Showing posts with label bb cream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bb cream. Show all posts

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Review: Holika Holika Aqua Petit Jelly B.B SPF 20 PA++ (Aqua Beige) No. 1


BB Cream ini gue beli karena random aja sih. Kebetulan mak kece Edelyne jual preloved-nya, dan pas banget gue lagi gak punya stok BB Cream. So bisa dibilang pengetahuan gue tentang produk ini betul-betul nol pada saat gue membelinya.


BB Cream ini tampil dengan botol kaca yang tebal lumayan berat dengan tutup biru muda. Kalo gue lihat dari beberapa review sebelumnya, BB cream ini udah ganti baju alias tampil dalam kemasan baru. Kemasan lama dan yang baru sama unyu-nya sih. Bentuk botolnya tetap sama, cuma corak di kotak dan tutupnya aja yang ganti.

This BB Cream comes in its newest packaging, with square box and a bulky yet heavy forsted glass bottle. 


Ada dua shade yang tersedia yaitu Aqua Beige (No. 1) dan Aqua Natural (No. 2).
Yang gue punya ini adalah No. 1. Sayangnya gue ga tau shade mana yang lebih terang di antara keduanya, waktu gue browsing juga gue ga bisa dapet keterangan yang pasti tentang ini.

There are two shades available according to their website
Aqua Beige (No. 1) and Aqua Natural (No. 2). The one I have is No. 1, and I completely clueless which one is the lighter shade, or which one is neutral/cool.



Di bagian dalam tutupnya terdapat spatula yang berguna untuk mengambil produk dari botolnya. Rada ga enak ngeliatnya, karena kemasan model begini bikin isinya jadi gak higienis. Banyak beauty blogger yang menyarankan untuk tidak mengoleskan produknya langsung ke wajah menggunkan spatula, dan lebih baik mengoleskan dulu ke punggung tangan atau mixing palette. Biar lebih higienis katanya. Tapi gimana ya... gue juga gak yakin tangan atau palet itu lebih bersih dari muka (walau udah dicuci!), lagian gue kan dandan pas udah cuci muka sampe bersih, jadi kalo gue lebih milih langsung mengoleskannya pake spatula ke muka. Mau ikutin cara siapa, tinggal disesuaikan dengan keadaan masing-masing.

There's a spatula included in the cap to scoop out the product. I must say this kind of packaging is less hygienic compared to a squeezed tube ot pump bottle. Applying the product onto your face using the spatula directly is not recommended, although I prefer to do it that way. 


Dalam kotaknya juga terdapat spon putih yang bentuknya sedikit mengingatkan gue akan rebung. Hehehe. Sayangnya lupa gue foto pas lagi photo session. Jadi maap kalo tampilan fotonya agak-agak beda sendiri ya. Sejujurnya gue gak tau performa spon ini gimana karena gue belom pernah coba. Tapi kalo gue raba, teksturnya agak licin dan berpori kecil. Jadi kayaknya ga enak dipake, susah buat nge-blend.

The white sponge that comes along with the poduct. It felt too smooth to be a sponge, I suppose. So I never want to use it.


Tekstur BB Cream ini agak mencurigakan, bukan cair atau krim melainkan agak kental seperti jeli yang udah tercampur air. Awalnya gue pikir dia udah kadaluarsa, tapi ternyata emang teksturnya begitu. Walau keliatannya kental, tapi pas dioles ke muka, gampang banget di blend-nya. Begitu di apply rasanya dingin dan ada aroma menyegarkan. Dingin di sini maksudnya adem ya, bukan tingling atau minty sensation.

The texture is like some watered down jelly. At first I thought the product was expired already but turned out it was the original consistency. Although a bit thick, but it can be easily blended onto your face just by using foundation brush. There's a fresh aroma coming out of the product that will fade gradually.



