Showing posts with label The Body Shop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Body Shop. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Review: The Body Shop Drops of Light Pure Resurfacing Liquid Peel

This review will be written in Indonesian language. A brief English review is written at the end of this post.


Peeling itu udah jadi salah satu perawatan wajah gue selama kurang lebih 5 tahun belakangan ini, ya pokoknya selama gue baru ngerti lah urusan merawat kulit. Tadinya mah boro-boro, sabun buat cebok ama muka aja gue samain. Ih jorok. 

Liquid peel ini gue iseng nyoba karena hayati sudah agak lelah dengan peeling model scrub. Sealus-alusnya scrub, tetep aja bikin muka berasa diparut. Jadi pas tau kalo The Body Shop (TBS) punya produk sejenis ini langsung gue beli. 

Ada dua jenis varian dari liquid peel keluaran TBS, yaitu Drops of Youth yang botol hijau, sama Drops of Light yang seperti gue punya. Kalo dari nama sih udah bisa ketebak fungsi kedua produk ini secara garis besar: Yang satu bikin kulit keliatan 'mudaan', yang satu lagi bikin muka keliatan cerahan.


Design kemasan produk ini simpel aja, ga banyak cingcong. Botolnya berwarna putih susu dari plastik dan dilengkapi dengan pump yang cakep. Gue bilang cakep di sini karena selain dia berfungsi dengan baik, juga ada kuncinya yang bisa diputer, jadi kalo dimasukin di pouch ga bakal takut kepencet. Produk ini sendiri mengklaim selain dapat mengangkat sel kulit mati juga bisa membantu mencerahkan tone kulit sejak pemakaian pertama. 



Tekstur produk ini adalah gel yang agak encer warna putih susu. Baunya seger, ga terlalu menyengat. Gue sih cukup keluarin satu kali pump, segitu udah cukup kok dipake semuka. Gue sih gak mau terlalu banyak makenya, mahal soalnya. Sesuai namanya (gel-to-peel) pada saat digosokin ke muka langsung keluar butiran-butiran kulit mati kita. Tadinya gue curiga, takutnya itu bukan butiran kulit mati beneran, yaaa semacem marketing gimmick aja. Mungkin aja itu sisa produknya sendiri. Tapi gue pernah cobain di permukaan meja, and nothing happens! Ga ada satupun butiran yang dihasilkan!


Gue pake produk ini setelah membersihkan wajah dengan pembersih wajah (boleh micellar water, makeup remover, atau produk sejenis lainnya), baru gue melakukan peeling dengan produk ini. Gosok-gosok aja sebentar sampe dirasa cukup banyak butiran yang keluar, hindari daerah mata ya. Baru gue bersihin muka pake sabun. Biasanya gue akan lanjut membersihkan muka dengan facial foam baru disambung lagi pake masker. Setelah masker kering, bilas, baru deh pake toner dan pelembab. Ribet? Emang.

So far setelah memakai produk ini kurang lebih sebulan, terasa banget kulit muka jadi lebih halus, lebih licin. Trus yah kalo misalnya gue skip sehari atau dua hari aja ga peeling, pas peeling lagi butiran kulit mati yang keluar jadi lebih banyak. Tapi untuk efek mencerahkannya di gue gak terlalu berasa. Pokoknya muka gue masih gini-gini aja, Mungkin karena masih sebulan? I don't know. Yang jelas gue sih pengen flawless banget kayak artis Korea, asal kulit gue alus aja, udah Alhamdulillah. Oh iya, yang bikin gue suka juga, gue gak mengalami purging sama sekali dari awal pemakaian.

Produk ini dijual dengan harga retail resmi Rp. 379.000 untuk isi 150 ml. Karena harga segitu lumayan mehong, gue juga lagi nyari beberapa alternatif yang agak lebih murah. Tapi kalo yang murah ga gitu ngefek banget, ya terpaksa balik lagi beli TBS ini.


The Body Shop Drops of Light Liquid Peel is a gel-to-peel exfoliator. This line of product claims to be one of the skin brightening regime suitable for sensitive skin. It has a gel texture with a nice fragrant. I massage a pump of this product to my whole face area, avoiding the eye skin area, and the dead skin will begin forming white clumps. I rinse it off with water and in an instant I left with noticeably smooth and softer skin. And as for the brightening effect, I don't feel it has the effect on me, at least until now. 
Using a peeling gel is an easier way for me rather than using a scrub exfoliator since it feels a lot more comfortable.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Review: The Body Shop Lip & Cheek Stain

Lip tints are in right now, and those gradient lips style was like all over the place, it makes me kinda sick sometimes hahaha. Well, I have to admit that I'm not really into it because that look makes me look pale. But that's not the reason for me of not wanting a lip tint. 

For those of you who wants to try out a lip tint manufactured by a brand outside the booming Korea, you'd better try this.

I have been using this product for about a year, probably when they first launched it, it was on sale. The actual price was around IDR 160K or 170K, pretty expensive for me tho, but I was curious. My first lip stain was produced by Sugar Baby, I had a hard time looking for it once the product was run out because I thought the brand was discontinued in Indonesia, so I thought this one will be an equal substitute. And yeah... This is the only lip tint I have. At the moment, at least.

