Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Review: Viva Compact Powder (Natural)

Eeeeh ketemu lagi kita :D

Bulan Juni 2014 ini, aku kayaknya sudah banyak membombardir teman-teman semua dengan ulasan tentang lip products, dari lip balm, lip tint, lip pigment, lipstik... Dan sepertinya akan berlanjut lagi sih sampe beberapa post ke depan.

Tapi biar ga bosen, aku post dulu deh tentang salah satu 'pelapis muka' yang biasa aku pake buat bedendong di rumah selama setahunan ini.

Sebenernya bedak andelanku itu Maybelline Clear Smooth, murmer, coverage bagus, awet. Cuman berhubung aku rada perhitungan, sayang amat bedak harga 20ribu perak buat dipake tiap hari, padahal di rumah doang. Pas pertama liat ini di toko kosmetik pasar tradisional deket rumah. Liat penampakannya langsung demen, hahaha. Packaging minded banget. Udah gitu murah pula, IDR 8000-an. Setelah abis satu tempat, mo beli lagi gak nemu terus. Akhirnya beli lah di website, cuman harganya lebih mahal, sekitar 10 atau 11 ribu.

Kenapa aku demen packagingnya? Vintage bo. Tempatnya ini plastik warna oren goooonjreng banget, plus ada ukiran warna silver gitu. Hahaha, kuno banget! Dan bentuknya bulet pula, jadi inget jam rantai ala-ala steam punk sekitar seabad lalu. Btw, karena kemasannya ini plastik yang agak berat, bisa dipastikan kalo kamu banting bakal pecah. Jadi jangan di banting... Kecuali gak sengaja hehehe.

Yang lebih memperkuat aura vintage-nya tuh adalah kotaknya, masih dengan warna oren, sodara-sodara. Udah gitu ada foto (atau lukisan) gambar bunga dengan kualitas saturation dan lighting yang sangat tidak tepat, alias terlalu terang, jadi putih-putih gitu gambarnya. Eh, btw, liatkah kamu ada logo halal dari MUI di sana? Yup, biar kemasan vintage, tapi ini Halal loh. Heheheh.

Ingredients-nya, temaaaan. Masih ada turunan paraben tuh. 
Untuk jenis warnanya sendiri ada tiga: Kuning langsat, Kuning Pengantin, dan Natural. Aku pilih warna Natural aja. Kenapa? Karna warna kulitku bukan kuning langsat, dan kedua, karna aku gak tahu warna kuning pengantin itu kayak gimana. Temen-temen ada yg tahu ga?

Di dalamnya udah dapet cermin sama puff. Kemasannya ini lumayan compact tapi isinya banyak menurutku (19 g). Cerminnya bisa buat ngaca (ya eeeaaalah).

Berhubung ini Compact Powder dan bukan Two Way Cake, jadi si puff nya itu dari kain, bukan sponge. Dan puff-nya itu halus tapi kaku bo, cuman lumayanlah. Tekstur bedaknya sih halus sekali, lebih halus dari Maybelline, tapi agak berbubuk. Btw, ada wangi kembang setaman yang asli semerbak mekar mewangi banget loh, meskipun akan hilang setelah beberapa saat. Jadi buat yang suka bersin-bersin karna wewangian, kudu re-consider ya make ini. Aduh, sampe wanginya pun vintage. Hahahah.

Kayak gini warna shade Natural itu. Menurutku ini warna yang cukup universal yah, gak keputihan, gak terlalu gelap. Cocok buat hampir semua warna kulit. 

Coverage-nya lumayan kok, untuk bedak seharga ini. Tanganku itu banyak freckles, pokoknya udah dari sana-Nya gitu. Liat deh perbedaan bagian yang ketutup bedak, lumayan bisa nutup noda-noda hitam itu, meski gak full nutup banget. Ingat, ini bedak muka biasa, alias bedak tabur yang dipadatkan, bukan two way cake. Warnanya juga gak keputihan. Keliatan pake bedak, cuma gak keliatan overdo.