1. Bare face
2. Worn half face
3. Worn full face
4. With full makeup on

Ngomongin soal shade, ternyata yang Aqua Beige ini agak keputihan di kulit gue yang NC25. Bisa kalian liat perbandingannya dengan warna leher gue. Tapi pas gue timpa pake bedak, blush on, dan bronzer tipis sih warnanya jadi ga terlalu keputihan. BB Cream ini juga lumayan bisa menutup kantong mata gue. Jadi untuk pemakaian sehari-hari gue gak perlu lagi pake concealer.

BB Cream ini, di kulit gue yang normal-oily, hasilnya matte. Saking matte-nya gue sama sekali gak perlu pake bedak lagi. Jadi sehari-hari gue cukup pake BB Cream ini aja, tanpa concealer atau bedak lagi. Praktis kan? Untuk ngeblend-nya gue cuma pake kuas Expert Face-nya Real Techniques. Asli pake kuas aja, tanpa perlu gue ratain lagi dengan jari atau sponge. Perpaduan BB Cream dan kuas ini bikin muka gue jadi keliatan 'mulus' dengan usaha yang minim. Lebay? Nggak kok. Emang gitu kenyataannya hahaha.

Daya tahannya untuk sebuah BB Cream juga lumayan oke. Dengan pemakaian tanpa bedak di ruangan non AC, muka gue masih bisa survive cakepnya sampe kira-kira 6 jam, dan di ruangan ber-AC muka gue akan terus cakep sampe akhir hari. Nah, begitu makeup dibersihin, baru deh luntur cakepnya.

Overall, ini gue rekomen banget buat yang punya muka oily. Ga tau tapi kalo yang mukanya kering. Kalo bisa gue kasih ponten 10, udah gue kasih deh. Sayangnya aja kemasannya agak berat dan kurang higienis. Dimasukin ke pouch kosmetik, itu pouch langsung jadi berat. Jadi yaaa nilanya 9.5 lah buat doi.

Gue beli ini second hand, kalo yang barunya dijual dengan harga retail resmi sekitar IDR 270 ribu. Itu harga resmi, harusnya di olshop bisa lebih murah. Sayangnya BB Cream ini agak jarang dijual di olshop, tapi it's ok. Counternya udah ada di Indonesia.

This Aqua Beige shade is a bit too pale for my NC25 tone. But topped with face powder and a small amount of blusher and bronzer, it finally blends well with my skintone. It has a great coverage to cover my dark circle and acne spots. I don't have to put extra face powder for daily use since the result is already matte. I use this with my Real Tecniques Expert Face Brush and the combo really makes my face looks flawless in an instant. The staying power is great for about 5 hours in outdoor, and will last all day in an AC-ed room. This BB Cream is highly recommended for normal to oily skin type.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Review: Garnier BB Miracle Skin Perfector

Akhirnya setelah beberapa bulan menggunakan produk ini, saya memberanikan diri untuk menulis review. Semoga berguna ya, karena ada poin penting yang harus saya sampaikan.
Alright, now after using this for several months, I've finally decided to share my thought about this what so called a "BB Cream".

Garnier terkenal dengan produk perawatan wajah dan rambut, kayak Pond's sama Olay gitu loh. Makanya aku agak aneh juga pas liat ada BB Cream merk Garnier. Karena penasaran, ya udah comot deh. Mungkin mereka mau ikutan trend launching BB Cream juga.
Garnier is well known with their various skin and hair care products. So, seeing this among many other BB Creams kinda surprised me. Well, I thought they just didn't want to miss the chance of launching another BB cream product, which is a huge trend nowadays.

Klaim produk ini dahsyat banget: mencerahkan wajah, melembabkan kulit, menyamarkan noda bekas jerawat, mengurangi kilap wajah, dan meratakan warna kulit.
Oke oke oke, sekilas seperti klaim sebuah produk BB Cream kan? Padahal bukan. Ini bukan BB Cream, cuma pelembab biasa loh. Tinted moisturizer lebih tepatnya. Apa ya basa endonesa-nya tinted moisturizer? Pelembab berwarna kali ya...
This product claims to lighten your skin, correct blemishes, moisturizing, reduce oil, and even out your skin tone. As well as enriched with UV SPF 21 PA++ protection.
There is no choice of shade, though, so I guess they come with only one shade.
The letters BB on their packaging is totally confusing, because when I read it on their offical web (click here) instead of BB Cream, Garnier claimed this as a moisturizer. A tinted moisturizer, to be exact.
Swirl-type cap which is a bit unpractical. I dropped it, like, a lot.

