Thursday, March 5, 2015

Tutorial: My Bloody Valentine's Guideline

For those of you who read my blog, you might notice I did a collaboration on Valentine's Day with my fellow  beauty bloggers (click here). The picture above was the look I submitted. It's such an easy look, super easy and doesn't require a lot of products. If you wonder how to do it, let's read this post to the end. And btw, I posted this on my Instagram account, but it wasn't very detail.

There are two parts I did for this look: the eyes and the slit/wounds on my cheeks. Let's do the eyes first.


Draw your eyebrow. Applying eye primer is optional.

With an angled brush and red eyeshadow, draw a line along your crease like this. Top that red shadow with black eyeshadow.

*you can also use a red and black pencil. Whichever you think easier.

Frame your upper lid with eyeliner. Here I black gel liner and the brush from the product.

Glue your falsies.

While waiting for ghe glue to get dried, using an angled brush, apply the previous red shadow on your lower lash bed.

With an eyeshadow brush, blend that red shit out.

Top the previous red shadow with a black eyeshadow.

Again, blend that black. Btw, do you notice that the glue have dried out already?

Retouch your eyeliner again, just to cover all those imperfections caused by the falsies glue.

Apply red eyeshadow using anangled brush on your waterline.
Actually, most people use red pencil, but my eyes are extremely watery. So I need something 'stronger' than a regular pencil.

Apply mascara. I don't curl my lashes since they are so tiny and almost invisible. But if yours are long and thick, I suggest you to curl them.

Apply some blood gel or food coloring using a cotton swab on previous crease line to make the effect of a 'bloody cut crease'. Literally. Try to apply it randomly. Not too perfect and not too much.

Final result:



What you'll need:
  • A peel-off mask (I use Garnier mask).
  • A Scissor or razor
  • A sponge.
  • A lip brush.
  • Red and black face painting, or you can use red/black eyeshadow/lipstick/pencil.
  • Blood gel or red food coloring.
  • Some pins or needles (optional)

Apply your peel-off mask on your cheek. Right beside your lips, pointing to your ears. Try to imagine the shape a ripped-mouth. Do not apply it too thick or it will take forever to dry out. Wait until it gets dry, then apply your foundation and set it with translucent powder.

Using a scissor or pinset, cut the mask into the shape of a ripped mouth. Just use your imagination.

Mix the red and black face paint until it become a dark red shade. Apply it on the middle of the wound. Try to make the end as pointy as possible.

Dab the red paint on each side of the wound. Try to leave some 'white line' along side of the wound to make it more realistic. Do not spread the red paint to much. We want to focus on the ripped-mouth only. If you do, simply erase the paint with make up remover and reapply the foundation.

Apply blood gel or food coloring on the wound. You can use a cotton swab.

If necessary, add some pins or needles. Buuut please don't stick it right through your flesh, will ya.


  • Maybelline Dream Liquid Mousse Foundation (Light) mixed with La Tulipe Cover Foundation (Natural)
  • Kryolan TV Paint Stick (NG1) for contouring
  • NYX Single Eyeshadow (Dark Brown) for contouring
  • Oriflame studio Finish Translucent Powder
  • Maybelline BB Silk Powder (Natural)
  • SilkyGirl Eyebrow Pencil (Dark Brown)
  • Wet n Wild Eyebrow Kit (Ash Brown)
  • Sugarpill Pressed Eyeshadow (Love+)
  • Sleek Acid Palette (Black)
  • SilkyGirl Gel Eyeliner (Black)
  • Yukkiyuna Falsies (Victory)
  • Max Factor Clump Defy Mascara (Black)
  • Princess Universe Softlens (Mars)
  • Red Food Coloring fro the blood
  • Max Factor Max effect Gloss Cube (Wild Cherry)
  • Garnier Peel-Off Mask
  • Red Food Coloring

This look is easier if you made this using liquid latex or spirit gum, but since I'm a cheapskate, I replace this with a peel-off mask. Of course nothing can beat the elasticity of those magical stuff and I will strongly suggest to use them for professional purposes. This is just for fun. And by the way, it is not my original idea, my fellows Annisa Lesmana and Aldila have done this before.