So far, kesimpulannya, bedak ini ringan banget buat dipake sehari, meski ada wangi kembang setaman, selama setaun pake ini tiap hari aku gak pernah ada purging di kulit wajah sama sekali. Kalo untuk ketahanan sih aku bisa bilang level-nya low to medium. Pernah juga beberapa kali aku pake jalan di tempat ber-AC, luntur dikit, idung plus jidat jadi mengkilat but masih oke. Aku pake kondangan juga pernah, lengkap dengan foundation plus face primer, performanya jadi keren banget, tahan lama bo. So, menurut pendapatku, ada beberapa faktor yang menentukan seberapa lama bedak ini bertahan di wajahmu: kondisi kulit, kondisi lingkungan, plus pemakaian base makeup. Btw, jenis kulitku normal-oily ya.

Aku udah beli ini dua kali, dan kayaknya bakal beli lagi terus dan terus. Rada kurang tertarik sih make two way cake, face powder biasa seperti ini atau Maybelline buatku udah cukup. Saran aja sih, kalo bukan buat acara resmi, pesta, atau manggung, lebih baik hindari deh keseringan make two way cake, karena kandungannya lebih berat dari compact atau loose powder. Kalo ngantor atau ke kampus kan kita udah pake SPF, face primer, belom lagi pake alas bedak atau BB Cream, itu aja udah nutupin pori-pori muka. Malah buat kamu yang kulit mukanya gak terlalu banyak bermasalah, cukuplah pake bedak aja, gak usah pake alas bedak segala. Kalo ada jerawat satu-dua biji, tutupin aja pake concealer di spot-spot tertentu. Gak apa-apa kok keliatan gak mulus-mulus amat, karena kita cuma manusia biasa. Gak mau kan, masih muda kulit udah kusem? Keliatan tua dong... males ih... Hehehehe. Peace yak, ini pendapatku loooh :)

Garis besar:
  • Kemasannya baguuuuus banget, vintage bo
  • Ada bau kembang setaman semerbak mekar mewangi
  • Tekstur halus tapi berbubuk
  • Puff-nya rada kaku
  • Case-nya gampang pecah, engsel kacanya juga gampang copot (pengalaman)
  • Staying power: low to medium (tergantung kondisi kulit dan base makeup)
  • Isinya banyak (19 g)
  • Halal product
  • Gampang didapet (aku beli di pasar tradisional)
  • Berapa? Sekitar IDR 8000-an. Di vivacosmetic.com sih IDR 10.300 (barusan nge-cek). Jadi jangan mau kalo beli di toko harganya lebih mahal dari itu ya.

Ponten buat bedak ini:
4.37 out of 5

Btw, aku agak jarang sih nemu review bedak ini di google, jadi rada susah nemu perbandingannya (biasanya suka bandingin pengalamanku sama orang lain). Teman-teman ada yang udah pernah pake ga?

Monday, July 14, 2014

Review: Etude House Dear Darling Neon Tint (#03/Pink)

Oh well, lately I reviewed more and more lip products, just what in the world is happening to me?

After several lip products from Etude House, now I'm gonna review my most favorite lip tint of all.



This is a quite cute product. Maybe because of the pink content. This lip tint is packed in long plastic bottle, and sealed in transparent plastic. But I already tore it off since I couldn't hold back not to use this.

Source: Google
Color system: Orange, Milky Pink, And Neon Pink. The Neon Pink was actually the newest shade. Compared to EH Dear Darling Tint with their transparent liquid, this one has milky shades.

No ingredient explanation since there was no box, neither it was stated on the plastic seal. And, this sticker is all you can find. My shade is 03.

The applicator is a bit bended.

Aww, just look at it, isn't she cute?



It's quite bold when you swatch it over your hand. There's a strong fruity (strawberry?) scent which is super girly. This is water based, if you're curious.

My bare lips.

Swatches on my lips taken in both lighting, applied as gradient lips and full lips style.


Overall, I must say that this product is just an extra line added to Etude House Dear Darling Tint (which is a good product as well). Compared to its predecessor (review here) aside from their choices of color and price, I don't find any significant difference regarding their texture and longevity. To my super dry lips (especially on this Ramadhan fasting) this product dried my lips, like... a lot, but lip balm application after or before this is just an easy and great solution. 

