Showing posts with label Softlens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Softlens. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Review: Princess Universe Soft Lenses (Mars)

Okee dawkee...

So it's gonne be my second chance to review softlenses from Princess Universe. I wrote about these in different color (click here). For me Princess Universe Soft Lenses answer my need in terms of their wide range of power and super bright colors.

The packaging is not my favourite though. Princess Universe Softlenses has their products packed in a bottle. So hard to open. But I wrote about how to open this kind of packaging. Check it out here.

 Princess Universe Soft Lenses cost me about IDR 130-140K (I forgot) and available in many online stores.

  • Manufacturer: Princess
  • Country: Korea
  • Dia: 15.00 mm
  • Water contain: 52%
  • Life span: 12 months
  • Power: plano to -15.00

Color system:

As I told you before, my favorite thing about Princess Universe Soft Lenses is their power which is available up to -15.00, super bright colors, and more importanly: the diameter is not too big.

The variant I bought was Mars, or red. For those of you who loves pretty patterns on your softlenses, you might reconsider purchasing this since they don't really have great one. Just some red shades blotted onto a piece of soft lens with thick black outter ring. But I really don't care, as long as I can have colored lenses, comfortbale to wear, and non-blurry vision.

Pardon my bald eyebrows here. As you can see, this softlens doesn't have that extra eye-enlarging effect. It sure is make your eyeballs look bigger, but not in an overwhelming kind of way. What I don't like is the black outter ring, it seems like it made my eyes absolutely look fake, if only it doesn't exist, then this softlens might have been perfect.

Some eye makeup I used along with this softlens:

Cut crease, literally.
I have made the tutorial of how to create this bloody eyes, check it out here.

My anime eyes.

I don't have any problem at all wearing this on daily basis because, although it's red, but the shade is not too bright and still looks wearable. At least they won't make you look too scary or something. When people pass you by, nobody would seem to notice your red eyes, unless if they look closely to your face.

But here's what I gotta say. This variant has lower level of comfort compared to my previous one in the pink shade (Andromeda). The same thing happened when I tried their brown shade. I don't know how this could happen. I mean, the same type SHOULD have the same comfort lavel, right? Anyone has a clue?

Well, however, compared to other colored softlenses, Princess Universe Soft Lenses are more comfortbale than any other colored lenses, at least for me. But I still won't recommend you to wear these kind softlenses for more than 6 hours of usage. If you have to do that, wear a clear one. Much comfortable, and a lot safer.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Review: Eye Candy Bulle Softlens (Blue Gray)

Buat kamu yang matanya minus, pernah gak sih berada dalam situasi di mana kacamata itu adalah sesuatu yang 'mustahil'? Misalnya kalo di pelaminan, atau pas lagi sky diving, atau pas lagi nari balet... yah kamu bisa bayangin sendiri kali ye. Nah, di situlah peran softlens diperlukan.
Aku termasuk doyan pake softlens, tapi kendalaku satu: minusku gede. Kalo lagi bosen pake softlens bening, pengen aja gitu pake yang berwarna. Tapi suka ngenes kalo mau beli, warna udah oke, motifnya keren, eh cuma ada plano, paling banter ada sampe -8.00 doang. Mana cukup??? Gak terlalu banyak varian softlens yang menyediakan minus di atas angka delapan, salah satunya adalah softlens merk Eye Candy ini nih.
Eye Candy Bulle ini sebetulnya keluaran Geo Softlens, salah satu produsen softlens ternama asal Korea. Jadi gak usah diragukan lagi kualitasnya atau khawatir kalo softlens ini abal-abal.

Softlens ini dikemas dalam botol kaca, stikernya berwarna pink. Aduh liat botolnya aja udah lucu banget deh.

Water content: 48%
Diameter: 15 mm
Minus: plano to -10.00
Life span: 6 months at maximum
And, for your info, softlens ini sudah menggunakan teknologi silicone hydrogel ya. Apakah itu? ya silakan google ajah, hihihi.

Untuk ukuran lens power-nya tertera di tutup botol bagian atas.

Motifnya seperti ini. Untuk Blue Gray ini, warna dasarnya adalah biru keabuan yang muda banget, ada warna kekuningan di bagian inner ring. Warna hitam di bagian outter ringnya berbentuk garis-garis terpisah, bukan garis solid sepert circled lens pada umumnya. Melihatnya sekilas, bisa dipastikan softlens ini tidak memberikan efek bola mata lebih besar.

It really gives you the 'bulle' look loh.