Hope this inspires enough. See you!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Review: Sariayu Fresh Daily Moisturizer (Honey)

Gue beli ini karena asli gue gak punya pelembab. Ada kali dua bulan ini gue cuma ngandelin toner-nya Mustika Ratu sebagai pelembab, walaupun yaaa fungsinya emang kurang tepat sih. Tapi lumayanlah, daripada tiap abis cuci muka, kulit muka rasanya ketarik terus. Lalu pas kebetulan maen ke store-nya Martha Tilaar kok gue malah tertarik sama pelembab ini, hanya karena ada embel-embel OIL FREE di botolnya. I'm like a sucker for anyhing goes with non-comedogenic or oil-free.

Waktu di tokonya itu, pelembab dengan jenis ini ada dua, yang satu buat kulit kering, yang satu buat kulit berminyak. Ya gue pilihlah yang buat kulit berminyak dong. Satunya lagi yang buat kulit kering itu, kalo gak salah bentuknya cream deh. Kalo yang ini gel.

Produk ini saya beli dengan harga sekitar IDR 60K untuk netto 30 ml.

Kemasannya terbuat dari botol kaca frosted yang lumayan gede, tapi gak terlalu berat. Emang kayaknya lumayan makan tempat di pouch kosmetik tapi gak berat kok. Kotaknya juga khas Indonesia banget, dengan warna kuning kusem dan motif batik. Ini kotaknya mengingatkan akan motif kaen gendongan anak gue. Tongkrongannya keliatan cukup mahal, dan harganya juga emang lumayan untuk sebuah produk lokal berukuran 30 ml. Dikit yaaa isinya. Dikiiiittt....

What it claims:
Pelembab gel yang bebas minyak dengan sunscreen, khusus untuk kulit normal-berminyak. Terasa ringan serta mudah meresap ke dalam kulit. Memberikan kelembutan dan kelembapan pada kulit.

Kalo diliat dari namanya, dan menurut keterngan mas-mas BA-nya, pelembab ini mengandalkan manfaat madu. Tapi gak ada penjelasan lebih lanjut mengenai hal ini di kemasan atau di web resminya. Nah yang gue bingung, di klaim-nya tertulis ada kandungan sunscreen, tapi sayang gak dijelasin angka SPF-nya. Jadi gue tetep pake krim tabir surya sebelom pake ini.

Produk ini memiliki mulut botol berbentuk pump yang menurut gue cukup fancy. Tidak ada ekstra tutup lagi buat pump-nya, tapi bisa dibuka tutup dengan cara diputar ke kiri dan ke kanan. Cuma gue lupa muternya ke sebelah mana kalo mau nutup. 

Enak sih kalo kemasan model gini, gak usah colek-colek, jadi gak jorok. Malesnya yaaa jadi banyak produk yang nempel di balik pump-nya itu. Jadi kalo udah mau habis, jangan langsung dibuang, tapi korek dulu bagian dalem pump-nya. Pasti masih banyak yang nyisa.

Pelembab ini kudu-nya dikocok dulu sebelom dipake. Walaupun gue juga bingung sih, karena gue gak ngeliat ada endapan apa-apa dalam cairannya.

Isinya berupa cairan kekuningan, almost looks like a gel, dengan wangi yang kalem seperti bau bedak bayi. Teksturnya itu sedikit mengingatkan gue akan serum wajah. Gue cukup ngambil seuprit aja, seperti yang ada di foto, buat cover seluruh muka. Biar ngirit (karena isinya dikit), gue ambil seuprit, trus gosok-gosok di telapak tangan dan pijat ke seluruh wajah dengan gerakan melingkar. Hal ini bisa membuat suhu wajah menjadi lebih 'hangat' yang akan mempermudah pengaplikasian foundation/BB cream. Lebih nempel gitu, istilahnya.