Produk ini lumayan encer, bisa dibilang encer banget. Warnanya juga kekuningan, bukan abu-abu seperti kebanyakan BB Cream (kan udah dibilang ini bukan BB Cream heheheh). Warna ini cocok banget buat yang punya kulit kekuningan seperti rata-rata kebanyakan kulit orang Indonesia.
Baunya juga seger banget, seperti bau lemon. Kalo kamu biasa pake produk skin care-nya Garnier, pasti sudah hapal dengan bau khas-nya.
The consistency is very runny. It also has a yellow undertone, which is a benefit for women with yellow undertone. But on those pink undertones, this might make you look like a pumpkin.
And the smell, how do I describe it? It smells like lemon essence, like most of Garnier products. I can tell, the smell is 'so Garnier'.
Walaupun encer, tapi produk ini susah banget di-blend-nya.. Hiks... Aku sih lebih suka ngeratainnya pake jari. Kalo pake kuas suka keliatan bergaris-garis, terus kalo pake spon blending-nya jadi terlalu tipis, boros produk.
Begitu dia meresap rasanya enak banget. Kayak ada rasa seger-seger dingin semriwing, keliatan dewy, dan gak lengket sama sekali. Jadi kalo mau hasil yang natural, gak ditimpa pake bedak pun gak masalah. Muka jadi keliatan glowing-glowing gimanaaa gitu. Glowing ya, bukan oily. Tapi untuk hasil yang sedikit lebih 'berat' bisa ditimpa bedak lagi.
Despite its runny consistency, this product is awfully hard to blend. It is very very watery. To blend this, I prefer using my own hand.
Once it's absorbed, it leaves some glowy finishing. Not oily, just glowing. And it doesn't felt sticky at all. Really, it does not felt sticky! If you have naturally even skintone, you won't need to apply face powder afterwards for a super natural result.
Kalo untuk hasil akhirnya sih sanget sheer ya. Tipiiis banget. Itu urat nadiku sama sekali gak ketutup, hiks... Kayaknya ini cocok banget buat anak sekolahan yang mau pake makeup ke sekolah deh.
The coverage is poor. Well, I think I have to deal with that since this is actually a tinted moisturizer. I think this product is a good one for those teens who wants to wear light makeup to school.

