Showing posts with label facial spray. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facial spray. Show all posts

Friday, October 30, 2015

Review: Bioderma Hydrabio Brume


Beberapa waktu lalu gue menghadiri event Bioderma dalam rangka peluncuran perdana produk range Hydrabio di Indonesia. Sedikit informasi, Hydrabio adalah salah satu range produk Bioderma yang dikhususkan untuk kulit sensitif. Ada beberapa produk yang berada di bawah naungan Hydrabio ini yaitu, milk clenaser, toner, face cleanser, facial spray, dan dua jenis pelembab untuk kulit kering dan kombinasi. Tapi yang mau saya review kali ini adalah facial spray-nya atau yang lebih spesifik disebut dengan Bioderma Hydrabio Brume. Cieeh elah, resmi banget bahasa gue.


Bioderma Hydrabio Brume ini dikemas dalam botol aerosol bernuansa putih biru, seperti halnya produk Hydrabio lainnya.


Botol aerosol ini memiliki pump yang bagus, tidak seperti botol spray biasa. Jadi bisa dipastikan produk yang dikeluarkan akan menyebar secara merata dengan mudah. Cukup tekan sedikit saja pump-nya, produk akan langsung keluar banyak. Ga usah napsu mencetnya. Jangan lupa kasi jarak sekitar satu jengkal antara wajah dan spray. Oh ya, karena jangkauan semprotnya yang cukup lebar, kerah baju bakal agak basah sedikit. Tapi jangan kuatir, cepet keringnya kok. Produk ini juga tidak memiliki bau sama sekali.




Mungkin banyak yang belom familiar dengan yang namanya facial spray (dan saya juga yakin kalo banyak juga yang udah tau kok hehehe). Fungsinya apa sih? Banyak. Awalnya gue juga mikir, kurang kerjan amat semprot-semprot muka pake beli aer botolan segala, tinggal cuci muka atau ambil wudhu aja langsung beres.

Selain fungsinya untuk menyegarkan dan melembabkan, Bioderma Hydrabio Brume ini juga diklaim bisa meredakan rasa terbakar pada kulit yang teriritasi ringan (seperti sunburn, razor burn, habis peeling, etc). Terus terang kalo soal klaim ini saya belom pernah nyoba, karena hingga saat ini saya belom mengalami iritasi apapun (amit-amit sih...). Selain itu, Bioderma Hydrabio Brume juga diklaim aman untuk semua usia, termasuk bayi. 

Kalo gue, kalo gue nih, menggunakan Bioderma Hydrabio Brume ini habis mandi sebelum pake skincare apapun, tunggu kering sebentar baru dilanjutin pake toner, pelembab, dan makeup. Dan gak tau kenapa, muka gue jadi lebih tidak berminyak. Yaaa minyakan tetep, tapi sedikit berkurang. Siang-siang pas lagi kepanasan. Kalo siang-siang juga gue suka iseng semprot ini ke muka, rasanya jadi seger seger dingin gimana gitu. 

Gue pernah pake facial spray merk Evian, dan sedikit perbandingan aja kalo Evian di gue agak lama keringnya. Jadi suka gue keringin pake tissue, sedangkan untuk Bioderma Hydrabio Brume ini lebih cepat kering dan menyerap ke kulit. Mungkin ini karena butiran spray-nya lebih kecil dan lebih menyebar dibanding Evian. Tapi kalo untuk efek lembabnya sih gue gak merasakan perbedaannya. Sama moist-nya.


Bioderma Hydrabio Brume tersedia dalam kemasan 50 ml seharga IDR 99,000 dan kemasan 300 ml seharga IDR 220,000 dan bisa didapatkan di Guardian. Dua jenis ukuran ini memiliki ukuran pump yang sama, jadi biarpun kamu punya yang ukuran kecil, jangan khawatir semprotannya gak enak dipake. Yang membedakan cuma netto-nya aja kok. 


Monday, September 15, 2014

Review: Evian Brumisateur Facial Spray

I've seen this product many times on drugstores and supermarkets, but I thought it was some edible product and wonder why such product comes in a spray can and expensive price. Stupid, huh? Until some friend told me how this worked on her as a setting spray as well as making her face look matte the whole day.
The spray comes in a handy white spray can with matte transparent pink cap. There are three sizes available: 50 ml, 150 ml, and 300 ml. Each size comes in slightly different can design. I purchased the smallest one for trial purpose.

What it claims:
Natural Hydration
The exquisitely fine mist produced by evian® Brumisateur® penetrates and rehydrates the upper layers of the skin. evian® water has a unique mineral balance along with exceptional purity which suits all skin types, even the most sensitive. Leaves skin looking healthy and feeling refreshed. Dermatologically tested.
A light misting sets and revives cosmetic colors throughout the day. This allows the skin to be re-hydrated several times without removing makeup. And this is why evian® Facial Spray helps improve the performance of all color cosmetics. Many make-up professionals prefer evian® Spray to dilute and blend make-up.
Perfect for gently cleansing baby’s sensitive skin (bottom, face and hands), with or without cotton pads. The leak-proof canister is suitable for the nursery or diaper bag! Babies love the fine cooling mist of hypoallergenic, pH neutral evian® Facial Spray. Tested under pediatric control, and used in maternity hospitals.
Judging from the ingredients, it's just plain water.

How to use:
Just spray it, but for a reason I just don't push the spray to its maximum since there'll be too much product waste.
I simply love this. From curiousity to one of must have item in my drawer, even in my makeup bag. After washing my face I would spray a small amount onto the whole face (my face felt smooth and fresh instantly!), and wait until it completely dries, and began my skin care and makeup routine. And that small additional' routine helps my makeup stay in place and reduce the oily face appearance, even when I wear makeup products that tend to make your face more greasy. From what I read on the can, you are suggested spray, and wait for several minutes, and gently dab your face with tissue, which I prefer not to. Because I thought it'll be a waste of product, so I'll just wait patiently until it completely dries.
I also spray enough amount onto my foundation or kabuki/powder brush before blending the foundation or face powder and the result was better compared to when I use dry brushes.
From several reviews I read and watched, this also works as a setting spray. Just spray some amount after you put your whole makeup on. I did this a couple of times and the result was great, but please becareful because not all of makeup product can be treated this way. I once sprayed this after Maybelline Clear Smooth Cake Powder application and the result was amazing, but different thing happened to when I wore Viva Compact Powder since the product made my face powder clump on several places. Talk about looking ugly, duh? I don't know what specs can help you differentiate which product works well with this, and which doesn't, so I prefer not to spray this after makeup application.
Great one for those who looks for a multi purpose product with reasonable price.
IDR 70K something. I forgot as usual. Or USD 7 on its official web. I bought this on Guardian drugstore.

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