Thursday, November 26, 2015

Tutorial: Golden Cut Crease Eye Make Up



Tutorial ini gue bikin bukan atas request siapa-siapa. Ya emang gue aja yang ke-geer-an pengen bikin, selain karena emang lagi ga mood juga buat review produk. Jadi buat kalian yang pengen tahu gimana cara bikin cut crease seperti di gambar atas, silakan scroll terus sampe bawah ya..

Gambar alismu serapi mungkin lalu aplikasikan eye primer di seluruh kelopak mata.

Gambar garis di lipatan mata menggunakan gel eyeliner warna hitam, cukup kamu temukan ruang kosong di atas bola matamu. Di situ lah tempat yang tepat untuk menggambar garis ini.
 Bentuk garisnya suka-suka kamu aja. Bentuk yang umum adalah setengah lingkaran dan huruf 'S' seperti yang saya gambar di atas. 

Menggunakan blending brush kecil, aplikasikan eyeshadow coklat tua di atas garis tadi. Sambil dibaur juga ya supaya garisnya hilang dan menyatu dengan eyeshadow.

Biar lebih smooth, blend lagi dengan blending brush yang lebih besar sampai ke bagian tulang alis.

Karena setelah di blend warnanya akan sedikit pudar, aplikasikan lagi eyeshadow coklat tua (atau hitam kalo mau lebih cetar). 

*gue sering bolak-balik antara mengaplikasikan eyeshadow dan membaurnya lagi. Pokoknya sampe ketemu hasil yang diinginkan aja.

Aplikasikan eyeshadow krim warna putih dan dirapikan dengan kuas concealer. Di sini gue memakai NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil warna Milk. Kalo ga punya, bisa juga diganti dengan pensil eyeliner putih merk apa aja. Dan kalo udah pake pensil kecil mah, gak perlu pake kuas concealer lagi.

Aplikasikan eyeshadow warna bronze di seluruh kelopak mata. Sisakan seuprit ruang di bagian tengahnya.

Isi bagian tengah kelopak mata dengan eyeshadow warna gold. Jangan lupa di blend sehalus mungkin dengan warna bronze tadi.

Aplkasikan eyeliner dengan bentuk sesukamu. Di sini saya bikin bentuk model wing karena udah jadi reflek tangan saya. Hehehe. Tapi kalo males, digaris biasa aja juga cukup sih. Kan eyeshadow-nya udah heboh.

Pake bulu mata palsu. Kayaknya kalo cut crease model begini, kurang pantes kalo ga pake bulu mata palsu. Ntar hasilnya kebanting. Jadi saya gak bisa bilang ini optional, tapi wajib. 
Sebelum pake bulmat. Jangan lupa jepit bulmat asli kamu lalu aplikasikan maskara. Culunnya, di sini saya lupa melakukannya,

Untuk bagian bawah mata, aplikasikan eyeshadow warna coklat tua lalu tumpuk dengan eyeliner gel hitam. Kemudian smudge keduanya menggunakan pencil brush, or any brush you find suitable.

Aplikasikan eyeshadow silver di ujung dalam mata. Jangan lupa pake maskara di bulmat bagian bawah. Atau mau ditambahin bulmat palsu lagi pun boleh. Tapi waktu itu saya lagi males.

Tambahkan highlight di tulang alis kamu dengan eyeshadow warna putih pearly. Selesaid deh!

Hasil akhirnya kira-kira jadi begini bro:


Product used:
  1. Maybelline The Nudes Palette
  2. Etude House Easy Brow Pencil (Dark Brown)
  3. ELF Cream Eyeliner in Black
  4. Inez Loose Eyeshadow (Sparkling Silver) for the inner corner
  5. NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil Milk
  6. NYX Eyeshadow Base (White)
  7. And some cheap unbranded lashes

I love cut crease eye makeup, karena dibanding smokey eyes, I think cut crease punya variasi gaya yang lebih banyak. Gaya cut crease di post ini adalah yang paling basic, warnanya pun gue pilih yang paling netral. Ada banyak variasi cut crease lain yang bisa kalian pilih sendiri, baik itu dari variasi bentuk garisnya, warna, bahkan sampe selebar apa cut crease yang kamu mau. Yang pasti riasan model begini bikin mata kamu keliatan ih gede banget,

