Akhirnya setelah beberapa bulan menggunakan produk ini, saya memberanikan diri untuk menulis review. Semoga berguna ya, karena ada poin penting yang harus saya sampaikan.
Alright, now after using this for several months, I've finally decided to share my thought about this what so called a "BB Cream".
Garnier terkenal dengan produk perawatan wajah dan rambut, kayak Pond's sama Olay gitu loh. Makanya aku agak aneh juga pas liat ada BB Cream merk Garnier. Karena penasaran, ya udah comot deh. Mungkin mereka mau ikutan trend launching BB Cream juga.
Garnier is well known with their various skin and hair care products. So, seeing this among many other BB Creams kinda surprised me. Well, I thought they just didn't want to miss the chance of launching another BB cream product, which is a huge trend nowadays.
Klaim produk ini dahsyat banget: mencerahkan wajah, melembabkan kulit, menyamarkan noda bekas jerawat, mengurangi kilap wajah, dan meratakan warna kulit.
Oke oke oke, sekilas seperti klaim sebuah produk BB Cream kan? Padahal bukan. Ini bukan BB Cream, cuma pelembab biasa loh. Tinted moisturizer lebih tepatnya. Apa ya basa endonesa-nya tinted moisturizer? Pelembab berwarna kali ya...
This product claims to lighten your skin, correct blemishes, moisturizing, reduce oil, and even out your skin tone. As well as enriched with UV SPF 21 PA++ protection.
There is no choice of shade, though, so I guess they come with only one shade.
The letters BB on their packaging is totally confusing, because when I read it on their offical web (click here) instead of BB Cream, Garnier claimed this as a moisturizer. A tinted moisturizer, to be exact.
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Swirl-type cap which is a bit unpractical. I dropped it, like, a lot. |
Produk ini lumayan encer, bisa dibilang encer banget. Warnanya juga kekuningan, bukan abu-abu seperti kebanyakan BB Cream (kan udah dibilang ini bukan BB Cream heheheh). Warna ini cocok banget buat yang punya kulit kekuningan seperti rata-rata kebanyakan kulit orang Indonesia.
Baunya juga seger banget, seperti bau lemon. Kalo kamu biasa pake produk skin care-nya Garnier, pasti sudah hapal dengan bau khas-nya.
The consistency is very runny. It also has a yellow undertone, which is a benefit for women with yellow undertone. But on those pink undertones, this might make you look like a pumpkin.
And the smell, how do I describe it? It smells like lemon essence, like most of Garnier products. I can tell, the smell is 'so Garnier'.
Walaupun encer, tapi produk ini susah banget di-blend-nya.. Hiks... Aku sih lebih suka ngeratainnya pake jari. Kalo pake kuas suka keliatan bergaris-garis, terus kalo pake spon blending-nya jadi terlalu tipis, boros produk.
Begitu dia meresap rasanya enak banget. Kayak ada rasa seger-seger dingin semriwing, keliatan dewy, dan gak lengket sama sekali. Jadi kalo mau hasil yang natural, gak ditimpa pake bedak pun gak masalah. Muka jadi keliatan glowing-glowing gimanaaa gitu. Glowing ya, bukan oily. Tapi untuk hasil yang sedikit lebih 'berat' bisa ditimpa bedak lagi.
Despite its runny consistency, this product is awfully hard to blend. It is very very watery. To blend this, I prefer using my own hand.
Once it's absorbed, it leaves some glowy finishing. Not oily, just glowing. And it doesn't felt sticky at all. Really, it does not felt sticky! If you have naturally even skintone, you won't need to apply face powder afterwards for a super natural result.
Kalo untuk hasil akhirnya sih sanget sheer ya. Tipiiis banget. Itu urat nadiku sama sekali gak ketutup, hiks... Kayaknya ini cocok banget buat anak sekolahan yang mau pake makeup ke sekolah deh.
The coverage is poor. Well, I think I have to deal with that since this is actually a tinted moisturizer. I think this product is a good one for those teens who wants to wear light makeup to school.
Hasilnya di muka-ku. Well, ini sih udah ditambah sama concealer ya, kalo gak, gak bakal ketutup itu kantong mata sama bekas jerawat. Tapi hasilnya emang dewy banget dan gak terlalu keputihan. Hasilnya juga keliatan ringan dan natural banget.
The result on my face is very natural looking, not too bright. Although I still need the help of extra concealer to cover my blemishes and dark eye circles.
Well, seperti yang udah aku bilang, produk ini agak membingungkan. Judulnya BB Cream, tapi kenapa di web resminya ditulis pelembab. Jadi ini sebenernya pelembab atau BB Cream? Tapi daripada bingung, saya lebih suka menyebut produk ini dengan nama 'skin perfector'. Adil kaaan?
Karena hasil akhirnya yang sheer, maka produk ini cocok banget dipake sama orang yang nggak terlalu banyak punya 'dosa' di wajah. Aku suka sih pake ini, karena rasanya nyaman dan gak mengalami break-out. Tapi hanya pada saat-saat tertentu di mana kondisi kulit lagi super oke, nggak pas lagi jerawatan atau pas abis begadang, atau pas lagi pilek, atau pas lagi pusing dan tertekan karena lagi tanggal tua, gitu. Oh ya, karena efek dewy-nya itu, maka ini juga kurang cocok buat yang mukanya super oily ya.
Untuk daya tahan sih gak bisa lama-lama ya. Aku pernah pake primer plus produk ini buat jalan di tempat ber-AC, dan sekitar 1 atau 2 jam udah retak. Terutama pas dibagian pinggiran hidung. Jadi memang bukan produk yang bisa dipake buat seharian penuh atau berpanas-panasan.
This product is a benefit for those who doesn't have many skin problems to be covered. Also, because of its dewy or glowing effect, this may not be suitable for those with oily skin.
And I kinda regret its ambiguous product description, since it tricked many people. If this is a tinted moisturizer, so why does it have to be described as a BB Cream. I think I prefer the name a 'skin perfector'.
My take:
- Moisturizes well
- Yellow undertone, not too bright on me
- Dewy finish
- Comes only in one shade
- Sheer coverage
- This is a tinted moisturizer instead of a BB Cream
- Smells like lemon essence
- Poor staying power
- Doesn't sticky
- How much: about IDR 25K
- Where to get this: Supermarket, minimarket, drugstore. Basically, it's everywhere.