Hasilnya di muka-ku. Well, ini sih udah ditambah sama concealer ya, kalo gak, gak bakal ketutup itu kantong mata sama bekas jerawat. Tapi hasilnya emang dewy banget dan gak terlalu keputihan. Hasilnya juga keliatan ringan dan natural banget.
The result on my face is very natural looking, not too bright. Although I still need the help of extra concealer to cover my blemishes and dark eye circles.
Well, seperti yang udah aku bilang, produk ini agak membingungkan. Judulnya BB Cream, tapi kenapa di web resminya ditulis pelembab. Jadi ini sebenernya pelembab atau BB Cream? Tapi daripada bingung, saya lebih suka menyebut produk ini dengan nama 'skin perfector'. Adil kaaan?
Karena hasil akhirnya yang sheer, maka produk ini cocok banget dipake sama orang yang nggak terlalu banyak punya 'dosa' di wajah. Aku suka sih pake ini, karena rasanya nyaman dan gak mengalami break-out. Tapi hanya pada saat-saat tertentu di mana kondisi kulit lagi super oke, nggak pas lagi jerawatan atau pas abis begadang, atau pas lagi pilek, atau pas lagi pusing dan tertekan karena lagi tanggal tua, gitu. Oh ya, karena efek dewy-nya itu, maka ini juga kurang cocok buat yang mukanya super oily ya.
Untuk daya tahan sih gak bisa lama-lama ya. Aku pernah pake primer plus produk ini buat jalan di tempat ber-AC, dan sekitar 1 atau 2 jam udah retak. Terutama pas dibagian pinggiran hidung. Jadi memang bukan produk yang bisa dipake buat seharian penuh atau berpanas-panasan.
This product is a benefit for those who doesn't have many skin problems to be covered. Also, because of its dewy or glowing effect, this may not be suitable for those with oily skin.
And I kinda regret its ambiguous product description, since it tricked many people. If this is a tinted moisturizer, so why does it have to be described as a BB Cream. I think I prefer the name a 'skin perfector'.
My take:
  • Moisturizes well
  • Yellow undertone, not too bright on me
  • Dewy finish
  • Comes only in one shade
  • Sheer coverage
  • This is a tinted moisturizer instead of a BB Cream
  • Smells like lemon essence
  • Poor staying power
  • Doesn't sticky
  • How much: about IDR 25K
  • Where to get this: Supermarket, minimarket, drugstore. Basically, it's everywhere.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Review: Missha M Perfect Cover BB Cream SPF42 PA+++ (Natural Beige/23)

To buy or not to buy this, has been a confusing question for several months, but finally I got my hands on this what-so-called the best oil control BB cream ever.
Well, let's see.

The product I bought was its 20 ml which was travel size. Also available in 50 ml size. I know it's a bit cheaper to buy its full size, but I already got several base makeup products in my drawer so I gotta be wiser spending my bank account. Please note: I only WANT this, instead of NEEDING it. If only they have a 5ml travel size (not share-in-jar), I would have purchased it.
Some of you would notice that its 50 ml tube size was a bit deflated as if the product has been used several times (although it wasn't true), but it didn't look like that with this 20 ml tube size.
What it claims:
MISSHA M Perfect Cover BB Cream offers a novel skincare concept with BB cream which lightens skin tone by healing visible wrinkles and blemishes with excellent skin-cover ability, and prevents skin aging thorugh effective whitening and anti-wrinkle properties.
Here are the shades of Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream, just for your reference:
  1. Milk Beige (No. 13)
  2. Light Beige (No. 21)
  3. Natural Beige (No. 23)
  4. Honey Beige (No. 27)
  5. Golden Beige (No. 31)
The shade I chose was No. 23 or Natural Beige. Actually I was a bit confused to choose between Natural Beige or Light Beige because after googling some review, I noticed their Natural Beige tone is a bit darker than any other BB cream shades with similar names. But I finally chose this one.
How to use:
Apply the desired amount on face using hands or a make makeup sponge.
Water(Aqua), Cyclomethicone, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Zinc Oxide, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Mineral Oil, Phenyl Trimethicone, Talc, Arbutin, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Dimethicone, Macadamia Ternifolia Seed Oil, Squalane, Adenosine, Cetyl PEG/PPG-10/1 Dimethicone, PEG-10 Dimethicone, Polyethylene, Beeswax(Cera Alba), Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, Caviar Extract, Algae Extract, Rosa Canina Fruit Oil, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Fagus Sylvatica Bud Extract, Ceramide 3, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Extract, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Sodium Hyaluronate, Sodium Chloride, Fragrance(Parfum), Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Disodium EDTA, Hydroxyisohexyl 3-Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Benzyl Salicylate, Hydroxycitronellal, Alpha-Isomethyl Ionone, Hexyl Cinnamal, Linalool, Citronellol

[+/-; Titanium Dioxide(CI 77891), Iron Oxides(CI 77491, CI 77492, CI 77499)]

The travel size has its unpractical cap, unlike its full size which is equppied with a pump.

Compared to some other BB creams I have, the shade is a bit more greyish. The consistency is not too thick nor too runny, and can be blended easily. I can smell a fresh and enjoyable scent, hard to explain it, but it sure is a unique and nice one.