Although this one kinda suck in my lips moist, but I do love the shade. It really gives you a natural looking pink lips, especially if you dab it into your inner parts only. 

One question frequently asked to me, will this product camouflage the black spots on your lips? Sorry to dissapoint you, but it won't, just like any other lip tint. So dab some concealer if you find your dark spot on your lips are annoying, otherwise you can leave it be. And once again, just like any other lip tint products, this one doesn't stay long on my lips. I don't even have to eat nor drink, after just a couple of hours it faded already, which I really don't mind. I love dabbing it frequently because the scent is flattering ^^

  • Natural pink shade
  • Water based formula
  • Dried my lips (mine, I don't know about you)
  • Fruity scent
  • Pigmentation: medium
  • Longevity: low
  • Price: around IDR 70K (depends on the seller)... although I don't understand why the price is almost twice as much as EH Dear Darling Tint? What are their difference?

I would love to buy other shades as well, if you by any chance have tried it, feel free to leave your review on the comment bar. 

Thank you!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

[Kolaborasi yang Tertinggal] Katy Perry 'Dark Horse' Inspired Makeup

This post was supposed to be a part of an arabian themed makeup collaboration, but... something happened in the process, so I submitted another look for that collaboration, and this creation of mine was left abandonned. Too bad, remembering it took me 4 hours to create this. This is not such an easy one!

I meant to re create Katy Perry makeup in her Dark Horse video, but again, something went wrong in the process, I couldn't imitate it pretty well. And out of desperation, adjusting with my rookie ability, I improvised a lot. I mean, really like... A lot.

In the end, after attempting 3 consecutive times, I came up with this:

Yeah, the hair. I told you I improvised a lot. LOLs.

Considering the hard attempt, it was a miracle I still manage to provide you a pictorial. Check this out!

How to redo the eye makeup:
  1. Draw your eyebrows and apply eyeshadow base.
  2. Apply yellow eyeshadow on the inner and lower corner.
  3. Continue with orange shade.
  4. Using and an angled brush, apply two purple lines on your outter corner, like I did in the picture. This will work as an outline, so no need to be so careful.
  5. Draw an outline using the same tool and eyeshadow color.
  6. Fill it with the same purple eyeshadow. Erase the mistake with a q-tip.
  7. Using white eyeshadow, fill the gap on your outter corner.
  8. Retouch again using purple eyeshadow and an angled brush.
  9. Blend the colors all together, then draw eyeliner on your upper eye lid. Exagerate the tear duct to achieve longer looking eyes.
  10. Do the same thing with your lower lash bed and water line. Make a small wing downward on the inner corner.
  11. I'm not very good in drawing eyeliner, so I retouched the lower eyeliner by dabbing black eyeshadow with an angled brush.
  12. Highlight your brow bone with silver eyeshadow.
  13. Apply mascara and glue your falsies. Falsies is a must. And you are done!

Note: if you already came up witn something much easier steps than I did, you are very welcome, dear.

And as for the rest of the entire face, I didn't provide you with a pictorial. But this is more or less what I did that day:
  • Do your skin care routines.
  • Do your eye makeup first like in the pictorial above.
  • Apply face foundation and set it with a face powder.
  • Contour your nose and cheek bones.
  • For the lips, draw an outline first with a brown pencil, then set it with a nude colored lip gloss. Here I use a very pigmented lip gloss that looks like a lipstick.

Products I abused:

  • Face:
    • Revlon Photoready Perfecting Primer
    • Revlon Photoready Concealer (light)
    • La Tulipe Cover Foundation (natural)
    • Maybelline Clear Smooth Face Powder (light)
    • Revlon Blusher (pink peony)
    • Make Over Countour Kit
  • Eyes:
    • Viva White Eyebrow Pencil (brown)
    • EH Proof 10 Eyeshadow Primer
    • Coastal Scents 120 Original Pallet 1 (yellow, orange, black, silver, purple)
    • Mizzu Eyeliner Pen (black)
    • Artistry Automatic Eyeliner (black)
    • NYX JEP (milk)
    • Maybelline The Falsies Mascara (black)
    • Baby Color Candy Rainbow Softlenses (gray)
    • Unbranded falsies
  • Lips:
    • Viva White Eyebrow Pencil (brown) used as lip liner
    • NYX Ultra Shine Lip Gloss (natural)

Looks in detail:

Picture spamming!