Sebelum post ini gue akhiri, silakan diliat beberapa vaiasi cut crease yang pernah gue buat selama beberapa bulan terakhir. Pamer ceritanya. Eh iya, please ga usah heran kalo kalian menemukan banyak ketidakkonsistenan bentuk alis di gambar-gambar berikut. Karena kalo soal alis, keindahan bentuknya emang tergantung banget dari seberapa oke mood gue saat menggambarnya. Dan seberapa fit fisik gue hari itu.










Friday, November 13, 2015

Review: Maybelline The Nudes Palette

Maybelline The Nudes Palette was actually launched last year (if I'm not mistaken) and it felt like forever to wait until this finally launched in Indonesia a couple of months ago. Damn!



Maybelline The Nudes Palette comes in a black plastic packaging with a transparent lid, so you can see through all the 12 colors in it. Also included a dual ended sponge applicator. Too bad they don't include a decent mirror inside. I think instead of a transparent lid, they could have been replaced it with a mirror.


On the backside of the packaging you can see the ingredients list, which I didn't captured properly. My bad. It also configure several eyeshadow application, like a mini tutorial, from quds, trios, to duos. This is really helpful since the palettes have 12 similar tones and sometimes it just makes me confuse where to start, or what combination works best.


Like I said, it also included with a dual sponge applicator. I haven't used this sponge yet, but it seems pretty decent, judging from the its texture.


The color ranges from beiges, sands, taupes, to bronzes. Let's take a look at each color swatch from each row.

Note: I use very light hand to do the swatches using my fingertips with several swipes. I swatched it on bare hands and with an eye base. The base I use for this is Mizzu Eye Base Essentials. The review will be up soon.


Top: without eye base
Bottom: with Mizzu Eye Base

Top: without eye base
Bottom: with Mizzu Eye Base

  1. This is a light champagne color with metallic finish. The pan is quite hard and the pigmentation kinda sucks even with eye base. But the metallic finish is so pretty and makes it the best color for highlighting the brow bones or even cheek bones.
  2. A light taupe color with a soft shimmery finish. The pigmentation is ok and the eye base application doesn't make it any better.
  3. A skintone color. As you can see this color is almost invisible since it matches my wrist tone perfectly, so I think this works best as a base color to neutralize your lid after wearing a white eye primer. This is a bit chalky but the pigmentation is pretty good.
  4. Bronze. This is a very nice shimmery bronze with great pigmentation even without eye base. The pan also felt buttery.
  5.  I think this color is exactly the same as color No. 2, but this one has a softer shimmery finish.
  6. A dark taupe. Great pigmentation even without eyeshadow base. 
  7. This one is like cousins with No. 2 and 5, but it has greater amount of shimmer which makes it look a little bit bronze. This one has a good pigmentation and buttery.
  8. A perfect dark brown shade with cool undertone. It has soft shimmery finish. Buttery texture. Good pigmentation and even greater with eyeshadow base. This color is the gem!
  9. This is gold tone with metallic finish. The pigmentation is ok and it has a hard texture. 
  10. Dark brown with warm undertone and shimmery finish. Great pigmentation without eyebase and even greater with it. T must say this color is the most pigmented one in this palette. Truly a gem!
  11. Champagne color with shimmery finish. The pigmentation is just ok and very powdery.
  12. Supposed to be black but this actually looks like a very dark grey. Poor pigmentation although an eye base might help a little, very chalky, a bit streaky and hard to blend. The most disappointing shade.


None of the colors in Maybelline The Nudes Palette has a matte finish. They're all either metallic, shimmery, or satin. Although some shades tend to look matte because the shimmer is very soft. Only several shades deliver great pigmentation (No. 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9) and the rest are either okay or even chalky. I don't say that the colors with lesser pigmentation is not great either, they might work for those of you who wants subtle eye makeup for daily basis, instead of looking all bold.