Buat perbandingan warnanya, Natural Beige versi Missha ini lebih gelap dari Natural Beige punya Etude House Cotton Fit BB Cream.


Although the price is a bit expensive, I still don't expect the coverage will be as perfect as a foundation is. Turned out my expectation was pretty much true. I have some acne scars and sun damages, spider veins, etc on my face and they are nicely covered but still visible. But once I set it with a face powder, then BAM! I look flawless right away and my skin tone looks fairer. Unfortunately, the dark circles have to be covered twice or three times before I achieve its most flawless result.
As I said before, the cream itself is a bit more grey than any other BB creams I've tried, so this suits best with a fair complexion with pink undertone. On me, it looked greyish and pale but once I set it with face powder, it neutralized the tone in an instant. So unlike some other BB creams that can be wore alone without a face powder, I can't do the same thing with this one. Maybe I have to mix it with darker foundation or so, but I haven't got the formula just yet.
Talking about its good oil control and my normal-oily skin type, it doesn't work that way on me. I wore this alone with a face powder, for outdoor occassion, and in 3 hours my face look more greasy than usual. Even my Pond's Flawless White BB+ has better oil control than this (with cheaper price). I think this kind of reaction is reasonable considering its high consistency of SPF and PA. The higher the SPF and PA, the more oily it become.
For extra oil control, I hate using blotting papers, instead, I spritz a small amount of Evian face spray after applying face powder and that works pretty well. I once tried to apply Revlon Photoready Perfecting Primer beneath it, yes it gave a good oil control but also made my face look like a dead person, soooo white and pale.
Considering its mineral oil (and parabens) consistency, those who have prones to those might find some issues towards this product, but fortunately my skin have no negative reaction whatsoever.
  • Moisturizes
  • Glowing/dewy finishing
  • Low oil control (Yes, low! On me!)
  • The tone is more grey than most bb creams I found
  • SPF42 PA+++
  • Medium coverage
  • Medium longevity
  • How much: IDR 120K (USD 10) for 20 ml, and IDR 210K (USD 19) for 50 ml. But it really depends on the sellers. I purchased this from
2.89 out of 5


Friday, August 22, 2014

Review: Pond's Flawless White BB+

Hi guys!

This BB Cream produced by Unilever was launched, like, years ago. There are two types: Age Miracle (review here) and this one, the Flawless White.

I am not a fan of makeup product with whitening effect, and been using Pond's Age Miracle BB Cream for the past 3 years. But this one was produced by a giant manufacturer, so I think I'll give this a go. Reading some reviews, this one also have more coverage than the Age Miracle one.

Actually, I bought the travel size first before trying a full size. It contained 8gr with a pretty high price for a very small amount (about IDR 20-30K). I decided to buy a full size since I'm quite pleased with the result.



Exactly the same like it's sister, the packaging has the same tube shape, made of a thick shinny plastic and silver cap. Except for the color, of course. This one is pink.

There's a round tape securing the cap, making sure this product hasn't been used yet if the tape is not wrinkled. 

Nice packaging but the cap, urgh... it's not very practical. They should have come in a flip-cap. Hello...

The SPF 30 PA++ was claimed on the packaging, means this gives you protection against both UVA and UVB neg effect.

Other claim:
GenActiv Cover Formula, formulated to cover dark spots instantly. Also contain skin lightening complex, depressing the growth of melanine to make your face appear lighter.

That was not exactly what the product said, though, but more or less. I tried my best to translate it >_<

Talking about the shade variant, I always find the Light one, never in my entire shopping experience I ever found any other shade than this. I checked their official website and there was no information about this. So this one is still a mistery for me. I assumed there are some more shades, or else, why on earth would they put the word LIGHT on the first place?

The pointy tip of the tube making sure you don't spill the product too much. 

The ingredietns. About 80% of these were also contained in Pond's Age Miracle BB+ and there is no paraben.