I think this only comes in one shade, the one you'd call vampy red.

The brush looks similar like the usual brushes for lip gloss. Very familiar.

The formula is watery, so this might be a problem for dry lips. It has a sweet scent of a fruit, maybe it's strawberry or IDK, it's very fruity LOL. It even tastes good when you lick it. But please don't eat this. It's a cosmetic, not a food.

The color may look vampy on the bottle, or once you tap this on you lips/cheek, but remember that you'll have to spread the liquid, and once you did, the color will look more natural. 

Judging from the name, this can be applied on both cheek and lips, but to be honest I barely put this on my cheek since it's a bit tricky to spread it perfectly and the color will fade away very quickly. Besides, putting this on your cheek will consume a large amount of the product, so I prefer my powder blusher instead.

This is what it looked like on my lips. And no... I didn't use this for gradient lips look LOL. I spread this to all over my lips instead, with my finger tips and added petroleum jelly on top of it. I love this, it gives me natural healthy looking lips. 

Here are a few tips when using this:
  • Dab a few spots on your lips/cheek using the applicator and spread them with your finger tips, do not rub. Just dab it.
  • For dry lips, use this first, let it absorb for a while then use your favorite chap stick or lip balm. I once tried wearing lip balm first before applying this, and the result wasn't blended perfectly. Remember the water-oil formula?
  • For gradient look, well... You know how LOL. I shouldn't explain any more further.

Okay, let's gather some facts about this reddish babe:
  • Only comes in one shade I suppose
  • Fruity scent and sweet taste, but it's not edible XD
  • Matte result
  • Perfect for 'no makeup' look
  • Very low staying power on the cheeks
  • Great staying power on your lips
  • Watery formula. Dry lips, beware!
  • Price: IDR 170K (USD 17)

Are those pros or cons? You decide!

Will I buy it again? Well, perhaps. This product gives a great effect on me although it makes my lips dry. But the shade is just purrrfect.

Orright, thanks for reading. Hope this article is useful for you. Any comments or suggestions are very welcome ^^

Note: result may vary to others.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Review: The Body Shop Tea Tree Pore Minimiser

The name of this product is kinda odd, yet obvious, for me. The 'booth babe' told me this product would give a tremendous effect on reducing the appearance of your pores. Well, for me, that function kinda impossible. Reducing the look will only work if you use a lot of foundation and cake powder. But curiosity beat me. So after reading a lot of good reviews, I decided to buy this from their official online store. It was on sale! Sorry, booth babe! LOL. Please note that TBS only sell their products on the official counters and official online store. They won't guarantee the authenticity if you buy this from other sources.

I don't have problem with that shinny greasy face but this flat nose of mine--and still fully functioned as a breathing tool Alhamdulillah--does. And my forehead as well, which I usually wiped with my clothes tissue. Hehehe...

This is what the product looks like:

The packaging comes in green shade, TBS style, but I think the tube cap would have been better if it comes in pop-up style.

What comes outta the bottle was something non-sticky yellowish kinda cream with unique smell.

I've read some reviews that this has very awful smell which I didn't agree since I found it very refreshing. When you apply this to your face you'll feel a cool sensation on your skin so be careful when dabbing this near you eye area.

And one of the most important aspects, the ingredients. Hope you can read this clearly. Please reconsider purchasing/using if you are allergic to one of these:

Tea tree is commonly used as an antiseptic and I find this ingredient in many acne treatment products.
I apply this to all over my face and a more generous amount on the nose since it has the heaviest oil excess and I think it does a wonderful job on mattifying your skin. Usually, my nose gets shinny after half an hour in outdoor activity and 2 hours in indoor activity, but after I use this, the matte look spanned to 6 hours in outdoor. No touch up! Matte nose alert. LOL. I'm so happy I find this! 

Here's a few tips from me:
  • This product will do wonderful job on blemishes skin 
  • For those of you with dry skin problems, this will do no good for you 
  • For combination skin types, use this only on oil excess parts
  • I use this on my oily eyelids to make my eyeliner stay longer, but please do it very carefully
  • For best result, apply oil-free sunscreen and oil-free moisturizer BEFORE using this. The order is: SPF cream - moisturizer - TBS tea tree pore minimiser - foundation/BB cream
  • After applying this, do not dab your foundation/BB cream too hard with your fingers since the dried cream of this product will fall off

And so far, here's my verdicts:
  • Non sticky formula
  • Expensive (IDR 219K or USD 20 for 30 ml???)
  • Strong smell of tea tree (some of you might be annoyed by this)
  • Good oil control
  • Not for dry skin
  • The cream is too thick, you have to squeeze quite a lot to get enough
  • The dried cream will fall off if you dab your foundie too hard
  • Cool/mint sensation on your skin

Will I repurchase? Maybe... If I haven't found a cheaper product with equal effect yet!

Note: I use this on my normal-oily combination skin type. Results may vary to others.

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