Sunday, May 10, 2015

Review: Silky Girl Double Intense Duo Eye Shadow (Purple Storm No. 2)

Di post sebelumnya gue udah ngebahas lipstik dari Silky Girl warna nude pink. Nah, sekarang gue mau bahas eyeshadow-nya yang warnanya itu kira-kira cocok sama warna lipstik tersebut. Hmmm, ngaku sih, kalo dua barang ini gue belinya barengan. Heheheh.
Eyeshadow dari Silky Girl ini namanya Double Intense Duo Eye Shadow. Sesuai dengan namanya, dia terdiri dari dua warna. Jenis yang lain yaitu Blockbuster Palette (kalo ga salah). Isinya ada 4 warna. Tapi pas gue liat, warnanya gak ada yang oke, atau yaaa ngga sesuai selera gue. Kurang 'banci' gitu, terlalu kalem.
Nah kalo Silky Girl Double Intense Duo Eye Shadow ini walaupun isinya cuma dua warna, tapi kombinasinya komplit, dari yang warna-warni, item putih, sampe warna coklat yang netral. Kayaknya gue musti koleksi semua variannya deh.
Ngomongin soal kemasan, Silky Girl Double Intense Duo Eye Shadow ini simpel banget bentuknya. Kotak item sama tutup bening, dari plastik. Gak banyak basa basi. Gue seneng deh ama kemasannya Silky Girl. Lugas dan tidak banyak basa-basi. Selaen simpel, kemasannya ini juga mungil, gak bakal makan tempat kalo dimasukin ke pouch.
Cuma ye, berhubung ini gue cemplungin ke dalem tas gue, tutup transparannya itu udah baret-baret cyin, jadinya udah rada dekil hehehe. Udah nggak seindah di foto ini lagi.

 Silky Girl Double Intense Duo Eye Shadow ini gue beli di counter seharga sekitar IDR 35-40K untuk 3.2 gram. Lupa persisnya berapa.


Walaupun kemasannya kecil, tapi keterangan yang tertera di produk ini cukup lengkap. Dari komposisi bahan, importir, produsen, barcode, netto, ada semua. Varian warnanya tertulis di pojok kanan atas. Punya gue adalah Purple Storm. Ga tau ye kenapa tiap milih eyeshadow palette yang warnanya terbatas, pasti dah, pastiii gue milih yang ada warna ungu sama birunya.

Trus itu yah, seperti biasa, aplikatornya juga simpel banget hehhe. Sangat bersahaja. Cuma double ended sponge yang tangkainya super pendek. Menyesuaikan dengan tempatnya juga sih. Gue pernah sok-sokan apply pake sponge nya ini. Susah bo! Pendek banget! Walaupun ini sebenernya cukup berguna sih dipake kalo dalam keadaan darurat aplikator.

Untuk Silky Girl Double Intense Duo Eye Shadow varian Purple Storm ini terdiri dari (seperti yang udah gue mention) biru dan ungu yang cukup jreng-jreng. Yang birunya itu dia agak shimmer, sedangkan ungunya berglitter halus. Fyi, ungunya itu cantik banget, ditambah dengan adanya glitter halus bikin dia terlihat jadi lebih cantik lagi. Nggak kok, gak norak sama sekali.

Teksturnya juga bener-bener seperti mentega, halus dan soft banget. Pas gue cocol pake jari sekali aja, udah langsung keluar warnanya.


Ini nih perbandingan warnanya dengan dan tanpa menggunakan eyeshadow base. Untuk eyeshadow base-nya di sini gue cuma pake merk Viva. Tanpa eyeshadow base, yang birunya udah langsung keluar, sedangkan yang ungu harus dipoles beberapa kali baru bisa terlihat seperti yang ada di gambar. Tapi kalo udah pake eyeshadow base sih dua-duanya udah langsung nampol kok. Terutama yang biru. Ungu-nya sih lumayan pigmented tapi gak se-oke yang biru.
Tapi tenang aja, karena biasanyaaaa... biasanya nih ya, apa yang di swatch di tangan, hasilnya belom tentu sama kalo udah di apply di mata. Secara kan yah, kulit di kelopak mata itu lebih berminyak daripada di lengan atau tangan yang lebih kering. Dan hal ini memang terbukti waktu gue pake di mata, palet ini emang intens banget warnanya. Itu kan gue cuma pake eye base Viva tipis-tipis aja. Laen cerita kalo misalnya kamu punya eye base yang jauh lebih oke kualitasnya.
Seperti contoh eye make up di bawah ini, gue pake NYX eyeshadow base, hasilnya jadi lebih intens lagi.