Pelembab ini menyerap dengan cepat ke kulit wajah. Setelah terserap, muka jadi keliatan glowing. Bukan berminyak atau mengkilat ya, tapi this nice and smooth dewy looking. Kalo gue nggak dituntut tampil sempurna layaknya seorang dewi dari kahyangan (apa sih...) gue cukup pake concealer ama pensil alis setelah pakai pelembab ini. Gak perlu di set lagi sama bedak, gak minyakan seharian. Kecuali hidung, tapi buat gue sih gak masalah. Tepuk-tepuk pake tisu, beres.

Kesimpulannya, pelembab ini nyaman banget dipake. Teksturnya itu betulan kayak gel/serum dan cepat meresap. Sedikit perbandingan dengan pelembab gel-nya Wardah, kalo Wardah itu teksturnya lebih cair dan agak lama diserap, tapi yang ini nggak. Like I said, it absorbed almost instantly dan so pasti melembabkan tapi gak over moist. Sedikit catatan ya, kondisi kulit gue itu normal dan sedikit berminyak di daerah T. So hasilnya mungkin bisa bervariasi untuk yang memiliki wajah oily.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Review: Sariayu Moistpome Eye Shadow (K Kelimutu & Borneo B-02)

Untuk seorang yang ngakunya ngefans sama brand Sariayu, lumayan aneh juga kalo gue belom pernah review eyeshadow palet-nya. Lipstiiiik mulu yang dibahas, mentang-mentang doyan lipstik. Jadi kali ini gue coba review ya dua eyeshadow Sariayu ini. Sebenernya udah lama ini gue beli, berbulan-bulan lalu. Tapi ya itu... saking sukanya sampe sayang mau dibuka. Lime Crime buat gue nomer dua deh dibanding ini hehehe. Bener.
Yang mau gue review sekarang adalah palet Kelimutu dan Borneo 02. Di saat temen-temen blogger lagi gencar review trend makeup Sariayu Papua yang terbaru, gue doang yang ketinggalan jaman. Cakep.



Pertama-tama bahas casing dulu. Eyeshadow Sariayu ini khas banget bentuknya. Jadi casing-nya plastik bening dengan gambar khas dari masing-masing daerah di Indonesia. Very very beautiful packaging. Acung jempol!
Tiap casing-nya itu dilengkapi dengan cermin kecil memanjang dan double-ended brush & sponge. Masing-masing memiliki tiga jenis varian warna eyeshadow. Terdapat juga plastik bening pelapis eyeshadownya, yang udah gue buang karena sedikit ribet kalo mau dipake.

Sesuai ekspektasi gue, aplikator bawaan ini hampir tidak berguna. Mungkin sponge-nya yang empuk cukup berguna buat orang yang biasa apply eyeshadow pake sponge, tapi buat gue sangat tidak fungsional, soalnya eyeshadow jadi susah rata dan jadi boros. Bulu kuasnya juga kaku dan keras, walau kalo mau dibanding sama sapu ijuk masih lebih keras sapu ijuk.
Oke, sekarang mari kita bahas masing-masing palet secara mendetil.

BORNEO 02 (B-02)


 Palet Borneo 02 ini berasal dari trend warna keluaran tahun 2014 lalu yang terinspirasi dari pulau Kalimantan. Makanya gambarnya khas banget, ada burung Hornbill dan bunga anggrek Kalimantan segala. Asli deh, desain packaging trend warna 2014 Sariayu ini meriah bener.