The shade is pretty light, best for fair complexion, and it has greyish undertone. The cream itself is not thick nor light and can be blended easily. There's a nice fragrant which doesn't very disturbing, at least for me.

My hand is the darkest part of my body and covered with small freckles, which are covered pretty well when I applied this on my hand with just one layer, however, this is not able to cover my dark spots, acne scars, and spider veins entirely. Especially on my heavy dark circles around the eye areas. I need about two or three layers to get the best cover, but once it's done, you'll get a flawless and smooth result.

An example on my face:

I don't know why but many reviews I read about this told me the formula was a bit dissapointing. But I've been using this for about six months and I love it. Well, the coverage like I told you before is not very high but my skin reacted pretty well. I use this mostly for daily activities and don't need such product with high coverage whatsoever. I even like this more than my previous holy grail BB Cream which is Pond's Age Miracle BB+. The finishing was dewy or glowing, so beware if you have very oily skin since this might not work well on you. And sometimes, the SPF on the ingredient can give you that white cast appearence when photographed with a camera flash, make your face appear fairer than your neck, but since I use hijab, that wouldn't be a problem. Again, hijab benefit. LOLs.

I usually apply this one thin layer on my entire face and double layer on my eyebags, then set it with the remaining powder left on my powder brush (I don't dab the brush to the powder pan), and so far with that way I can make my base makeup stay for 6 hours without looking cakey but still flawless. And, yeah, I do love the dewy effect this cream created. Although, to be honest, the whitening effect it claimed doesn't seem to have a significant effect on me.


My take:
Low to medium coverage
Perfect for daily use
Dewy/glowing finishing
Best for normal to oily skin type
Grey undertone, works best for pink and fair complexion
White cast appearence
Moisturize my skin
IDR 80-90K for 25 gr (about USD 8)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Review: Pond's Age Miracle BB Cream--My Drugstore BB Cream

A holy grail cosmetic for me must be come in reasonable price, and easily bought in a convenience store or a traditional market which are only 50 meters away from my house XD. Hahaha. Going to a department store is such a hassle for me because my son is not the one you can easily tame :D (emak2 rempong)

So my choice was decided on this Pond's BB Cream since it's widely store-sold with reasonable price. To be honest, when I first bought this red babe, I didn't know what a BB cream was. I thought it was an anti ageing day cream and surprised when it could even out my skin tone. And for a year later, I found out BB cream was actually wore as a foundation. Hehehehehe. This also happens years ago in hi school. I always ate at the same food court every day for almost 3 consecutive years. I just found out the second food court just a few months before graduating. Earth calling....
Maybe that was the reason I had no boyfriend back then (sigh).

This tube comes in a red nuance just like any other Pond's product under their anti-ageing series. The cap, oh the cap, I hate it. Why many manufacturers still produce this kind of cap? It's not practical at all. Flip cap please...?

And as for the shade, mine is Light. I don't know how many shade they launched, but this is the only one I find in stores. Even on their official website, the shade only comes in Light. No other. 

This BB cream has a sister though and it comes in Pond's Flawless White series. I tried it as well and will make the review soon!

The ingredients:

Wait.... No Paraben? I mean, really????

This is the application on my hand.

The coverage is kinda low-medium, low oil control, and medium staying power. My nose will get shinny after about 2 hours. You have to dab extra face primer before applying this cream for longer staying power. 

Sounds bad enough for you? No. On the contrary, for me this is the best BB cream ever!

A good BB cream for me doesn't have to be on the highest rank of staying power, oil control or whatsoever. Retouch your makeup once it runs out. Apply next layer if it has low coverage. It's all about tricks. But your skin reaction towards it is the most important aspect when choosing a cosmetic. No trick can be done here. And for the last 3 years since I have been using this, my skin reacts well. No purging reaction, like acnes, dark spots, red spots, etc. So I thinkI must say that I have found my holy grail BB cream! Yeay!