Okay, did my trial Katy Perry enough?
Nevermind. Forget I ever wrote that...

Review: Viva White Chic on Lips Moisture Balm (Choco Dreamer)

Lagi pengen ngebahas lip balm Viva nih. Mungkin belum banyak yang tahu kalo akhir2 ini Viva ngeluarin lip balm. Yo wis, langsung aja deh, lagi bingung juga nulis kata pembukaannya. Heheheh...



Nemu ini pas lagi jalan di Giant Supermarket. Langsung aja comot. Kalo gak salah, lip balm ini ada 4 varian deh. Cuman lupa apa aja. Aku ambil yang ini karena, pertama, aku suka bau coklat. Kedua, aku liat embel2 deep moisturizing nya itu. Lagian, yang namanya coklat, seperti halnya vanila, identik sama produk-produk yang diformulasikan khusus untuk kulit yang super duper kering. Biasanya sih gitu. Naaah, bibirku kan lagi kering berdarah-darah kayak vampir, jadi kayaknya cocok iniiii.

Ini daftar komposisi dan logo MUI nya. Btw, kamu baca ga ada tulisan "terapi cokelat"? Nah, itu dia salah satu alasan kenapa aku pengen beli ini... Huehehehehe kayaknya ngebayanginnya asik banget. Dimakan aja enak, apalagi buat terapi.

Kayak gini bro penampakan tube nya. Standar lah, sekilas mirip tube nya baby lips Maybelline atau lip balm puter pada umumnya. Design nya lumayan oke. Kalo gak teliti banget baca ada tulisan Viva di pojokan situ tuuuh, mungkin gak bakal ngenalin kalo ini produk Viva. Bukannya nyela ye, cuman kelemahan Viva itu ada di kemasan. Wakakakak.


swatches and performance

Bullet nya setelah diputer dikit, warna coklat. Langsung kecium deh tuh aroma duren coklat. Hmmm, nyam nyam. Btw, kamu gak usah kuatir kalo ngerasa muternya kebanyakan, karena bulletnya itu bisa kok diputer masuk lagi ke dalem. Aku cerita gini soalnya ada beberapa produk yang gak bakalan bisa masuk lagi kalo muternya kebanyakan.

Saking sheer nya ini lip balm, kayaknya aku kudu ngasih tanda panah deh. Noh noh noh yang ditunjukin itu adalah swatch nya. Keliatan ga? Ada sedikiiiit banget warna coklat peach gitu bo. Kan biasanya lip balm warnanya pink atau kemerahan.

Aku sering banget gigitin bibir, apalagi kalo pas maen BULLY lagi seru-serunya, jadi sering luka. Lagian mank dasarnya bibirku gampang kering. Ini gambar pas dioles di bibir. Gak keliatan banget sih bedanya, tapi lumayan setelah dibiarin beberapa saat di bibir sampe meresap, bibirku jadi gak keliatan pecah banget. Dan baunya itu asliiii nyaman banget, gak kayak Vaseline Petroleum Jelly ku yang gak ada baunya, jadi gak asik terapinya.


So far, aku suka banget sama lip balm ini. Seneng banget bisa dapet produk lokal yang fungsinya lumayan oke. Untuk hasil yang optimal, aku olesin ini sebelum tidur tebel-tebel dan diulangi lagi prosesnya setiap kali bibir mulai berasa kering setiap hari. So, for now, this cute little thing jadi kayak barang wajib di tas aku. Gapapa dah gak pake lipstik, yang penting bibir adem. 

Dan satu lagi nih, bau coklat nya yang enak banget itu bisa jadi lagu nina bobo kalo pas dipake malem. Jadi kalo malem kan bibir diolesin lip balm ini tuh, terus aku colek dikiiit aja Vanilla Body Butter TBS di tangan. Usap-usap, terus tidur deh sambil ditemenin sensasi bau coklat dan vanilla. Menyenangkan sekali hehehehe...