From top to bottom: baby yellow, baby blue, and baby pink. All of them comes in shimmery colors.
Dan ini warnanyaaaa. Ya ampuuun, demi apa ini warnanya imut bangeeeet. Jarang ada palet keluaran lokal yang ngeluarin warna kayak gini, well at least kombinasi warnanya nggak seimut ini lah. Jadi ngerti kaaan kenapa gue sayang banget ngebuka palet ini T_T. Kalo bisa udah gue masukin museum kawaii deh...
Oh yaaa, dan itu ada embos motif anggrek di tiap warna eyeshadownya. Duh, sampe lupa ngejelasin saking girang liat warnanya... Dan pan-nya itu kalo diraba berasa buttery banget, gak keras. Tapi yang buttery gini biasanya rada gampang pecah kalo kebanting dikit.
Maap susah banget cari sumber komposisi bahannya di internet, jadi silakan liat dari foto ini aja, walaupun kecil banget.

Without Eyeshadow Base

With Eyeshadow Base
Begitu di swatch, warna yang keluar juga gak terlalu jauh beda dengan yang ada di pan. Dan noted ya, semuanya shimmery alias blinki blinki, walaupun gak lebay sih. Masih bisa lah dipake buat harian.
Sayangnya, walaupun keliatan lucu imut-imut nggemesin, tapi begitu di swatch warnanya gak terlalu keluar bo. Semua pigmentasi warna di palet ini bisa gue bilang rada sayu-sayu mendung alias low-medium pigmentation. Yang biru masih lumayan lah keluar dikit.
Begitu di apply dengan eyeshadow base warnanya emang jadi lumayan keluar, kecuali untuk yang pink. Si pink ini emang ngeselin, rada keras kepala dia, sama sekali gak mau menampakkan diri biar udah dipancing pake eyeshadow base.
Contoh EOTD yang gue bikin menggunakan Sariayu palet B-02. Eh tapi maap, yang silver sama ungunya gue colong dari palet merk lain. Trus karena si pink adalah warna yang sangat sayu, gue pake cuma buat aksen di bagian crease.
Menurut gue warna ini tetep wearable buat sekedar hang out. Kalo ke kampus juga bisa pake ini, asal kamu anak Ekonomi atau Kedokteran. Bukan anak Teknik Mesin atao anak Design. Hehehe. Becanda ah, digaplok ntar gue...



Palet Kelimutu ini berasal dari trend warna Sariayu tahun 2012, depannya itu dihiasi dengan motif tribal khas daerah Nusa Tenggara. Desainnya sih rada 'sepi', gak sehebring trend warna Borneo.

From top to bottom: dark denim blue, turqoise blue, lime green. They all comes in shimmery colors.
Kombinasi warna ini mengingatkan sama salah satu Trivia Eyeshadow keluaran Make Over. Palet ini sebetulnya nggak banget buat gue yang suka warna-warna pastel, tapi kayaknya sih lebih bermartabat... aduh apa ya bahasa enaknya. Hmmm... Lebih anggun, sophisticated gitu dibanding kombinasi warna sebelumnya, walaupun teteeep warna-warni. Sama seperti palet Borneo, pan-nya juga terasa buttery, dan ya... gampang pecah. Liat aja tuh yang warna ijo bawah udah pecah dikit, padahal dibanting juga kaga.
Oh ya, warna yang paling bawah itu bukan kuning ya. Beda dengan palet Borneo, yang ini lebih mengarah ke lime green/yellow. Biru muda-nya juga beda dengan palet Borneo, yang ini lebih mengarah ke biru toska.

Ingredients. Can you see it? Sorry for the bad picture T_T

Without Eyeshadow Base
With Eyeshadow Base

Warna-warna di palet ini lebih pigmented dibanding palet Borneo. Yang paling susah keluar itu biru tuanya tapi masih bisa diusahakan dengan bantuan eyeshadow base dan aplikasi berulang. Yang paling keren itu warna biru toska yang langsung keluar tanpa eye base. Btw, kenapa ya pigment biru itu warnanya rata-rata keluar? Nggak eyeshadow, nggak pensil, rata-rata biru itu pasti warnanya nampol.
Oh ya, lagi-lagi aku musti bilang, di palet ini juga warna-warnanya shimmery ya. Bukan matte biarpun gak lebay. Kenapaaa bukan matte T_T. Kalo matte bisa banget deh jadi dupe-nya beberapa warna keluaran Melt Cosmetics nih.


