Showing posts with label lip gloss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lip gloss. Show all posts

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Review: Make Up Forever Artist Plexi-Gloss (200, 201, 301P)


So a couple of months ago I won a giveaway held by my friend Irene Widya collaborated with Make Up Forever Indonesia, and won these three Artist Plexi-Glosses. They were launched just recently. And oh yeah, I was feeling super excited. Three expensive Artist Plexi-Glosses. For free.

Upon collecting my prize at their counter, I was like, oh dear, they're all nudes. What am I going to do with them? I don't mean to sound ungrateful, though, but it could have been better if we can just got significantly different shades. Ya udahlah, Esy, gratisan aja belagu amat....




Artist Plexi-Gloss comes with a transparent plastic tube and black plastic cap. It has some unique SuperFlex applicator which helps me to create a clean line to draw on the edges of your lips. I think I might keep the applicator for further uses with my other liquid lip products. Also, it can hold enough amount of the product to cover your whole lips. I just need to dip once or twice.


Artist Plexi-Gloss is availabale in 35 different shades. From clear and nudes, to pinks, reds, purples, and even black. Srsly. And here I got three of their nudes: 200, 201, and 300P. I think the word P at the end of the description might explain the pearly finishing of the product.


Top: with camera flash
Bottom: Natural lighting

The consistency is quite thick and sticky, and I can feel the stickiness when applying them on my lips. There's a bit a fragrance that will fade gradually after applying, and this product also lacks any distinct flavor.

Shade 200

Shade 200 is actually a light beige color when swatched on my hand. It looks almost clear on my lips and makes my face appear pale since the color is paler than my actual lip color.

Shade 201

Shade 201 is a bit pink, but still transparent. This one is like sister to shade 200, you can judge by their names. Applied to my lips, this looks almost the same with shade 200.

Shade 301P

This is the prettiest among these three. It has a slight peach shade with shimmer. But still, this one will look nude when applied to your lips. The shimmer is appropriate to be used day or night. I usually wear this to top any matte lipstick and it really elevates my appearance to a new level.


What I don't like the most is probably its stickiness. I feel my lips are a bit 'heavier' in an instant, but it really deserves its high shine effect. Artist Plexi-Gloss can last up to 4 hours on me without drinking or eating. Remember, this is lip gloss, just don't expect too much staying power. 

I never use these products alone, so I just can't give you the review about its moisturizing effect. If I have to look all shinny on my lips, I wouldn't let them look bare. 

Artist Plexi-Gloss cost USD 19 on the US and IDR 320,000. If I'm not mistaken. Despite its sticky texture, this product really worth the price, though. Especially for those of you who gets bored already with so many matte lip stain nowadays. Me, myself, would like to try the Burgundy shade. Just make sure to use the tester first because some shades don't look very opaque when applied.

Okay, so before I end this post, here are my full face pics wearing all three. They actually look different, but not significant.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Review: NYX Mega Shine Lip Gloss (Natural/LG122)

I think I bought this months ago and I'm pretty sure this product is near its expiry date. LOLs. So let's review it before I send this babe six feet underground.
The bottle is quite simple yet sleek, with transparent bottle and black plastic cap.

A little extra point for this cute tiny bow on top of the cap.

My shade is Natural or LG122.
This product available in 39 wearable shades ranges from shiny to glittery ones.
Do you notice that the applicator is a bit more bended than regular lipgloss?
The spongy doe-foot applicator.
The shade Natural is what I'll describe as nude brown color with a hint of pink. Best for fair complexion. It's very beautiful, wearable, and since it's nude, a dark smokey eye makeup will compliment it. The consistency is very very thick, and I guess this will turn very sticky once applied to your lips.
What I hate the most from this product is the smell. From reviews I read online, most of them described it as a sweet cherry fragrance. While for me it's more like a tobacco smell. Blegh! Reminds me a lot of a cigarette box when freshly opened. You like it? Me no, no, no. Besides, how cherry and tobacco smell relate to each other is still a mistery for me.
Bare lips.

The texture itself is very creamy and the finished look is not just creamy, but very very shiny. It's also very pigmented for a lip gloss. But another thing I dislike is the stickiness. It doesn't seem to disappear even after quite some time.
Since it's a claimed to be a lip gloss, it can't cover my real natural lip color. As you can see from the picture above, it settles into my lip lines. So you can't expect a full coverage when you wear this product alone, although by doing that won't make you less pretty. What I'm trying to say is, the color will still pop out.

If you want a better coverage, you can wear lipliner in advance. Or you can also wear similar lipstick and top it with this lip gloss. Some lipsticks I know to have similar shade with this product is Wet n Wild in shade Bare It All and Silky Girl Lipstick in shade Fig.
How it looked like in natural lighting.
However this lip gloss doesn't stay too long on my lips. Well, It's lip gloss once again, what would you expect? By the fourth hour, it fade away and once it fade it'll leave some ugly clumps inside my lips. This lipgloss also doesn't moisturize my lips nor drying them.
Btw, this bad clumpy experience also happened to me with another shade of Mega Shine Lip Gloss in the shade Ice Princess (LG 162 which I burried already since it already had that funny smell). That shade comes in glittery texture.
I bought this online from a seller in and can't seem to remember the seller name nor how much this product cost me, but in it cost around USD 5.00. Maybe in Indonesia it will be around IDR 70K perhaps? I'm not so sure.
Overall, this product is not a favorit of mine since I tried so many lip poducts with better texture and comes with better price. But, sheesh.. I really love the shade. I guess it's a love-hate relationship afterall, is it?

Above picture is one of my makeup look I created some time ago using NYX Mega Shine Lip Gloss in shade Natural. Well, I did added a brown eyebrow pencil underneath (yes, eyebrow pencil! I haven't got myself a brown lipliner at the time) and it helped to create a more solid coverage although at the same time darkened the actual color a little bit.
Thank you for reading.
Hope this review is useful.