See? Tidak terlalu terlihat besar atau dolly banget kan? Tapi warnanya teraaang sekali, kalo boleh aku tambahin efek lebay, aku bisa bilang: mataku seolah dapat bersinar dalam kegelapan. (alah...). Cocok nih buat kamu yang gak terlalu suka efek bola mata yang besar. Sometimes kalo diameternya kegedean, aku suka serem sendiri liat mukaku, apalagi kalo softlensnya berwarna gelap. Jadi kayak apa ya... matanya singa laut mungkin. Hmmm...

Sekedar perbandingan dengan mata asliku. Gambar sebelah kiri adalah stok foto lama menggunakan softlens Softvue yang bening, jadi walau masih pake softlens tapi bisa dibilang itu bola mata asliku ya. Setelah pemakaian softlens, diameter bola mataku memang bertambah tapi gak beda jauh. Oh iya, ada lagi yang berubah drastis: warna mata. Hahahaha.

Tampilan mukaku juga jadi beda banget setelah pake ini, keliatan lebih apa ya... galak gitu, bahasa kerennya: fierce. Hihihi.
Menurutku softlens ini nyaman sekali. Yah, walaupun gak senyaman seperti kita memakai softlens bening sih, tapi di aku gak berasa ada yang ganjel atau kemerahan setelah memakainya. Warnanya juga terang banget, paling terang di anatara koleksi yang aku punya.
Singkat kata sih softlens ini cocok banget buat kamu yang kepengen mencari softlens terang, tapi nggak disarankan buat kamu yang ingin mencari efek dolly look dari sebuah softlens. Udah lama emang aku mencari tipe softlens seperti ini. Sempet dulu ngincer Diva Queenie, tapi cuma ada sampe -6.00. Oh ya, satu hal lagi, saking terangnya, warna blue gray ini cocok anget buat make up fantasi loh, terutama buat look yang rada serem. :D

Untuk mendapatkan info lebih lanjut mengenai softlens ini dan softlens lainnya, kamu bisa contact langsung ke sini. Btw, kalo buka situsnya, aku suka kalap liatin koleksinya hehehe.
FB Fanpage: mysoftlens
Instagram: mysoftlenscom

Hope you find this review resourceful, see you!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Review: Baby Color Candy Rainbow Softlens (Gray)

Dear all my friends,
I have been using colored softlenses a lot lately due to numbers of makeup experiments I did. I've been practicing a lot and wearing softlenses is a must, otherwise all I see is just blots of colors. The problem is, my eyes are very sensitive, so finding the right ones is quite challenging.

I usually wear softlenses from the Princess series due to their comfort, but I just want to try others: Baby Color Candy Rainbow.

The packaging is my favourite, blisters! They are easier to be undone and won't hurt my fingers. These babies are available from plano up to minus 10. I chose the maximum power.

There is a story behind the lens power I chose: minus 10.00. I'll tell you about that later on. 

There are four variants of these series: blue, pink, gray, and chocolate/honey. Mine is gray. The seller said gray was the brighest colors. You can google for yourself and find how beautiful each colors are!

Love the pattern. Although it's gray, but there are blots of yellow shade. And the black rings will absolutely makes your eyes look bigger.

Left: Outter side
Right: Inner side

Wore on my eyes. See? They appear much larger and lighter.

Wore on an EOTD experiment.

The whole face look.

 Soooo, this is why I chose minus 10.00. My actual diopter needs for softlens is only -9.00, but I also have Astigmatism -2.75. By doing some googling, a few source said that you can migrate your astigmatism power to your softlens minus power. For example, if you have -5.00 and astigmatism -1.00, so you can wear softlens with -6.00 power. This is, of course, to reduce the cost since toric softlenses are six times more expensive. But you know what, it's absolutely nonsense, at least for me. I still experience seeing blurry lines. Instead, the effect is worse, I see things even smaller than their actual sizes, so it kinda makes me a bit dizzy. And it is soooo hard to draw eyeliners. Mistakes are everywhere. Gah!

Other than the mistakes on the power I chose, I do not experience any problem at all by wearing these softlenses. My sensitive eyes usualy will show red circles around the eyeballs when I wore wrong softlenses, but it doesn't happen with these. I also use this for indoor activities in ACed rooms with no solution drop for more than 8 hours, and I don't even need Cendo Xitrol application afterwards.

How these babies look on your face (or how these makes your face look like, to be exact) is an appearence booster for about, 30% better I guess? LOLs. As you can see by the picture, the color is an absolute bright. Don't look for these if 'au naturel' is your cup of tea, my friends. Softlens ini spesifik dibuat untuk orang-orang dengan jiwa 'banci tampil' minimal 30% lah. Hehehe...