Contoh EOTD menggunkan palet Kelimutu, maap ye potonya rada burem, cuma pake kamera HP, tapi warna yang keluar di sini betul-betul sesuai aslinya. No edit. What you see is what you get, true to its pan banget dah. Buat gue palet ini cocok banget buat dipake ke event yang lebih glamor. Dan kombinasi dua warna biru di pan ini cocok banget buat bikin smokey eyes. Hihihih...

Pan eyeshadow ini buttery banget. Biasanya eyeshadow model gini pas dipake ke mata emang hasilnya halus banget, gampang diblend, dan nggak powdery, tapi juga gampang pecah kalo kebanting dikit. Pas gue pake, gue juga sama sekali gak mengalami tragedi "bubuk eyeshadow yang jatoh ke pipi". Semua warna yang gue punya di sini juga mengandung shimmer meskipun gak lebay. Kalo soal pigmentasi sih bervariasi seperti yang udah gue jelasin, ada yang bagus ada yang nggak.
Sebenernya gue udah punya sih palet yang isinya sejuta warna, lebih enak emang bikin EOTD pake palet seperti itu, praktis. Tapi kan yaaa kalo gue mau pergi-pergi dan butuh bawa eyeshadow, ribet juga kali kalo mau bawa palet eyeshadow segedubrak. Jadi palet-palet ini lumayan lah mengurangi beban bawaan. Kombinasi tiga warnanya juga lumayan lah, meskipun gue prefer kalo ada empat warna, pasti pilihannya lebih benyak hehehe. Banyak maunya ah!
  • Buttery textured
  • Varies in pigmentation
  • Shimmery colors
  • Smooth and not powdery
  • Blended easily
  • Very small mirror
  • Bad bad applicator
  • Claimed as Halal & Against Animal Cruelty
  • How much: IDR 50-55K

Review: NYX Slim Lip Pencil (Fuchsia/SPL 816)

Another lip liner collection of mine! Yeaay!
This pencil comes in a black wooden pencil with different colors representing each shade. The cap is made of black plastic.
Company claim:
Slim, trim but never prim, our lip pencils come in a variety of dashing shades—from auburn to orange and traffic-stopping red. The buttery, long-wearing lip liner formula goes on easily and resists bleeding.

This cost USD 3.50 in their official web store. I bought this on offcial counter for IDR 80K, but if you buy this online it'll cost you about IDR 50-60K.
My shade is Fuchsia.
There are 56 array of colors available, according to its official international webstore. They even got BLACK lip liner. How cool is that?! But I have no idea how many shades available here in Indonesia. I pressume there are only mainstream colors distributed in local official conters, other than that you have to pre-order them online.
Sorbitan Isostearate, Isocetyl Stearate,Phenyl Trimethicone, Polyethylene, Euphorbia Cerifera (Candelilla) Wax,Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter) Unsaponifiables, Beeswax, SimmondsiaChinensis (Jojoba) seed oil, Caprylic/Capri Triglyceride, Nylon-12,Octyldodecanol, Polyglyceryl-2 Diisostearate, Silica, CoperniciaCerifera (Carnauba) Wax, Hydrogenated, Coconut Oil, Tocopherol,VP/Hexadecene Copolymer, Stearalkonium Hectorite, StearylGlycyrrhetinate, Propylparaben, Prolylene Carbonate

This is a wooden pencil that need to be sharpen.

This color is a bright fucshia color with cool undertone.

The lip liner alone, worn full lips.

