you glide it on your lips, you'll feel a cool minty sensation. Maybe that's why this product was named BALM (balsem kan pedes ya bo! Heheh). The formula is matte, although it's not as matte as NYX SLMC or EH Color Lips-Fit, and this one dries my lips. Well, that's because I have dry lips and get chapped easilly. Maybe the condition will be different on those who have healthy lips.

The longevity is average. I wouldn't mention how long it's gonna stay since it really depends on how sloppy you are, especially when you wear this while you eat or drink. But after you took a meal, I would strongly suggest to wipe everything off and retouch all over again, or else, your lips will look super ugly, seriously. Btw, this one, will stain your coffee cup.

Overall, I like this lip color, although I would not list this as one of my favorite items. The color, the formula, they all just.... I would not call them bad, but they just don't work for me. Too bad, because this is the very first time I ever feel dissapointed by Revlon product.

  • Matte formula
  • Lips drying, lip balm application is advised
  • Pink shade with yellow undertone
  • Nice scent
  • Cool mint sensation when first applied, and will fade gradually
  • Medium staying power and pigmentation
  • Stain your coffee cup
  • Price: IDR 88K (USD 7-8)

Do you aggree with me or have other sentiment about this?

Monday, July 7, 2014

Review: Revlon Colorstay Lipliner (Red & Nude)

I haven't done any of lipliner product, have I? That's because I just own it lately. Back then, I used my eyebrow pencil as lip liner, but this time I finally managed to have the real deal. I chose Revlon. And there was no reason why. It's just a random idea. 

Well, actually I bought the red first and been using it for eyeshadow and eyebrow pencil. I've been wanting to have a very good red eyeshadow from Sugarpill, but the price is just way beyond my budget. So, I thought, why don't I use a lipliner. They are matte and red as well. And when I set that red lip liner with my Coastal Scents red eyeshadow, turned out the color changed into a very nice chili shade.

The Nude one was a brand new so it was still wrapped in black plastic.

Once you open the plastic, this is what they'll look like. Each cap represents the color inside.

My shades. Red and Nude.

This is what the bullet look like. When it's brand new, it is pointy as the Nude shade. But after abusive use by me for quite some time, the tip will change shape into a more rounded one, like the Red. But Please note that any retractable pencil is easily broken if you push too hard, and this also happened to these pencils. I broke that red pencil many many times when I tried to draw my eyebrow with it.

Swatches on my hand. They are true red and beautiful nude brown. I must say I'm a bit dissapointed with the brown, when I swatched it at the counter, somehow, the shade looked like a nice nude pink. Maybe because of the lighting? I don't know. It wasn't exactly the color I was looking for, although it is actually a nice brown shade. I rubbed these swatches from my hand afterwards but the shade still stayed in place. Forgot to take the picture, though. I must say, their staying power is amazing.

I used them as lip liner and as lipstick. Although the color on my lips are not intense, but it can boost up your lipstick color intensity and staying power. 

Thes two pictures were my lips with lipliner and lipstick. I must say that wearing lipliner can make a huge difference. Your lip line will look more defined and, rather than wearing a lip concealer, it is a good lipstick base to make the shade more pop out.


Make lipstik dengan dan tanpa lipliner itu ternyata beda banget deh hasilnya. Kalo tanpa lipliner emang sih kesannya lebih kasual, tapi ada resiko lipstik bleber karena salah coret hehehe. Dengan make lipliner, kita keliatan banget dandannya tapi hasil lipstiknya lebih rapi dan bisa juga jadi base lipstik yang bikin warna asli lipstiknya jadi lebih keluar. Ini menurutku lebih bagus daripada pake concealer bibir yang belom tentu cocok buat semua orang. (Pake concealer bibir di aku malah bikin warna lipstik jadi lebih muda). Oh ya, buat yang ngga puas sama bentuk bibirnya, pengen dibentuk biar lebih tipis atau lebih dobleh, bisa banget make lipliner boooo. Heheheh.

Walaupun bagus, pensil dengn model puter2 gini rentan banget patah. Belom pernah aku nemu pensil puter yang ga gampang patah, mau merk apa aja pasti rentan deh. Jadi nekennya jangan pake tenaga kuli yah!

This is just a comparison between application with and without lipliner. But too bad I forgot to give you example of a nude lipstick.

Lipstick used:
  • Maybelline Color Show Lipstick (Red My Lips)
  • Beautystyle Lipstick (Sweet Earth)

That's all for now. I don't leave you with my verdict like usual, but if you have any query, please leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!

ps.: Price IDR 60K each (USD 5-6)

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Review: Revlon Photoready Perfecting Primer

"Face Primer is relatively new product. It is used as a protective barrier between your skincare and makeup, ensuring your makeup stays longer"

Finally I got the time to try out this product and make a review. This is actually part of my last April haul.

This primer comes in a clear glass pump bottle with a clear plastic cap.

If you look closely there's a code 001 written on the bottle but I'm not so sure what's that about. I think I remember the sales assistant mention something about it but I hardly remember. Neither their official website explain about it.

Directions of use. The sales assistant said this can be used as a moisturizer as well.

Dimethicone, Isododecane, Water, Trisiloxane, PEG/PPG-19/19 Dimethicone, Isodecyl Neopentanoate, C13-16 Isoparaffin, Silica Silylate, C10-13 Isoparaffin, Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Dimethicone/Bis-Isobutyl PPG-20 Crosspolymer, Silica, Tocopherol, Glycerin, Methyl Methacrylate Crosspolymer, Methicone, Calcium Aluminum Borosilicate, Triethoxycaprylylsilane, Phenoxyethanol, Caprylyl Glycol, 1,2-Hexanediol. May Contain: Mica, Titanium Dioxide, Iron Oxides, Ultramarines.

