Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Review: Colourpop Ultra Matte Lip in Trap

Oh dear, this is actually another path of my journey in the middle of matte lip stain trial adventure. This is the kind of adventure I really love. LOL. I meant to try on every brand of matte lip stain in every shade they launch, but I just couldn't. My bank account told me so. So here I am, reviewing one shade only of Colourpop Ultra Matte Lip.

For those who haven't heard of this brand, Colourpop is an American cosmetic brand, and they're relatively new on the market. They previously launch their Lippie Stix collection. You can check out my review in the shade Tootsi.


There's nothing special in this department. Just some plastic transparent tube with silver cap and holographic Colourpop logo on one side. It has a white carton box as an extra packaging.




There are about more than 40 shades of Ultra Matte Lips, and varies from super nude to super dark purple. There's nothing too weird though, like green or yellow shade. My shade is Trap, which seemed to be a quite nude greige shade I adore lately. The shade indicator was placed on the bottom part of the tube with a transparent sticker.


Their long doe foot applicator is so soft, makes it easier to apply, as well as gives more comfort when applied onto lips.


Left: with camera flash
Right: under natural lighting

There's a hint of chemical odor of the product. Just a bit, though. This product dries quickly and felt very smooth. I don't even need extra effort to smooth the surface, whether it's on the lips or just some rough swatches on my hand. The consistency is just right between liquid and cream. Not too thick nor too light.


The shade Trap is actually a wearable greige kinda color, a mix between grey, brown, and a tiny bit of purple. Well, at least on my lips. If Lime Crime Faded and Cashmere had a baby, then Colourpop Trap is probably be the one. I don't think this would suit people with darker skin tone. But if you're confident with it, so just kill it.



Trap feels very lightweight on my lips. I can still feel a bit of powdery feeling on my lips, but for a liquid matte lip stain, this is pretty comfortable. But as comfortable as it is, it's not very kiss-proof. Well it is kiss-proof, but not really. There's still some of the flakes on the inside of your lips that will stain your coffee cups. Like... flakes on your cups. Eww...

This product also drains your lips, so be prepared by applying some lip balm in advance.

The removing process is not a hard one. I just need to dip a cotton pad on regular makeup remover (just a cheap one, Mustika Ratu), place it onto my lips for several seconds, and wipe it. The surface will turn into (again) small flakes that won't even stain your lips.

Overall, this product is worth to try considering the price which is relatively cheap and their enormous range of colour. There are lots of wearable colours to be used for everyday needs. This product originally cost USD 6 each, and sold in Indonesin online stores for about IDR 120K. Price may varies.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Video Tutorial: Golden Halo Eye Makeup Using Venice Palette from Inez Cosmetics


Naaaah, jadi sesuai janji beberapa ratus tahun silam, gue mau kasi tutorial eyemakeup yang gue pamerin di review eyeshadow Venice dari Inez. Kalo kamu lupa, atau belom baca reviewnya, silakan klik di MARI.


Eye makeup ini judulnya Halo. Biasanya halo eyemakeup itu menggunakan warna gelap di sudut dalam dan luar mata, dan eyeshadow berwarna terang diaplikasikan di tengah mata. Lebih nendang lagi kalo di tengah itu kamu tumpuk glitter. Mata jadi keliatan kinyis-kinyis.


Duh, maap ya kalo gambar di atas agak kurang jelas efek Halo-nya. Tapi kalo di syut close up, dia keliatan kok. Hiks...

Produk yang digunakan:
  • Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Pomade in Dark Brown
  • NYX eyeshadow base in White
  • Inez Eyeshadow in Venice
  • NYX Skinny Eye Marker in Black
  • Etude House Proof 10 Auto Pencil Eyeliner in Black
  • Taiwan Lashes (doubled)

Kalo ada saran atau pertanyaan, silakan komen di bawah. Don't forget to subscribe juga ke channel Youtube gue, biar semangat terus bikin video tutorial. Hehehhe...


Sampai jumpa lagi.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Review: Inez Color Contour Plus Eyeshadow Collection in Venice (05)


Palet warna coklat yang gue punya itu udah dua: Maybelline The Nudes dan ELF 144 Neutral Palette. Buat gue itu aja udah lebay banget, soalnya menurut gue coklat itu cuma ada coklat muda banget, coklat muda sedeng, dan coklat tua. Udah, tiga doang. Jadi ngapain juga punya palet warna coklat banyak-banyak?

Cuma ya pas gue iseng ke toko Dan+dan trus liat palet ini gue langsung suka banget sama warna coklatnya, akhirnya gue beli. Walaupun menurut gue harganya lumayan juga untuk sebuah palet dengan isi empat warna.

Harga persisnya gue lupa, tapi di web Inez dibandrol dengan harga Rp. 48.000. Yaaa mestinya harga di offline gak beda jauh lah ya.


Produk ini dikemas dalam palet berwarna biru khas Inez, plus ada kotaknya juga. Sayangnya dia gak bersegel. Jadi satu-satunya indikasi keperawanannya adalah dengan melototin satu-satu pan-nya, udah ada bekas sidik jari atau belum. Kalo udah ada, mendingan lu minta yang baru deh.