Applying an eyeshadow primer/base is highly recommended as some shades are hard to blend and tend to wash out when I try to blend them. If primer is not enough, I would suggest to dip your brushes into a water or mixing liquid beforehand. The combination of wet brushes and eye primer is amazing, especially for chalky colors like No. 11 and 12.

So, overall, I can say I like this palette but can't love it since the quality is just so-so. But this is a drugstore brand and comparing this to UD palettes is just not fair. I must say this is a good palette for daily usage and for those of you who still learning to do your makeup on your own.

I forgot how much exactly this is, but I think I bought this for IDR 120K on Maybelline counter. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Review: Lime Crime Velvetines in Faded


Despite many bad reviews regarding this brand, I just kept on buying more. Simply because I love how this product on my lips.This year, Lime Crime launched several new shades of their Velvetines series, and I can't wait to try them all. But my budget surely told me I really have to wait. 


Lime Crime Velvetines always comes with a frosted glass bottle and a flowery red box. This packaging is actually their latest design, not much different from the old ones.



I'm not so sure how many shades available now from this Velvetines series. I chose Faded as it has some soft purple shade, which is my favorite.


The applicator comes in a doe-foot shape but it's a bit longer compared to the old Velvetines. This new shape is more beneficial for me. There's also a hint of vanilla aroma that will fade gradually after the application.


For those of you who are not familiar yet with this product, it's actually a liquid lip stain that will end up matte after a few minutes.

Judging from the color inside the bottle, Faded looks so similar to Bleached and Cashmere, but when applied onto my wrist, turned out it was actually a muted purple that wearable for day and night. You just can't go wrong with this nude color.  Rather than thick and creamy, this product has a liquid and runny consistency.



Lime Crime Velvetines is a lip stain that quickly dry, it'll only take less than a minute before it dries completely. The formula is a lot better than the old version of Velvetines. It glieds smoothly and very pigmented. Once it dries, it won't budge all day, unless if you eat oily food. This also doesn't clump, felt lightweight, not sticky but powdery, and not drying at all. Compared to several similar products, Velvetines is the most enjoyable one. Not to mention its nice vanilla scent which is pretty amusing.

Although this one's not drying, I just won't suggest to use matte lip stain when your lips are over drying, or when you're not feeling well. I also try not to use matte lip stain every single day. Trust me, you'll have some issues. To remove the product from your lips, I also suggest to use your favorite lip scrub.

In Indonesia, for the time being (or maybe forever) Lime Crime Velvetines are available in online stores only. It originally cost USD 20 for 2 ml of product, but I bought this for IDR 350K in BeautyStore Nicula in Facebook. Price may vary.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Review: Sleek Make Up iDivine Sunset Palette


This is the second eye shadow palette I own from Sleek Make Up. I bought their Acid Palette and I like it a lot because most of the colors are crazily pigmented. This Sunset Palette is more suitable to be worn during summer. Tapi di Bekasi selalu musim panas kan. Heheheh...


This palette comes in a black box and black palette with a huge mirror inside, also a dual ended sponge applicator which is actually pretty awesome but I don't use it quite often. Sunset Palette, just like the name itself, is packed with hues of sunset colors. Although I'm not pretty sure about the blue. Which part of blue represent a sunset? The sea color?





Top: Natural lighting
Bottom: With camera flash

There are two versions in Sleek palettes regarding their pans: the one with waffle pattern, and the other is like the one I have. Some have the color description, and others don't. I have no idea how this could happen. I don't think mine's fake anyway since I bought this from a reputable online stores.


Top: Natural lighting
Bottom: With camera flash

All of the colors are equally pigmented and buttery. The last three colors may not seem so much due to my skin tone, but applied on darker skins, they'll look fantastic. They might be great colors for highlighter or base.