Intinya sih Silky Girl Double Intense Duo Eye Shadow ini gak susah dipake kok. Warnanya intens, buttery texture, gampang di blend terutama kalo udah pake eyeshadow base, nggak menyerbuk/powdery, dan ya itu tadi, yang ungunya cantik banget karena berglitter.

Gue udah pernah pake eyeshadow ini dua kali. Pertama waktu bikin EOTD itu, di rumah doang hehehe. Iya luntur sih kalo kena air wudhu, gak mungkin ga luntur. Tapi pernah sekali gue pake kondangan buat malem. Gue dandannya sore jam 4, sampe pulang jam 9 malem juga masih nempel aja warnanya karena gak kena air wudhu sama sekali. Intinya sih kalo gak dikucek-kucek atau dipake berenang, eyeshadow ini akan baik-baik saja nempel di mata. Jangan berharap terlalu banyak karena produk ini harganya juga gak mahal-mahal banget. Hehehe.

Nah, ini foto muka gue pas merem, sengaja emang mau nunjukin warna eyeshadownya. Gue cuma tambahin eyeshadow warna coklat di bagian tulang alis, sisanya cuma pake produk ini.

Keliatan gak glitternya. Love it!

Gitu aja review-nya. Sebelum berpisah gue tekankan, kalo review ini ditulis bukan untuk meracuni kalian, melainkan hanya untuk memberikan informasi tentang produk ini dari sudut pandang gue. Tapi kalo kalian terracuni sih, ya gapapa juga sih.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Review: Silky Girl Moisture Balm Lip Color No. 05 (Lychee)

Ini adalah lipstik varian Silky Girl Moisture Balm Lip Color kedua yang gue punya. Sebelumnya gue pernah review yang warna Fig (No. 06). Reviewnya bisa dilihat di sini. Karena gue suka tekstur dan formulanya, jadi gue memutuskan untuk beli lagi dengan warna yang berbeda.

Harga lipstik ini adalah IDR 59K di konter resmi Silky Girl.

Kemasannya itu anggun ya, kalo plastiknya udah dibuka dia cuma item doang gitu, gak banyak pernak-pernik. Mungkin buat yang suka malu pake kosmetik dengan kemasan lucu (yang buat sebagian orang terkesan 4L4Y) kemasan Silky Girl Moisture Balm Lip Color ini cocok banget buat kalian.

Untuk komposisi bahannya ada semua tercantum di bungkus plastiknya, cuma waktu itu lagi males banget gw mau moto-motoin plastiknya. Udah panas, keringetan, kacamata melorot mulu, punggung pegel, mata pedes, ah cape deh. Belom musti tahan napas supaya foto hurupnya clear, gak blur, males pake tripod bo. Tuh, makanya, lu kire moto ginin gampang. Makanya jangan suka asal comot foto orang kalo gak mau kasih kredit. Maap curcol.

Kalo masih penasaran sama kompisisi bahan, boleh klik link yang udah gue cantumin di paragraf atas ya.

Warna yang gue pilih adalah Lychee (No. 05).

Total semuanya ada 8 warna. Boleh cek di sini kalo mau tau lebih detilnya. Entah kenapa pas gue swatch semua variannya itu kok warna ini yang paling kece menurut gue. Banyak sih warna-warna kece lainnya, cuma menurut gue warna lipstik Silky Girl itu paling keren warna-warna nude-nya. Ada yang boldnya (Cherry & Plum), cumaaa gimana gitu kayaknya. Pas gue swatch, pigmentasinya so so, jadinya malah aneh. Nanggung gitu istilahnya.

Sesuai dengan namanya, Silky Girl Moisture Balm Lip Color ini memiliki lip balm di bagian core-nya. Klaimnya sih lipstik ini diperkaya dengan Vitamin A, C, dan E, juga diklaim bebas pewangi. Dan emang bener sih, stiknya itu gak ada baunya sama sekali. Totally odorless, which is awesome.

Silky Girl Moisture Balm Lip Color shade Lychee No 05 adalah warna nude pink, atau istilahnya sih pink bibir gitu. Mungkin ada yang bilang ini warna pink salem/mauve yang muda banget.

My bare lips.

Snapped with camera flash, indoor.