Produk ini terdiri dari 10 varian yang masing-masingnya memiliki 4 koleksi warna. Tiap varian memiliki nuansa warna masing-masing, dari pink, biru, hijau, ungu, sampe coklat. Yang gue punya adalah Venice (No. 05) dengan nuansa coklat keemasan.

Cakep ya isi dalemnya, keliatan mahal. Hehehehe...

Isi di dalamnya dilengkapi dengan cermin yang lumayan gede dan dual-ended sponge applicator. Pan eyeshadow-nya itu juga berasa empuk banget. Bahasa kerennya sih buttery.



Deskripsi warna:
  • Kiri atas: warna apa ini ya? Bronze atau rose gold ya? Gue ga yakin sih, tapi warna ini bernuansa kemerahan dan metalik. Pigmented banget. My favorite shade in this palette.
  • Kanan atas: warna champagne dan shimmery. Bagus buat highlight di wajah juga nih. Pigmentasi agak kurang oke.
  • Kiri bawah: warna emas dan bernuansa metalik. Pigmentasi sedang. 
  • Kanan bawah: coklat tua. Shimmer-nya ga terlalu keliatan, malah diliat sekilas kayak matte. Agak susah diratain.


Pada gambar di atas, gue menggunakan eyeshadow base NYX warna putih. Keliatan banget kan, dengan bantuan eyeshadow base, warna yang ada jadi lebih gampang diratain. Kecuali untuk warna no. 1 yang bronze, dengan atau tanpa base udah pigmented banget.

Eyeshadow ini teksturnya selain empuk juga menyerbuk banget. Begitu dicolek pake kuas atau sponge, serbuknya langsung berantakan. Jangankan dicolek, pas gue beli dalam keadaan baru aja, serbuknya udah banyak yang belepotan di dalem palet. Dan entah apa karena warnanya senada, pas gue blend di mata, warnanya jadi saling ngeblend setelah beberapa jam alias nyatu. Jadi ga keliatan mana yang gold, mana yang coklat tua. Hahahah... Mungkin gue-nya yang terlalu napsu ngeblend, tapi tiga kali gue pake, pengalaman gue sih sama. Atau maybe eyeshadow base gue yang kualitasnya so-so?

Well, dibalik kekurangan di atas, gue cukup dibuat jatuh cinta sama palet ini. Pigmentasinya oke, ketahanannya juga lumayan. Apalagi meskipun tergolong warna coklat, tapi nuansanya agak beda dibanding warna coklat keluaran lokal pada umumnya. Malah gue pengen eksekusi beberapa varian lagi dari seri ini.

Oh ya, sebelum post ini gue akhiri, mari gue pamerin EOTD gue menggunakan palet eyeshadow ini. Asli cakep loh kalo udah dipake. Bikin mata keliatan cling soalnya dia shimmer-shimmer gitu.



Untuk tutorialnya silakan klik post berikutnya ya. Atau silakan klik di sini and lemme know what you think.

See you!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Review: Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Pomade in Dark Brown


ABH dipbrow pomade is probably one of the most talked-about eyebrow fillers I've known. I've been longing to try out this product but it's too expensive, and buying such product would take a year or so for me to think and re-think it over before I actually purchase it.

Btw, for those who haven't got a clue what this is, it's basically something you'd use to fill in your eyebrows. So, beside pencil, we have so many other options nowadays. Such as powder, gel, brow mascara, brow tattoo, and this one: a pomade.


This pomade comes in a tiny glass jar (which I forgot to capture, shame on me) and a black carton box too). But that's all you'll get since the brush is not included.


According to the box, this pomade can last up to 6 months after first opened. So maybe, after that short period, you'll need to buy a new one since the formula might change.



The shade comes in 11 options, from ashy to reddish brown, from ebony to blonde. You name it. Just don't expect something too fancy since they only launch natural human eyebrow shades.  I'm talking about blue and red eyebrows, if you don't notice. And as you can see, the shade I picked is Dark Brown. I aimed for a quite dark eyebrow.


The jar has their brand embossed on it, as well as on the cap. What you get inside the jar is something you'd call a tiny amount of pomade. Well it looks like a pinch of product, but trust me, once you start using it, you'll realize you need a long period to spend the whole product.


The pomade is very creamy, thick, and totally odorless. I've been using this with my Jessup angled brush, which has a very sharp edge, one of the sharpest angled brush I've found.


Left: With camera flash.
Right: Natural lighting.

The shade Dark Brown is a cool toned brown, which is quite dark. Just like the name itself.


Applying ABH Dipbrow Pomade is quite tricky. It's very smooth and tend to be 'slippery' when you apply this on your eyebrows, so steady hand is a must. The pigmentation is amazing, use a light hand when dipping your brush into the pomade, or else you'll get too many products and end up with fake-looking eyebrows.


However, this product is NOT smudge-proof just like company said. The pomade stays wet and creamy on my skin, it doesn't set nor dry out, which is a very unfortunate event for me. 