Mari kita hakimi bersama lip balm ini:
  • Halal
  • Warnanya transparan, sedikit peach, tapi hampir ga keliatan
  • Bau coklat, nyam...
  • Melembabkan dan merawat bibir
  • Gampang didapet, aku belinya di Giant
  • Harga lupa, sekitar IDR 10K, ga sampe malah

That is all for today, thank you for reading. Please leave your thoughts or opinions on the comment bar below ^^

Alleria Makeup Artist First Birthday Giveaway

Hi, my friends!

On this post, I'm gonna recreate some of the makeup play done by my friend Marthalina Tesya regarding her 1st bloggiversary alleriamakeupartist.blogspot.com. You can find out more about the event here.

Btw, do you realize I changed my page look into a more simple one?

Makeup recreation is a mandatory requirement for beauty blogger participants, so without further ado, I have made two looks among the not-so-mainstream looks she had done.



This look is sooo beautiful. ^^

Some of the flower drawings, in details. I'm not a very good drawer, especially on the face. Drawing your face kinda makes me feel dizzy, literally! So bear with these pics:

Abused tools:
  • Face
    • Kryolan TV Paint Stick (White)
    • Marcks Face Powder (White)
    • Coastal Scents 120 Pallet Eyeshadow Original 1 (for the flower)
    • Mizzu Eyeliner Pen (Black) to draw the flowe
  • Eyes
    • Viva Eyebrow Pencil (Black)
    • Maybelline Hyper Gloss Eyeliner (Black)
    • Unbranded falsies
    • Baby Color Rainbow Softlens (gray)
  • Lips
    • Revlon Lipliner (Red)
    • Maybelline Color Show Lipstick (Red My Lips/202)


immagination doll

This is the kind of makeup I've always wanted to do, you know, that openned mouth doll! I have to brag that this look was done in just half an hour. LOLs.

And here are the drawings in detail:

Abused tools:
  • Face 
    • La Tulipe Cover Foundation (Natural)
    • Viva Face Powder (Natural)
    • Viva Body Painting (black) to draw cracked lines
    • NYX Single Eyeshadow (Black and Brown) 
    • Coastal Scents 120 Pallet Eyeshadow Original 1 (as blusher)
  • Eyes
    • NYX Retractable Pencil (green, blue, white) as eyeshadow base
    • Revlon Lipliner (Red) as eyeshadow base
    • Coastal Scents 120 Pallet Eyeshadow Original 1
    • Viva Eyebrow Pencil (Black)
    • Maybelline Hypergloss Liquid Liner (Black)
    • Unbranded falsies
    • Baby Color Rainbow (grey)
  • Lips
    • Revlon Lipliner (Red)
    • Maybeline Color Show Lipstick (Red My Lips/202)
    • NYX JEP (Milk)
    • Viva Body Painting (Black)


Orright, have you joined yet?! What are you waiting for, go click the link I wrote above and find out the prizes.

See you!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Review: Etude House Color Lips-Fit (RD301 & PK003)

I cannot do not want to have Etude House products. LOLs. Confused with my statement? Well, for me EH products are cutely packaged, innovative, and just like any other Korean products, some of EH items are good dupes for high end brands with more reasonable prices. (I'm talking about online shop prices, tho'!).

But since the EH Cotton Fit BB cream is a big dissapointment for me (they cost me pimples!) I have to be extra carefull when purchasing their products. So I bought the stuff that won't touch most of my face: eye and lip products. So far, this trick works well.

So for those of you not sure what kind of lip colors these are, they are liquid lip color. Just to simplify the product name, since EH is the champion for creating ones with confusing meanings. Seriously, their product names are confusing. Baby Choux Base, Conditioning Cream, Nymph Aura Volumer, etc... Hello?



They have boxes by the way, but no extra plastic seal on the bottles, so there's no exact way to find out whether they are used already or not. And, they are cute. The bottles are made of plastic and so are the caps, and they're pretty bulky. There's a glimpse of chameleon sparks on those white caps.

My shades are RD301 (Red) and PK003 (Pink). The box colors are basically pink, but the top part colors represent each shade.

As written on the box:
This is a revolutionary liquid type lipstick that moistly glides onto lips with its vivid color and finishes off with a weightless powdery texture.