Snapped without camera flash, under extremely bright lighting. 

Foto di atas itu gue ambil berulang kali loh ya, sampe gue yakin bahwa apa yang capture adalah true color in real life. Taelah... Di bibir gue, lipstik ini warnanya emang gak jauh beda dengan yang ada di bullet. It's a very pretty nude pink with blue undertone.

Untuk kelembaban gue bisa bilang Silky Girl Moisture Balm Lip Color ini oke banget. Gak bakal bibir kering walaupun gak pake lip balm juga, karena ya itu tadi, ada lip balmnya di tengah. Sayangnya untuk ketahanannya gue bisa bilang kualitasnya sedang-sedang saja. Gue pake sruput-sruput kopi aja ilang, apalagi kalo buat makan batagor yang lebih hardcore?

Belom lagi kalo ngomongin pigmentasi dan opacity (eh apa sih basa endonesa opacity?). Pigmentasinya nyebelin, musti gue oles berulang-ulang baru bisa mendapatkan hasil seperti yang ada di foto. Itu pun masih keliatan kan warna asli bibir gue. Apalagi buat yang bibirnya kehitaman, bisa lebih sheer lagi hasilnya. Kalo kayak gitu sih gue saranin pake lipliner yang warnanya sama ya. Gue pernah review sih lip liner Mauve dari Silky Girl juga. Reviewnya ada di sini. Gue pernah pake sih kombinasi lipstik ini dan lip liner tersebut, sayangnya lupa gue foto hehehe.

Ini contoh foto seluruh muka. Warnanya itu emang ngeselin cakepnya, sooo pink but also nude at the same time. Gue terus terang belom pernah nemu lipstik dengan warna pink kayak gini. Lebih sering terlalu terang atau terlalu gelap. Andai saja dia lebih berpigmen dan lebih rata hasilnya, ini bakal jadi benda favorit gue.

Oh ya, kalo ada yang kebetulan tau warna lipstik model gini, tolong ya komen di bawah. Mau yang mahal atau yang paling murah pun, pasti gue cari. Asal bukan lipstik abal-abal aja.

Review: Evolution of Smooth (EOS) Lip Balm (Lemon Drop with SPF 15)

What attracted me most to buy EOS Lip Balm was actually the cute ball-like packaging. The heck I care about its ingredients. 

Okay, so there are several variants of EOS Lip Balm. You can check out their complete list on The one I picked was Lemon Drop. Why? Simply because there's SPF 15 claim. I rave anything about SPF or anti aging, because for years, I've learned that those two are the main ingredients to achieve a younger looking skin, as well as taking things easily. :D

I bought this online from NYX Olshop (FB) for IDR 80K.

The claims from their official web:

eos lip balm in SPF 15 Lemon Drop is packed with antioxidant-rich vitamin E and natural conditioning oils to keep your lips moist and soft while protecting them from the sun.
  • Broad Spectrum UVA/UVB protection
  • 80 minute water resistant
  • PABA-free
  • 100% natural flavor
  • Shea butter & vitamin E
  • Smoothes on clear
  • Precisely glides on lips
  • Twist-off top
  • Petrolatum and paraben-free
  • Gluten-free
  • Phthalate-free
  • 0.25 oz

Active ingredients: 
Homosalate 8.0%, Avobenzone 3.0%, Octocrylene 2.75%. Inactive ingredients: Beeswax/Cera Alba (Cire D’abeille), Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil, Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Natural Flavor (Aroma), Citrus Limon (Lemon) Peel Oil, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter), Stevia Rebaudiana Leaf/Stem Extract, Tocopherol, Citral*, Geraniol*, Limonene*, Linalool*. 
*Component of Natural Flavor.

From reviews I read, EOS Lip Balm has several types of packaging: with boxes (for special editions), blisters, and plastic wraps like the one I got. The ball is a bit smaller than an egg, and their colors depend on each title. Since mine is Lemon Drop, so, yeah, it's yellow.

And btw, I'm sorry I took too many pictures of this product from several angles. I think it's important to show you guys, since there are so many information stated on its wrap.

If you tear all the plastic wrap, this is what yer gonna get, a plain looking colorful balls with some matte velvety texture of the packaging, and also a there's a flat surface to put your thumbs on. On its bottom part, there's another flat surface functions as a lock to avoid it from rolling down when you place it on a flat surface (like desk). Because yeah, this EOS Lip Balm is round, for godsake.

