Showing posts with label blusher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blusher. Show all posts

Monday, May 13, 2019

Review: Jafra Long Wear Crème Blush in Cashmere Peony


Waktu foto-foto Jafra Long Wear Crème Blush ini gue sebenernya rada ngga niat. Niat sih, tapi cuma setengah hati. Makanya foto produk kali ini rada minimalis gitu deh, nggak banyak printilan. Angle-nya juga salah banget. Soalnya emang gue kaga niat mau review. Gue beli ini cuma karena kepengen punya cream blush, dan hasil dari racun beauty vlogger/blogger, si Jafra Long Wear Crème Blush ini paling banyak yang rekomen. Setelah gue pake selama beberapa bulan, ternyata gue suka dan jadi pengeeeen banget share hasil reviewnya. Tapi pas mau difoto ulang, bentuknya udah dekil gitu, udah boncel-boncel, kotaknya juga udah gue buang. Yaelah.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Unboxing: Socobox (Brunbrun Paris First Impression and Mini Review)

Sudah pernah denger merk kosmetik dan skincare Brunbrun Paris? Beberapa waktu lalu saya sempat dikirimkan Socobox dari berisi beberapa set skincare dan kosmetik dari Brunbrun Paris.

Sempet saya search di internet tentang merk ini. Dugaan bahwa merk ini berasal dari Perancis, ternyata salah besar. Terus kenapa harus dikasi embel-embel nama Paris? Entahlah, tapi yang jelas brand ini masih berada satu naungan dengan perusahaan direct selling Sophie Paris Indonesia, atau dulu dikenal dengan nama Sophie Martin. Bedanya dengan Sophie Paris, Brunbrun Paris ditargetkan untuk kalangan yang lebih muda, jadi harganya juga lebih relatif terjangkau. Brunbrun Paris juga memiliki outlet di beberapa mall besar, beda dengan Sophie Paris yang lebih ke direct selling.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Review: Mustika Ratu Amuspa Buketan Series -- Lipstick & Blusher

Mustika Ratu is one of many Indonesian leading cosmetic brands, one of the oldest, ranges from makeup, skin care, body care, slimming products, to bath and spa needs. Here I would like to review their lipstick and blusher from Amuspa Buketan series, part of the makeup trend launched in 2012. FYI, that series was dominated with baby pink and soft purple shades, my kinda colors.

Let's check out their performances, shall we?


Their blusher series come in two shades, pink and teracota. I chose the pink one since teracota would only make my face look clownish.

The packaging is made of transparent and golden plastic, kinda cute actually, equipped with mirror and a brush with similar color. So far I love the packaging, it doesn't look cheap at all.

And to tell you the truth, this blusher is actually very small, only 3.2 gr. So if you're kinda big spender person who would use this everyday, you'll find the content is pretty cheapskate for IDR 42K. The brush for me is not very useful, it's so skinny, so I prefer using my own brush. How can I use a blusher with skinny brush?

The shade is baby pink. The picture above is the real color in reality. At first I kinda doubt it will show off, but I was wrong. The shade comes in a pretty pink color on my face, but only if you use foundation or BB cream first.


The Amuspa Buketan lipstick comes only in two shades: purple and pink. Mine is purple.

Similar to the blusher, the lipstick packaging comes in a beautiful golden tube. The purple shade here is not the kind of purple I was looking for, but it's a safe color. The one you'd call pink undertone purple or pinkish purple. The price was around IDR 35K.

What I don't like from this lipstick is the smell. It smells like candy the first time you open the tube, but once you apply it on your lips, it doesn't smell very good. How should I explain it? Ever used Dior Addict lipstick before? It's pretty similar.

This lipstick gives you creamy effect, doesn't dry your lips, and the staying power is medium. The pigmentation is the least thing I like, very very poor. I had to apply several times before achieving an opaque shade like this:

This is the color swatch on my inner hand with indoor lighting.

1. Lipstick swatch
2. Blusher swatch


Nice packaging & travel size friendly
That's why the nett weight is only 3.2 gr
Price: IDR 42K, may vary
The brush is too small, not very usable
Matte effect
Medium pigmentation
Medium staying power
Pretty baby pink shade

Nice packaging
Pink undertone purple
Bad smell
Poor pigmentation
Creamy effect
Medium staying power
Price: IDR 35K, may vary

No. They come in pretty colors and cheap price but I can get so much better quality from other local brands compare to this, even with cheaper price. This is the first time I ever use their makeup line and to be honest I kinda dissapointed by the quality. Well, that's my own opinion. I use their cleansing milk and face toner tho' and I like them, but the cosmetics? Big no no for me.

What about you?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Review: Revlon Powder Blush in Pink Peony No. 17

Aku inget banget, selama 11 bulan ngeblog baru dua kali review blusher. Hehehe. Jadi ini akan menjadi post ketiga ku tentang blusher. Dikit yaaa, iyaa aku bukan penggemar blusher.
Sebetulnya juga ini post udah lama aku buat fotonya, draft juga udah berbulan-bulan lamanya ngendon di blog, cuma diabaikan mulu. Tapi ya sudahlah, daripada mubazir, yah udah publish aja deh. Hehehehe.
Ini penampakan kemasannya. Well, aku gak tau nama blusher Revlon itu apa-apa aja. Yang jelas setahuku dia puya dua jenis blusher, yang mahalan, dan yang agak murah dikit. Gak tau apa bedanya, tapi yang jelas kemasannya beda banget. Kalo yang murah kemasannya lebih tebel dan warnanya cuma item doang. Kalo yang agak mahalan yaaa seperti yang aku mau review ini. Cieee yang punya mahalaan, cieee...