Let me try to explain the color one by one:
  1. It is a lightly shimmery black. Well, I don't call this a shimmery since the effect is so light, but it's not matte either. Applied on my eye lid, and I almost can't see the shinny effect.
  2. Red with orange undertone with shimmery finish. Excellent pigmentation.
  3. I don;t know what to call this color. Copper maybe?  It has shimmery finish and great pigmentation.
  4. Bright orange with good pigmentation and shimmery finish.
  5. Gold. It has metallic finish and super shinny. One of the best gold shade I've ever found. 
  6. Turquoise blue with shimmery finish. The pigmentation is not as good as other colors in the palette. But still it has a good color pay-off.
  7. Dark brown, almost looks like dark copper. Shimmery finish, good pigmentation, and smooth textured.
  8. Somewhere between and red and brown. This color reminds me of Viva eyebrow pencil color in brown. 
  9. Lighter version of the color No. 8. Good pigmentation, soft, and buttery.
  10. My skin tone color but with shimmery finish. Great color as base.
  11. Darker version of color No. 10. A bit of a rose gold. 
  12. Light pink with metallic finish and great pigmentation.

None of the colors are matte, they're all either shimmery of metallic. Even the black has a soft shimmery effect. Some colors like the color No. 1 and 6 is a bit powdery. I usually use eye shadow base to lessen this powdery problem. Other than that they're all smooth, buttery, richly pigmented, and blend beautifully. 

I bought this in my local online store for about IDR 150K to 170K (I forgot as usual). I think this palette is great for you who are bored with so many neutral color palettes, but doesn't want to go overboard with bright colors.




Friday, October 30, 2015

Event Report: Bioderma Hydrabio Launching Event



Jadi pada tanggal 3 Oktober 2015 lalu saya berkesempatan menghadiri launching event rangkaian produk Hydrabio dari Bioderma. 

Oke, sekilas info tentang Hydrabio dulu ya. Jadi Bioderma sendiri memiliki beberapa line produk, salah satunya adalah Hydrabio ini yang diformulasikan khusus untuk kulit kering dan sensitif. Rangkaian produk Hydrabio sendiri lumayan lengkap, dari pembersih wajah, milk cleanser, face tonic, sampai facial spray. Sayangnya saya kurang tahu ada berapa jenis produk Hydrabio yang di-launch di Indonesia karena untuk web Bioderma Indonesia sendiri belum update mengenai hal ini.

Baiklah, now to the event report.


Acara dimulai dengan sambutan dari Amandine Cornut selaku direktur Dermanesia.


The most fun part was when Mr. Yi Chieh Tan menjelaskan dari A sampai Z mengenai produk Hydrabio ini dan pentingnya produk ini untuk kulit kita, terutama berada di tengah kota yang penuh polusi seperti Jakarta. Cara menjelaskan beliau cukup fun, dan orangnya bubbly banget, sampe susah difoto. Gak sengaja aku jepret beliau pas lagi pose ala Sailor Moon. Hehehe...


Ada juga door prize buat blogger yang sudah berani menjawab pertanyaan dengan benar. Hadiahnya apalagi kalo bukan Hydrabio Brume-nya (yang bikin saya penasaran banget pengen nyoba).


Gaya Endi Feng yang epic banget mendemonstrasikan cara dia memakai Hydrabio Brume ke wajahnya.


Dan, karena ini event yang dihadiri oleh para Beauty Blogger, so gak lengkap dong kalo gak ada makeup demo.


Our pro makeup artist yang diundang adalah Mr. Iwan Harun, dan kehormatan menjadi modelnya jatuh pada Tia dari Utotia. Hehehe... Mr. Harun menggunakan seluruh rangkaian produk Hydrabio, dari serum, sampai facial spray-nya pada demo makeupnya. Sebagai catatan, beliau mengaplikasikan Hydrabio Brume sebagai final touch.



Beberapa tester yang sengaja dipajang di beberapa spot ruangan. Asliii, bikin tangan gatel pengen icip-icip.


Ada juga booth yang disediakan bagi para undangan untuk memenuhi hasrat kenarsisannya.


Di akhir acara, seluruh tamu undangan menyempatkan diri berfoto bersama. Hayooo, siapa aja wajah-wajah di sini yang kamu kenal?