EOS Lip Balm claims to have all the ingredients natural and organic. So no matter what the variant, they're all colorless (no artificial color). So don't expect there will be a hint of color on your lips. The only thing indicates its title (Lemon Drop) is the smell. It smells like lemon, but once I swipe it, I don't feel any lemon flavor at all. Just some plain sweet lip balm. 

It's so sweet it's hard to tell yourself not to lick your lips. It's so sweet you'll think it's edible. It's sooo sweet you'll get diabetes just from wearing this. Errr.. just kidding.

Applying EOS Lip Balm as a lip therapy is quite comforting experience. It's as if I feel no products on my lips at all, unlike when I use chap stick from some other brands. 

Unfortunately, this cute packaging, its sweetness, and the comforting feeling are the only things I find attractive. As for its moisturizing effect, sadly, I must say it's just so so. I can find so many lip balm products on the market that has quite similar (or even better) effect on me. Not to mention EOS Lip Balm is only available on the USA, and I have to buy this online for IDR 80K. It's quite pricey remembering its original price is only USD 3.29 each.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Review: Silkygirl Hydra Clean Makeup Remover

My money ran out faster than my L'oreal make up remover stock, so... (sigh) I had to find something cheap to replace it. And yeah, I found this Silky Girl Hydra Clean Makeup Remover.

I bought this Silky Girl Hydra Clean Makeup Remover in their counter and kinda attracted to the word "for face, eyes, and lips". And I thought, now this must be a gentle one that it can be used for eye make up. The packaging itself was nothing special, just some bulky white plastic bottle and green cap. I must say the design is a bit different than most of Silky Girl products.

Silky Girl Hydra Clean Makeup Remover cost me IDR 25K for 100 ml.

Apply the lotion gently all over your face, eyes, and lips. Wipe it off with a cotton. Rinse it with water.

When first bought this Silky Girl Hydra Clean Makeup Remover, I didn't have any idea at all about its consistency. I thought it was some blue or clear liquid like most make up remover. Turned out it was some runny lotion, similar to some typical cleansing milk, only this one has runnier consistency with a very soft and refreshing aroma.

The demo pics above are used with my Nonna eyeshadow that has pretty light power and easily to be removed. Silky Girl Hydra Clean Makeup Remover is good at removing some light make up only, like base make up or blusher. But fighting this with my Bobbi Brown gel liner or LA Splash lip couture? No. I have to do more rubbing to remove them.

Silky Girl Hydra Clean Makeup Remover doesn't hurt my eyes when some of the products accidently get in my eyes, that's a good point. However, when I rubbed it onto all over my face, I felt that burn or sting sensation on my skin, a kind of a bad omen that this product won't do any good for my skin. Even though it is claimed to be a soft and gentle one for sensitive skin. So until now I only use this product to remove eye and lips make up only.

Will I ever buy this product in the near future? Errr... and make myself bear that burn sensation and cost me another skin irritation? Nope.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Review: Banana Boat Ultra Protect Faces Sunscreen Lotion with SPF UVB 50 PA+++

I bought this like a year ago as a result of compulsive shopping disorder. At the time I was still using my Melanox Sunscreen and as months passed by I kept on buying the same product and forgetting that I still have this Banana Boat stashed inside my drawer, still fresh and unopened, and the price tag was still there.

Okay, talking about my previous Melanox Sunscreen first (review here), as I mentioned that cream was awfully sticky and thick, but I didn't dare to move on since my skin reaction was okay towards it. It didn't cost me acne or any other forms of skin breakout. But I think it's time for a new product, and I already bought this anyway.

The packaging is some soft tube with typical Banana Boat style design. When it's brand new, you can tell by the extra tape on the cap, make sure it is not broken. But I don't think it has extra alumunium seal inside. The tube size is actually pretty bulky.

This cost me IDR 108K in Planet Sports (or Sports Station?) for 60 ml.

Claims as stated on the box:
Banana Boat Sunscreen Ultra Protect Faces Lotion protects your face from the sun's UVA and UVB rays. Oil free, fragarance free, and water resistant. It is formulated not to clog pores and contains Aloe Vera and Vitamin E, all combined providing you high facial protection.

The claims on the tube that attract me most are: hypoallergenic, oil-free, and very water resistance. The last claim means that this product is best for hot days and sports (read: beach) because it's less likely to drip into eyes when I sweat. 