If I have to compare this with NYX Eyebrow Gel regarding their longevity, then NYX is an absolute winner. I once wear NYX alone at the gym, and it didn't budge at all. But wearing ABH Dipbrow Pomade during a normal activity outdoor, and my eyebrows change shape just after 6 hours. For a USD 18 product, that's too bad. Or maybe I'm the one to blame for hoping a pomade product will be anti-budge? 

For a better longevity, I choose to set this product with my Wet n Wild eyebrow kit or any other dark brown eyeshadow. They work well together. My eyebrows will still smudge, but stays a little longer than wearing the pomade alone.

So, will I repurchase? Nope. I don't know why so many people rave about this product so much. It's quite good, but not that good for me. Especially for that USD 18 price.

This product is available in Indonesia through online stores only, the price varies from IDR 300K to 350K. 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Video Tutorial: Eye Makeup Look Using Elianto Eyeshadows


Wahai para pembaca yang budiman,

Kali ini saya mau bikin eye makeup tutorial menggunakan media video. Biasanya kan pake gambar, cuma kalo pake gambar doang itu rasanya gemes, soalnya ada beberapa step yang lebih gampang ditunjukin pake video. Jadilah kali ini gue iseng nyoba bikin video tutorial.

Eyeshadow yang gue pake adalah keluaran Elianto seperti di gambar atas itu. Gue pake seluruh warna itu untuk eye makeup ini. Oh ya, sedikit info, gue belom pernah review produk ini ya. Jadi ga usah repot search review-nya di gue. Gak bakal nemu. Mau gue review, tapi belom dapet wangsit.




Gaya eye makeup ini bisa jadi pilihan buat kalian yang pengen pake eyeshadow biru tapi masih ogah pakenya di kelopak mata bagian atas. Gue juga sebenernya agak-agak gimana gitu kalo pake eyeshadow biru, berasa kayak artis taun 80-an. Hehehe...

Btw, kalo kamu ga punya eyeshadow merk ini, silakan pake merk apapun yang kalian punya ya.


Nah kalo kalian mau tampilan yang lebih glam, simpel aja sih, cuku tambahin glitter senada di atas eyeshadow biru tadi. Cara pakenya cukup ditempel pake lem bulu mata. Dikit aja ya. Kalo kebanyakan bakal berabe urusan. Pengalaman pribadi soalnya.


Product breakdown:
  • Wet n Wild Ultimate Eyebrow Kita in Ash Brown
  • Ellianto eyeshadows in Evian Blue, Lady Pink, Burlywood, Thunder Black, Creamy Yellow, and Intense White.
  • Maybelline Hypersharp Eyeliner in Black
  • NYX Retractable Eyeliner in White
  • Maybelline Hypercurl Mascara in Black
  • Nobluk Softlenses in Grey
  • Make Over Eyeliner Pencil in Navy Blue
  • And some cheap Taiwan lashes

Oh ya, simple question buat kalian para pembaca yang budiman, apakah kalian lebih suka video tutorial macem gini, atau pake foto aja? Hehehe...

Thank you yang udah mau kasi masukan!

See you!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Review: Sleek Matte Me in Petal


I got this Sleek Matte Me like from winning Dine/Aisah giveaway, and it was almost a year ago. Not that I forgot about this cute prize, I was just simply waiting for the right moment to unwrap it.

When first launched, this product was originally named Sleek Ultra Smooth Lip Cream with a different kind of font. The one being reviewed here is their latest version. In case you're wondering.



The shade I own is Petal (435). And as stated on the bottle, this product can last up to 3 years upon first openning (36 months). Compared to LA Splash (only 3 months) or Lime Crime (12 months), Sleek Matte Me is more economical in terms of its life span.


Dimethicone, Hydrogenated Styrene Isoprene Copolymer Cresin, Silica, Diox, Titanium, Ide/CI77891, Red, Iron Oxide,/ CI77491, Yellow, Iron Oxide/CI77492, Bht, Propylparaben, D&C Orange No.5/CI145370:2, D&C Red No.6/CI15850:7


The applicator is what I love. Instead of a classic doe-foot shape, it is extra long and pointy, making it easier to draw a precise line. Unfortunately it feels so hard. I wish they have made it a little bit softer and more bouncy.


The texture is quite runny, not creamy. It also dries quickly.


Petal is a pale muted pink. It tends to washes me off unless if I put on a foundation or BB cream. My skin is NC25, and I don't think this would suit any darker complexion.

As you can see from the picture of my lips above, the texture of Petal shade is very streaky. I put on several layer and still couldn't get the smooth result. 

For those of you who have darker lips on the edges, I would suggest to put on some lip primer first, or a thin layer of foundation. And like many other pink lipstick on me (pale or bright) this one will also oxidize after several hours and turn into a darker color.


I have tried this product in the shade Birthday Suit, which is so much better in terms of the texture, finishing, etc. Petal kinda seems dries out and tends to clump at my inner lips, especially after eating. So the reapplication is a bit challenging. 

Lip preparation is highly recommended before applying this product. Moisturize your lips properly or scrub them in advance. I would avoid wearing this when I suffer from chapped lips.


In Indonesia, this product would cost for about IDR 120K in many online stores, they are not available off line, though.

Repurchase? Err... nope I think. I love the color but I just can't stand its texture.

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