The pump. I adore pump bottle.

The cream is very light textured with skintone color. But when you apply this to your skin, it's transparent.

The picture above is an example on my hand. I apply moisturizer and top it with this primer, and the result on my skin was somewhat smooth and velvety (is velvety a word?). The same goes on my face. After applying face serum, sunscreen, moisturizer, and all those skincare routines, you can imagine how glossy your face look like ahahahha. Of course you have to wait for a while to let your skin absorb them, but I don't do that. And applying this primer after wearing your skincare has a great mattifying effect. My face felt instantly soft, smooth, and velvety (seriously, is that a word?).

I tried to wear this before applying Tony Moly CC Cream, and CC cream usually has a bad effect on my normal-oily skin since my face will get oily in just an hour. But applying this at least lengthen the matte effect up to 3-4 hours. Really love this product. But maybe this won't do for those who have dry skin.

And, oh, for those who don't know how to apply this, just dab this to your whole face after applying moisturizer, and before applying foundation/BB cream/face powder.

  • Odorless skintone cream.
  • Light textured cream, a little goes along the way.
  • Instant smooth result.
  • Matte effect.
  • Best result for normal to oily skin.
  • Not recommended for dry skin.
  • How much: IDR 155K (USD 16).

Thanks for reading. Hope this review is useful. ^_^

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Review: Orange Lip Colors

Orange, orange, orange! This fun color have always been my last choice of all kinds of face coloring product, it doesn't look good on me. But, lately, pink and nude bore me. So lemme come outta my comfort zone for a while. 

So I'm gonna compare 4 kinds of orange lip colors that I just bought lately.

From left to right:
1. Etude blooming lips-talk OR 207
2. Etude blooming lips-talk OR 206
3. Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain 040
4. NYX Round Lipstick LSS 507

Here are the swatches

So lets begin comparing!

1. Etude Blooming Lips-Talk OR207

This is a pretty bold color. For those of you who seek out the bold look with orange lipstick without looking kinda weird, this one's the perfect shade. The texture is creamy and feels soft on my lips, and just like many other creamy textured lipsticks, this one doesn't stay too long on my lips. I had to re-apply them after a few hours. There's a sheer fragrant as well and will fade a moment after you apply it. The bad thing is, it stains once you wipe them even with make-up remover. But the shade is just too beautiful that it's forgiven ^_^
Price: IDR 270K in official counter (USD 27) or IDR 100K to IDR 120K in olshop (USD 10-12)

2. Etude Blooming Lips-Talk OR206

Pale. This is my impression when I recklessly put a generous amount to my lips, it made me look weird and clownish. Maybe because this color, for me, is the truest and purest orange shade. This is not the common shade people would wear as lip color. BUT.... When I wiped and reapplied it thinly, and added a little amount of peach lipgloss, the color suddenly changed into a very cute and innocent orange. It looked great! The pic above is my lips using this lipstick only though. Overall, the texture and its stay power, is almost likely to its sister above.
Price: IDR 270K in official counter (USD 27) or IDR 100K to IDR 120K in olshop (USD 10-12)

3. Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain 040

When I first saw this lipstick with its tempting juicy bold color packaging standing on the drug store counter, I fell in love. It looked like crayon! Open the cap, and you'll find the content color is exactly the same as the outter tube. But, applying it to my lips didn't end up as I expected from the look. It was sheer, the most natural shade among these four. That's why its called 'balm stain' LOL. Once you apply it, you'll feel a soothing mint sensation on your lips that will fade a few moments later. This product has glossy effect, poor stay power, and doesn't make lips dry--at least for me. 
Price: Around IDR 80K (approx. USD 8)

4. NYX Round Lipstick LSS 507

This is probably what you'd call Tangerine color. I took this photo under direct sunlight so it looked sheer but actually it was pretty bold with a touch of glittering shimmer, so this will definitely make your lips glow. NYX Round Lipstick is famous for its creamy and soft textured lipstick. So soft that the stick is easily broke. I also use a few shades of NYX Round Lipstick and they all broke T_T. The color is intense, you don't have to apply a couple of times to achieve bold result. The stay power is medium. For you gals with dark or tan complexion, this shade will surely have a great effect on you ^_^
Price: IDR 45K (approx. USD 5)

Overall, this is the summary:
1. Etude Blooming Lips-Talk OR 207
    - bold color
    - creamy texture
    - matte result
    - medium stay power
    - it stains your lips once you wipe it out
    - sheer fragrant
    - expensive

2. Etude Blooming Lips-Talk OR 206
    - weird (or funky?) color
    - creamy texture
    - matte result
    - medium stay power
    - it stains your lips once you wipe it out
    - sheer fragrant
    - expensive

3. Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain 040
    - sheer color
    - creamy texture
    - glossy effect
    - low stay power
    - minty sensation 
    - reasonable price

4. NYX Round Lipstick LSS507
    - bold tangerine color
    - creamy texture and it's soooo soft
    - shimmer effect
    - medium stay power
    - the stick is easily broken
    - will look good on dark complexion
    - cheap

will repurchase Etude OR207, maybe, as long as I haven't found the cuter orange lipstick, considering Etude is a pretty expensive brand in official counters, and I have to purchase it through online shop to get the cheaper one. It takes time, you know.
So which one is your favourite orange lipstick?

Notes: this article is written by my own opinion. Result my vary to each individual.

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