One thing I kinda doubt about these are the manufacturer, they said it's Korean. But you should check out their official page, and I'm pretty sure the language is not Korean.... Chinese perhaps? What do you think?

  • Manufacturer : Baby Color
  • Origin : Korea
  • Diameter: 19.80 mm
  • Water Content : 60%
  • Life spam : up to 12 months with maximum care
  • Color variant : gray, blue, pink, brown/honey
  • Power : -0.00 to 10.00
  • Bright color
  • Instant dolly effect
  • Very comfortable
  • Price : around IDR 150K (USD 15) in many softlenses online shops, but I don't know where to find these offline.

Last word?
Cintaaaa banget sama softlens ini ^_^
Tapi jangan beli minus ini lagi...

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Review: Princess Mint Softlenses (Purple)

I have multi colored softlenses. Usually I picked what to wear by closing my eyes and picked them randomly. If I'm lucky enough, I can wear the right color for the right occasion. But if I'm not, you can guess what happens next. You know... pink lenses on wedding, or boring brown for hanging out. Something like that.

These babes were bought months ago as supplies. Since some of my collections are expired already, so I think I'll open these.

One thing I hate from Princess softlens is the packaging. Sheesh.... I hope they were packed in blisters. I usually have a hard time opening them by cutting my fingers.

Unlike her sister (Princess Universe, review here), these softlenses have the power maxed to minus 8 only. My diopter numbers are actually a bit more than that. But just a little bit. It is a small problem for me, though. But I've been wanting this series so bad. I guess I'll wear this when I don't have to drive at night.

I bought purple... kyaaa! Anyway, they're available in other colors: pink, brown, grey, blue, and green.

The pattern in close up. Well, you can't actually call this a pattern... it's more like a purple pigment blotted to a softlen. So don't expect to much of it. The enlarging effect is medium since there is no dark ring either.

This series were inspired by the eyes of those cute Powerpuff Girls characters' eyes.

I have been wearing softlenses for about 10 years, and began wearing colored softlenses since 5 years ago. Since then I have tried many colored lenses and no brand can beat Acuvue regarding their comfort. And for me these Princess series are the second best after Acuvue. I wore these for more than 8 hours, no solution drop, and didn't hurt my eyes. Other brands usually would hurt and make my eyes red even after wearing them for just an hour. Or even when they were brand new ones or claimed especially made for sensitive eyes. >_<

At the first times you apply this, it may not feel comfortable so you have to rub more with solution drop or even adding one drop of liquid into the lense before putting them to your eyes. I always, always stumble upon the application, unlike other softlenses that would feel great right away. 

The result is semi-bright, so don't expect natural looking eyes when wearing these, although the bright look won't be as obvious as Princess Universe series are. At least, if you're looking for bright colored lenses without worrying to look like a cosplayer, these ones are great findings. Although... Yeah this purple color is an attention catcher, and I don't care at all what others might think. But if you do, please choose color more suitable to your personality.

Some safety tips from me regarding colored softlenses:
  1. For beginners, choose the smallest diameter. Usually it's 14.5 mm. The larger, the less comfortable they are.
  2. Wear them not more than 4 hours at first. You can continue if your eyes doesn't react negatively.
  3. Rinse the softlenses with water solution before and after each usage.
  4. Do not rinse your softlenses with tap water or any liquid other than solution water.
  5. Do not use different brand of solution water for one softlens.
  6. Use eyedrop for softlenses whenever you feel your eyes dried, not more than 2-3 times a day. Application more than that may be harmful to your eye system.
  7. Wear them before wearing your makeup and remove them before removing your makeup.
  8. Before wearing them, make sure your softlenses are not inside out. The correct side usually will bend like a perfect bowl, but the incorrect one will look like a plate with its point poking outside.
  9. Do not, do not, do not wear torn softlenses nor expired ones.
  10. Softlenses are to be used by you only. Do not lend nor borrow them!

  • Bad packaging, blisters are better though.
  • Poor patern.
  • Semi bright and unnatural look.
  • Medium enlarging effect (no dark ring).
  • Great comfort (at least for me).
  • Detailed spec:
    • Diameter : 15mm
    • Water Contain : 52%
    • Produced in : Korea
    • Life spam : up to 12 months, with max care.
  • Where to buy: various onlines stores.
  • How much: around IDR 150K (USD 16), price may vary.

Grades for these: 4.5 out of 5!

Examples on my eyes:

Left: with camera flash
Right: natural lighting

The whole face examples. Hope you can see it, i took it with camera phone in a moving car. Well, I never bring a camera along with me. Berat gitu looooh...

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