Demikian event report saya. Oh ya, saya juga sempet mereview Hydrabio Brume loh. Salah satu produk yang paling bikin saya penasaran pengen nyoba, dan Bioderma berbaikhati memberikan saya (dan undangan lainnya tentu saja) untuk mencobanya. Kamu bisa baca review-nya di sini.

Sampai jumpa!


Review: Bioderma Hydrabio Brume


Beberapa waktu lalu gue menghadiri event Bioderma dalam rangka peluncuran perdana produk range Hydrabio di Indonesia. Sedikit informasi, Hydrabio adalah salah satu range produk Bioderma yang dikhususkan untuk kulit sensitif. Ada beberapa produk yang berada di bawah naungan Hydrabio ini yaitu, milk clenaser, toner, face cleanser, facial spray, dan dua jenis pelembab untuk kulit kering dan kombinasi. Tapi yang mau saya review kali ini adalah facial spray-nya atau yang lebih spesifik disebut dengan Bioderma Hydrabio Brume. Cieeh elah, resmi banget bahasa gue.


Bioderma Hydrabio Brume ini dikemas dalam botol aerosol bernuansa putih biru, seperti halnya produk Hydrabio lainnya.


Botol aerosol ini memiliki pump yang bagus, tidak seperti botol spray biasa. Jadi bisa dipastikan produk yang dikeluarkan akan menyebar secara merata dengan mudah. Cukup tekan sedikit saja pump-nya, produk akan langsung keluar banyak. Ga usah napsu mencetnya. Jangan lupa kasi jarak sekitar satu jengkal antara wajah dan spray. Oh ya, karena jangkauan semprotnya yang cukup lebar, kerah baju bakal agak basah sedikit. Tapi jangan kuatir, cepet keringnya kok. Produk ini juga tidak memiliki bau sama sekali.




Mungkin banyak yang belom familiar dengan yang namanya facial spray (dan saya juga yakin kalo banyak juga yang udah tau kok hehehe). Fungsinya apa sih? Banyak. Awalnya gue juga mikir, kurang kerjan amat semprot-semprot muka pake beli aer botolan segala, tinggal cuci muka atau ambil wudhu aja langsung beres.

Selain fungsinya untuk menyegarkan dan melembabkan, Bioderma Hydrabio Brume ini juga diklaim bisa meredakan rasa terbakar pada kulit yang teriritasi ringan (seperti sunburn, razor burn, habis peeling, etc). Terus terang kalo soal klaim ini saya belom pernah nyoba, karena hingga saat ini saya belom mengalami iritasi apapun (amit-amit sih...). Selain itu, Bioderma Hydrabio Brume juga diklaim aman untuk semua usia, termasuk bayi. 

Kalo gue, kalo gue nih, menggunakan Bioderma Hydrabio Brume ini habis mandi sebelum pake skincare apapun, tunggu kering sebentar baru dilanjutin pake toner, pelembab, dan makeup. Dan gak tau kenapa, muka gue jadi lebih tidak berminyak. Yaaa minyakan tetep, tapi sedikit berkurang. Siang-siang pas lagi kepanasan. Kalo siang-siang juga gue suka iseng semprot ini ke muka, rasanya jadi seger seger dingin gimana gitu. 

Gue pernah pake facial spray merk Evian, dan sedikit perbandingan aja kalo Evian di gue agak lama keringnya. Jadi suka gue keringin pake tissue, sedangkan untuk Bioderma Hydrabio Brume ini lebih cepat kering dan menyerap ke kulit. Mungkin ini karena butiran spray-nya lebih kecil dan lebih menyebar dibanding Evian. Tapi kalo untuk efek lembabnya sih gue gak merasakan perbedaannya. Sama moist-nya.


Bioderma Hydrabio Brume tersedia dalam kemasan 50 ml seharga IDR 99,000 dan kemasan 300 ml seharga IDR 220,000 dan bisa didapatkan di Guardian. Dua jenis ukuran ini memiliki ukuran pump yang sama, jadi biarpun kamu punya yang ukuran kecil, jangan khawatir semprotannya gak enak dipake. Yang membedakan cuma netto-nya aja kok. 


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