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Review: Sariayu Duo Lip Function B-01 (Bena)

Kembali lagi bersama aku, Sariayu, dan produk pemulas bibir.

Aku akan terus menjejalkan kalian dengan produk Sariayu sampe semua yang aku beli habis. Hahahah.



Sebenernya produk ini adalah free item yang aku dapet waktu beli Sariayu Lip Eye Kit. Seri ini adalah keluaran lama sebenernya, yaitu dari trend warna 2012 (Etnika Nusa Tenggara). Dan karena ini gratisan, aku gak tahu harga di konter-nya berapa, tapi di website resminya dibandrol dengan harga IDR 66K.

Karena mengadaptasi budaya Nusa Tenggara, jadi motifnya juga Nusa Tenggara banget.

Ada dua jenis warna dari Duo Lip Function seri ini, yaitu Kelimutu dan Bena. Kalo Kelimutu warnanya agak ungu pink gitu, tadinya aku mau milih yang itu tapi kok pas di swatch ke tangan, dia gak terlalu nyata. Jadi aku pilih Bena. Botolnya ini sebenernya agak gendut kalo dipegang.

Ngomong-ngomong, maafkan akuuu huhuhuh, aku lupa foto keseluruhan bodinya ketika sudah dibuka. Yang jelas satu ujung isinya lipstik, ujung yang lain berisi lipgloss. Dan tidak seperti lipstiknya yang bisa bugil ketika plastiknya dibuka, kalo Duo Lip Function ini gak memerlukan usaha ekstra untuk menjaga motif plastiknya tetap di sana. Tinggal puter aja kemasannya, dan plastiknya itu nggak akan robek semuanya.

Warna lipstiknya itu agak coklat mengarah ke peach, bagus sih, tapi kok sama ya dengan warna lipstik Sariayu B-04 (Borneo) yang keluaran 2014.... 

Yang ini lipglossnya. Batang aplikatornya itu lumayan pendek, gak kayak lipgloss pada umumnya. Warnanya sekilas kayak warna orange yang cerah.



 Swatch nya di tanganku, warnanya itu muda sekali ya. Kalo lipstiknya kayaknya bakal creamy, tapi ada glitter di lipglossnya, nggak lebay sih tapi tetap keliatan.

My bare lips.

Daaan ini hasilnya di bibirku:



Aku suka bangeeeet sama warna lipglossnya. Pas di swatch kayak orange muda, pas di bibirku... jadi warna apa ya ini? Aku ga tau heheheh, yang jelas aku suka efek glitternya itu. Dan bagus juga kalo dipake cuma lipglossnya aja, gak terlihat kusam atau pucat.



Nude brown, with a hint of peach/orange. 



Pas di swatch dua-duanya di bibirku jadinya gini. Tetep aja warna lipstiknya lebih menang. Tapi ada tambahan rona glitter dari lipglossnya. Kalo liat swatch lipgloss dan lipsticknya, kayaknya cocok buat semua warna kulit. Btw, ini bukan orange ya, tapi coklat cenderung peach.


Kalo ngomongin soal warna, setelah beli beberapa lipstik Sariayu dari seri moistpome yang berbeda-beda, sepertinya dari tahun ke tahun Sariayu nggak bereksperimen terlalu banyak soal warna. Beda dengan eyeshadow-nya yang lebih variatif. Kalo lipstiknya gak jauh dari warna pink jreng, merah cabe, dan coklat peach. Yah, warna-warna aman lah. Tiap tahun trend warnanya emang ganti-ganti nama, tapi untuk warna lipstik sepertinya mereka nggak terlalu banyak bereksperimen. Istilahnya sih: warnanya itu lagi, itu lagi. Nggak nyalahin juga sih, jarang ada juga orang endonesa demen make warna bibir belang bonteng, bisa kaga laku kali. Aku udah beberapa kali review lipstik ini, coba aja di-search buat perbandingan.

Tekstur lipstiknya juga sama dengan lipstik seri moistpome keluaran Sariayu, yaitu creamy, berbau permen karet yang menggemaskan, dan di aku nggak bikin bibir kering. Daya tahannya sih sebentar banget, maybe karena dia warna nude. Dan untuk bibir yang kehitaman, yang ini juga nggak bisa menutupinya dengan sempurna karena nggak begitu pekat.

Sayangnya di bagian pigmentasi, aku bisa bilang lipstiknya kurang nyata. Di aku yang warna bibirnya pucat aja perlu beberapa kali oles supaya keluar warnanya. Aku coba pakein di bibir temenku yang agak kehitaman, di dia warna lipstiknya jadi gak terlalu keliatan, malah keliatan kayak pake lipbalm. Mungkin perlu di-dab pake concealer lagi biar warnanya lebih keluar.


  • Peach lipgloss with glitters, tapi glitternya gak lebay
  • Lipstiknya warna nude brown with a hint of peach
  • Creamy lipstick with satin finishing
  • Moistured my lips, at least on me
  • Low to medium pigmentation, the same goes to its longevity
  • Gak bisa nutupin noda kehitaman di sekeliling bibir
  • Warna coklatnya ini gak jauh beda dengan warna coklat dari tren-tren warna lipstik Sariayu sebelum dan sesudahnya. Jadi saran aja sih, sebagai sesama konsumen, kalo udah punya warna coklat, pink, dan merahnya dari satu tahun tren warna (misal trend warna 2012), gak terlalu disaranin beli dari trend warna sebelum dan sesudahnya, karena gak terlalu jauh beda. Kecuali kalo kamu koleksi ya.
  • How much: IDR 66K di websitenya, tapi kalo di konter aku kurang tahu.

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