My shade is Pink Peony No. 17.
Duluuuu banget minta sama BA-nya Revlon, aku mau blusher yang ada rona pink tapi gak ngepink banget. Terus dia langsung nunjuk yang ini. Dan aku akuin kalo menurutku gak ada warna lain dari blusher Revlon bernuansa pink yang sreg di aku selain ini.

Kalo dibuka seperti inilah penampakannya. Kemasannya ini tipis banget, dan ada cermin kecilnya plus kuas. Elegan dan simpel deh. Lebih praktis yang ini ketimbang kemasan sebelumnya yang harus dipencet-pencet dulu supaya cerminnya keluar. Iya bener, kemasannya yang dulu kayak gitu. Hehehe. Oke oke aku ngaku, udah hampir 10 taun aku pake blusher Revlon dengan shade Pink Peony. Beli merk atau shade lain, ujung-ujungnya nyesel doang.
Ketika baru beli, kuasnya ini ditutup dengan plastik tipis. Kuasnya itu lembut banget, enak dipake. Lebih soft dari kuas blusher Revlon murah yang aku sebut pertama tadi. Sayangnya aku kurang sreg pake kuas model pipih buat blusher, lebih suka yang bulat karena aku make blush dengan cara diputer-puter. Kuas model begini cocok banget kalo kamu suka pake blush dengan gaya memanjang.
Seperti ini shade Pink Peony. Warnanya pink dengan nuansa peach. Cocok buat yang berkulit putih atau kuning.

Sayangnya blusher ini agak keras, teksturnya juga powdery. So kalo cuma digosok-gosok pake tangan berkali-kali, warnanya susah keluar. Harus pake kuasnya, itupun tetep harus diusap berkali-kali supaya warnanya keliatan. Well, ada untungnya sih blusher model gini. Karena gak terlalu pigmented jadi gak usah khawatir pipimu kemerahan.
Seperti ini shade-nya kalo di swatch di kulit. Warnanya soft banget. Nuansanya lebih ke peach. Pokokna favorit banget deh sama Pink Peony ini. Bikin muka langsung fresh seketika tanpa membuat keliatan seperti abis ditampar ama bini muda.
Kalo soal ngomongin daya tahan... hmmm biasa aja sih. Medium lah. Kalo aku pake bepergian tanpa wudhu sih bisa bertahan sampe 6 jam lamanya. Pake wudhu pun masih tahan lah, gak pudar-pudar amat. Beda halnya kalo keringetan ya, karena dulu jaman kuliah pas aku pake ini ya cepet luntur. Kan kuliah keringetan hehehe.
Oke, ini kesimpulan yang bisa kita tarik dari bahasan kali ini:
  • Warna Pink Peony adalah pink dengan nuansa peach
  • Pan-nya agak keras
  • Kemasannya tipis dan praktis
  • Kurang pigmented
  • Daya tahan medium
  • Harga sekitar IDR 60K
Hmmm, apa lagi ya? Itu aja deh.
Tapi sebelom kita berpisah kali ini, aku iseng ah mau share beberapa makeup look yang pernah aku bikin menggunakan produk ini.



Yang ini rada spesial, soalnya aku suka bikin eye makeup sehari-hari menggunakan blusher ini. Asli jadinya unyu banget!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Review: Sariayu Marshmallow Creamy Blush On

I was looking for a cream blusher when I found out that Sariayu--a local Indonesian cosmetic line--just launched one in 2014. I was eager to try it out. Let's say, if your local brand has it, why try others?


Because I'm lazy to go outside, I bought it from its official online store which costed me around IDR 50K (USD 5). And that blusher arrived inside this beautifully painted white box:

First I thought, whoa, the box is pretty bulky.

But when I opened it, I was like... say whaaaaat?  
The treasure hidden inside that beautiful white box was a super duper mini tiny plastic transparent jar which I pressumed as the blusher itself.
The jar somehow reminds me of The Body Shop lip balm series, so I took it as a comparison to show you how tiny this blusher is. TBS lip balm even has more generous content. 6gr vs 8.5 gr.

The ingredients:

This texture is pretty solid for a cream blusher.

It only comes in one shade, thus I would assume this reddish orangey shade is suitable for any kinds of skin tone. No weird smell, in case you're wondering.

Here's the swatch on my inner hand which has similar skin tone with my cheek.
Above picture is a raw swatch and below is after I blend it. It's not the pinkish shade you look for, more of a pretty red/orange shade that's suitable for most Indonesian complexion.
I've been using this for about a month, and the staying power is actually pretty good compared to my Revlon powder blush. I would suggest you to apply this between foundation and face powder application for a matte result. Or apply this after foundation without face powder for glowy result.
The formula is like this:
  • Foundation/BB Cream - blusher - face powder => matte result
  • Foundation/BB cream - blusher => glowy result
Okay, move on to verdicts:
  • Super tiny content (only 6 gr)
  • So the price of IDR 50K is a bit pricey for me
  • No weird smell. Instead, it has no smell at all
  • Solid cream formula
  • Matte result
  • Reddish/orangey shade
  • Medium staying power
That's all for now. Anyone tried this cream blusher before? Please tell me what you think. Until then! ^_____^


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