Combined with Sariayu lipstick Lasem 01
A match made in heaven!
I first bought this bright pink pencil to lock the color of some pink liquid lipsticks I have. Liquid tends to bleed out of my lip line and applying this pencil in advance really help those liquid stay in place, at least for more than 6 hours of usage.
This pencil glides on smoothly without any dragging on my lips with a good color pay-off. Easily to be sharpened, but also a bit disturbing when the tip is no longer pointy. It's not easily brake if you sharpen it right.
I find that this pencil is a bit drying, but don't they all? So far I only tried three brands of lip pencil (Revlon, Silkygirl, and NYX) and all of them dry out. But aren't they supposed to be dry? Otherwise, how can it lock the lip color in place? Tell me if I'm wrong. Just put a lip balm first, leave it for a about 5 minutes, wipe it, apply a concealer, then start drawing your lips.
So far, I think this is the best lip liners I've ever had. I consider of repurchasing this but in other colors, although I don't know if the result will be as pleasing as this, because sometimes the result can be different depending on the color.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Review: Etude House Nymph Aura Volumer (No. 3/Transparent)

I think I've mentioned it before in my previous posts about Etude House products, that the company has the ability to name their products with such confusing names. I didn't even know what a 'volumer' really is, until I finally understood that this is actually a luminizer, a thick translucent oil you use to make your face look more radiant, or glowy, or dewy.
This cost USD 15 for 25 g on official web, but I bought this for about IDR 190K in @mai_shop in Instagram

This comes with a lavender box and a white pump bottle. There's a teardrop decoration on the bottle with hollographic effect. The pump itself is also very hygienic and easy to use. Please do not push the pump to deep or else you'll spoil too many product. Just do it lightly.
There are three variants: No 1/pure, No 3/transparent, and No 4/luminous. No 2 was discontinued.
The one I have is No. 3 or transparent. You can see the variant description on top of the box and at the backside of the bottle. This variant claims to give you a light and transparent glow.
*Please note that according to its official web that the ingredients of each variant are different. The one I copied above are the ones in variant No. 3 (transparent).

The consistency is some thick transparnet peach/pink oily cream, but it'll turn to clear one once you spread it. So it won't affect your foundation/BB cream shade. There's a hint of sunflower smell, but not too strong. There is no shimmer or glitter at all. Just a plain oil cream.




The first method is by mixing the volumer with BB cream with 1:3 ration. 1 one the volumer, and 3 for the BB cream. I would suggest you using the foundation or BB cream that has a matte result if you don't want to overdo it.


The result on my hand applied with BB cream and volumer is way more greasy/dewy.

Unfortunately, I've done this first method and apparently it didn't went pretty well. For the record, my skin type is normal to oily. And the result on me was way too greasy. I couldn't even apply my make up properly since they refuse to be absorbed by my super greasy skin at the time. My blusher, eyeliner, eyebrows were a complete mess. But if you insist on doing this method, please remember, DO NOT EVER apply this product to your eyelid. It's a very stupid thing I did anyway.

The second method is by using this as a highlighter. After doing all of my make up, I simply dab the products with my fingertip, onto my cheekbones, nose bridge, forehead (near my upper eyebrows), chin, and my cupid's bow. I just dab them in a very small amount to avoid the super greasy result. And turned out this method suits me better. I do this method for my daily makeup.

Some of the result:
This product is wearable for a tan or medium skintone as well.
Unfortunately, doing this method after the application of BB cream/foundation would only run my base make up, so I have to do more blending. Preferably with fingertip. Usually after dabbing this product, I would tap them again with a stippling brush to reduce the shinny effect. But if you prefer it to appear more shinny, then just leave it like that.
Despite the nice dewy/glowy effect it gives me, this product also leave some uneasy and heavy feeling on my skin. It feels sticky. And if you have a long hair and not wearing hijab like me, I'm afraid that you'll experience this uncomfortable experience when some of your hair sticked to your face where the cream was applied. Do you know what I mean?
For those who have normal and dry skin (especially dry skin) wearing this might compliment your make up look. I used to have dry skin few months ago, and it really help to even out those flaky skin. But I would not recommend this for oily skin as this would only make you look shinny, not in a nice way.

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