Despite my fear of its stickiness, the lotion is actually felt very light and doesn't sticky at all. It feels better than my previous Melanox Sunscreen. It's white, odorless, and absorbed well onto my skin, and fast! Feels like I was wearing my daily moisturizer rather than a sunscreen lotion. It's even less greasy than my moisturizer. The claim hypoallergenic also proven since I don't experience any breakout.

I don't find any difficulty of wearing makeup after applying this lotion. Feels sooo lightweiht and non-greasy. I have been wearing this for a month now, and I think this will be my current holly grail sunscreen lotion.

Review: LA Splash Lip Couture Waterproof Liquid Lipstick (Venom)

I don't wear black lipstick on daily basis, but for years and years, I have yearned of having a good one. My previous black lipstick was NYX Round Lipstick in Penelope, but the quality is just so-so. I meant to buy Lime Crime Black Velvet but that means Imma have to rob a large sum of my monthly pocket money.

But then LA Splash launched their black lipstick for much much affordable price. This would cost  USD 11.98 on their official web and IDR 140-150K in local online stores.

There are two varieties of liquid lipstick other than this which is LA Splash Smitten Lip Tint. You can check out my review here.

They are originally double packaged in two ways: with clear mica box and with plastic wrapping. Apparently the one I got is with mica box.

The liquid was packed in clear cylinder bottle with golden cap and golden LA Splash emblem. Somehow LA Splash Lip COuture packaging looks sooo much more elegant than LA Splash Smitten.

The color system: 

La Splash actually also launched their lip couture remover. Aside from removing the products, it can also work as a moisturizer after you remove it. Hmmm, if they have to launch a special product for removing and moisturizing, I wonder how strong the drying effect is. Oh btw, after reading many review, Latte Confession is actually a very pretty and wearable pink nude shade. I have to buy it too!

My shade is Venom.


This product life span can only last for 3 months after you open it. That's why I didn't intend to buy so many colors from them. THREE MONTHS for 0.13 oz nett? How can I spend all of them in three months...

Compared to LA Splash Smitten Lip Tint, this product has longer applicator and the shape is a bit more bended. 

Unlike LA Splash Smitten Lip Tint which has creamy texture, this Lip Couture has liquid one. And because of that, it is a bit hard to achieve an even result only with one layer. You have to add several layers, like 2 or 3 times to achieve a very opaque result.

It's wet when freshly applied and takes about 5-10 minutes before the product turns to a dead matte finishing.

Also, also, I have to underline this, the smell, urgh! Smells like wall paint, really annoying. Although it will fade gradually but definitely not a pleasant one when you first open the product. Similar case also happen with LA Splash Smiten Lip Tint.

Venom is a black shade, what more can I say? LOL. But I must say that the opacity is rather sheer. I have to built several layers until I get the perfect BLACK. Or else the color would end up a bit grey. Also if you wear this color, just don't put any lip primer or foundation in advance because it will just ruin its blackness.


Since the texture is liquid and not creamy, it made me easier to draw lines and shapes and stuff, as you can see from the pictures of my lips above. But since the opacity is medium, you have to add several layers until it become even. Wait several minutes before applying extra layers because this procudt takes times to dry completely.

They also last all day. Kissproof, smudgeproof, waterproof. Taking this off is easy. I just put a cotton dipped in ordinary makeup remover, press it for several secs, and wipe it with all you might. After that, scrub your lips and moisturize. This product won't leave any stain at all afterwards.

Does it dry? Yes, forgodsake! Even for my lips that don't dry easily, they do! And they also felt dry, as if your lips are sealed with a duck tape or something. But somehow, compared to similar products, this felt less dry and more comfortable. And just like many other matte liquid lipstick, the inner part of your lips will clump  after a long day.

If I have to mention the perfect dupe for Lime Crime Velvetiness in terms of texture, finishing, and longevity, this product is definitely the one. Compared to LA Splash Smitten Lip Tint, this one has better formula and with much more comfortable feeling on your lips. If only they reformulated their products and lengthen their life span, this would be my all time favorite matte liquid lipstick.

  • Dead matte finishing
  • liquid texture
  • Wet when fresly applied and takes about 5-10 minutes to dry completely
  • Smells like paint
  • Glide smoothly
  • Drying effect, but still feels comfortable
  • Great color pay-off
  • Doesn't stain
  • 3 month life span after it was openned
  • The opacity is rather medium than full
  • How much: IDR 140K in Nyxolshop (facebook)

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