The words powdery texture kinda reminds me of the texture of NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream that creamy when first applied and turned into matte once it sunk into your lips.

Directions of use:
  1. Shake well before use.
  2. Apply smoothly with tip. Lightly dab onto center of lips for gradation. Delicately apply for full cover.
  3. Apply a layer of Color Lips Fit WH901* after color for moist gloss.

 *WH901 is Color Lips-Fit in clear shade, or a lipgloss to be exact. 

And this side of the box is the only one I'll capture. The rest are written in Hangul.

The applicators are bended with a wide flat surface.


Swatches and performance

I took these swatches in just one time swipe and the colors show up pretty well. They are so bright. Judging from these, I assume they are as bright as neon colors. The formula is oil based and there's a strong fruity scent.

When I wore this on my lips, they are creamy at first and look wet just like the swatches on my wrist. But it will turn to matte gradually. So moisturizing and even scrubbing on the first place is recommended, especially for those who have dried lips like mine.

My bare lips, in one of their worst conditions. Dried, chapped, and bleeding easily. I got this because I forgot to wear moisturizer before going to sleep for two days in a row. Maklum, udah umur...


Applied as both gradient lips and full lips. The color somehow doesn't compliment my skintone really well. It is actually a bright sunny pink and makes my pale face look even worse. And that bright shade also makes my dried lips look worse. Oh, that matte formula... Wrong choice of color. But when I wore this on my healthy lips and added a bit of peach lipgloss, it looked so much better.


The formula is still drying and that neon shade is a bit disturbing to me, but this one look a lot better on me. It even able to camouflage my chapped lips. I prefer this one better I guess. Errr... This one is a red with a blue undertone perhaps, but with a very bright look. Btw, I only need a drop of the liquid to cover my whole lips.

So far, these lip color are not one of my favourite. I like them, but not so much that I'll buy other shades. Their bright and neon shades are a bit too hard to pull off. I have to add a bit lip gloss, or spread the liquid with my finger to make it look more wearable. I don't know, maybe it's because of my skintone? Btw, if you want to apply this full lips, don't dab this with applicator to your whole lips. Simply put a small amount on the inner center of your lips then gently spread them with your finger. Do not overdo since the liquid is highly pigmented.

Talking about the staying power, PK003 is medium, but the RD301 is great. Maybe because of the bold color, that it will stain your lips afterwards. So when I wear the RD301, my lips look even more red after I had my meal.


Kesimpulanku sih lipstik ini bikin bibir kering, jadi harus pake lip balm dulu sebelumnya. Kalo ngomongin warna, jatohnya itu di mukaku jadi aneh, karena warnanya itu terang seperti neon, harus ditambah lip gloss atau tepuk2 dulu pake jari supaya jatohnya jadi agak wearable lah gitu, gak terlalu aneh banget. Apa mungkin aneh karena warna kulitku ya, meskipun terang, tapi tetep aja kulit orang endonesa yg kecoklatan, kalo orang Korea kan rata2 kulitnya putih semu pink gitu, pasti cocok aja kali pake warna-warna kayak gini. Jadi buat kulit gelap, emmm, janganlah, aneh jadinya.

Oh ya, sedikit tips, kalo mau pake full lips, jangan dioles ke seluruh bibir. Ntar jadinya terlalu dobleh banget. Oles aja di tengah bibir trus disebar ke seluruh bibir pake jari, cakep deh. Jadi jangan terlalu napsu ngolesnya, soalnya lip color ini pigmented banget.

Lipstik ini juga awet banget nempelnya. Yang PK003 sih standar lah, abis makan minum langsung pudar dikit, tapi yang RD301 tetep okeh. Malah habis makan, bibirku malah keliatan jadi merah alami gitu, hehehe.

  • Bright neon colors
  • Best for fair skin, not redommended for medium or dark skin
  • Creamy at frist applied but will turn to matte gradually
  • Kinda reminds me of NYX SLMC
  • Dry my lips
  • Highly pigmented
  • Great staying power, especially RD301
  • Price: around IDR 110K each (USD 11)

Ratings would be.... 2.75 out of 5.

Thank you for reading. See you soon!

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