Okay, move on to the verdicts:
  • Easily store-bought
  • Matte finish
  • Only comes in one shade (maybe)
  • Low to medium coverage
  • Medium staying power
  • Low oil control
  • SPF 30 PA++ for UVA and UVB protection
  • Best for normal to dry skin type.
  • Price: around IDR90K, I forgot -_- (USD 10)
Buy it again? Of course!

That's all for now. I love reading any comments or suggestion. Please don't be hesitate! ^^

Note: Written based on my experience. Skin reactions my vary to others.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Review: Etude House Precious Mineral BB Cream Cotton Fit (Natural BeigeW13)

This Korean BB cream is perhaps a legend in asian BB cream history. This, and her sister--the Bright Fit serries--has become the most reviewed BB cream ever in asia. So I think a beauty blog is not complete without an article reviewing this baby hahaha, as for I am pretty curiuos why this cream has an enormous fame amongst all.

Doing some research, the difference between Bright Fit and Cotton Fit serries is the finishing result. Bright Fit for dewy result--definitely for dry skin type, and the other one for matte result, best for oily skin. Since I'm in love in matte finishing, so I chose the Cotton Fit series. My skin will look dewy after a few hours anyhow, thanks to my natural facial oil hahahaha.

This BB cream was bottled in a matte white tube embossed with blue letters and a big golden BB cream logo in the middle. The purplish blue cap comes in a pump shape which I adore since it's more hygienic.

This BB cream was actually launched in three shades:

N02 : light beige
W13  : natural beige
W24 : honey beige

Honey beige is perhaps the more suitable color for most Indonesian, altho' I think it would still look too fair.

Since my complexion usually works best with natural beige shade, so I chose shade W13. Comfort zone alert  ^_^

And this is the ingredients.

This is the result when I dabbed it on my hand:

I took these pictures with no filter, and to be honest I have a lot of scars on my hand. Cooking, fighting, gardening, fighting, fighting, fighting, etc. LOL. I put this cream to cover the scar my kid gave me months ago :) and as you can see on the bottom picture that this product gave me a pretty good coverage for quite a deep scar like that.

When I apply this on my face I was astonished by the result since it gave me the highest level of coverage compared to other BB creams I tried before. I only have to apply this once, and one layer is enough to cover all the dark and red spots on my face, I didn't think I have to put on some more eye concealer to cover my raccoon eyes. Amazing.

I stayed late quite often at night and that gave me a pretty heavy dark circles around my eyes. Again, these photos were taken with NO filter, and the AFTER picture on the right was me wearing merely the BB cream itself and those dark circles were just like... almost never there. 

I would definitely recommend this BB cream for you, oily skin type owners due to its matte finishing. For best matte result I suggest you to apply your favourite cake or loose powder after applying this cream. But if you want a more natural and dewy result, just leave the powder behind, and put on your cream blusher (or face tint) on your cheek bones. I know it is actually matte finishing, but your natural facial oil will slowly change the look from matte to dewy if you don't apply your powder afterwards.

Here's my conclusion:
Matte finishing
Good coverage
Best result on fair skin complexion :(
Best result for oily skin type
Good staying power
Don't break out
Pretty generous contain (60 g)
Price: IDR 165k in olshoppes and IDR 450K in official counters
(Approx. USD 17 or USD 45)

Hope you find this review resourceful enough. Don't hesitate to give any comment or suggestion. ^_^

Hi, I just want to give a review after using this cream for about 2 months, it gives me acnes. Everytime I use this, then the day after, an acne always come out. I don't know what's wrong. I mean, I always utterly doing my cleansing routines after each usage, that is makeup remover, cleansing milk, face wash, rinse with water for about 5 minutes, and face toner. But there's always an acne emergence afterwards. What a let down since this BB cream has a very good coverage and staying power. Compared to Tony Moly Luminous Aura BB cream and my HG Pond's Age Miracle, my skin reacts way better to those. 

Note: this is truly my experience and the result may vary to each individual.

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