Friday, May 9, 2014

IBB Makeup Challenge May 2014 with Japan Softlens


This May of 2014, Indonesian Beauty Blogger community sponsored by Japan Softlens present a makeup challenge with the theme Fun Makeup All About Japan.

Honestly, this is one of hardest challenge for me, because there are tons of makeup ideas inspired by Japan. I just couldn't decide one or two or three, and it frustrated me, even now. So reluctantly, I'm gonna show my paintings on my face canvas.

There are three looks I created: Anime Girl, The Blue Geisha, and Old Skool Gyaru.

Oh, first of all, this post basically is all about picture spamming. I am not able to provide you the pictorial since I was totally clueless what to create that day.

So, prepare your heart and stomach as well.


The key for this look is to be cute with  inhuman eyes. 

How to:
  1. Base your face with foundation one tone lighter than your natural skin tone and contour your nose.
  2. Disguise your eyebrows by applying foundation and white powder several times until you get the result you wanted (which I failed at).
  3. Using an angled brush and shocking pink eyeshadow, draw thin eyebrows a bit downward to create puppy eyes effect. Top it with with fuschia lipstick.
  4. Apply baby blue eyeshadow on your lids, and cut your crease with black eyeshadow. Blend them.
  5. Apply shocking pink eyeshadow on your outter eye area, near your cheek bone
  6. Using gel eyeliner, draw eyeline like I did in the picture.
  7. Apply fake eyelashes.
  8. Set your lips with shocking pink lipstick.
  9. Pose as cute as possible!

Anime Girl is supposed to be cute right? Sooo, I tried to look as cute as possible. Do I look like Michelle Phan? LOL.

This is another example of a failed attempt. Can you spot the difference with the first two pictures?


I removed all the red color and big black hairdo in conservative Geisha looks and replace them with blue Hijab and blue eyeshadow. But, still, that white painted face, is there.

  1. Base your face with BB Cream/Foundation.
  2. Apply white base foundation again and set it with white powder. Or white flour. Do this several times until you achieve an even result. Don't forget to disguise your eyebrows and lips as well.
  3. Using black eyeshadow and an angled brush, draw flat thin eyebrows.
  4. Apply navy blue eyeshadow on your outter eye using your fingers. You don't have to be so neat.
  5. Frame your eyes with black liner in Ulzzang style.
  6. Using black eyeliner, draw a small lip, and set it with blue lipstick or blue eyeshadow. Pout by placing a tissue between your lips.
  7. Pose! In a freak kinda way...
I accidently invented this Hijab style when I was at the highest stage of frustration to create a Geisha hairdo :) And no, I'm not going to be like this when picking up my kid from school.

Daster keliataaaan...!


If you notice, this picture is actually my late post--and also my GFC profile picture--from the very first time I started this blog. Still lacked here and there (I am still now, though), and the poor pixel resolution because I took it with this iPad camera, you know how bad Apple camera, right?

You can check out the tutorial here. Please note that I aimed to create an Old School Gyaru look, not the Neo Gyaru. So perhaps you might think I did too much with the eyes.

That's all for now!

See you on the next challenges!

Review: Veet Hair Removal Cream

Sejujurnya, aku kan pake jilbab yah, jadi ga pernah bermasalah sama penampakan bulu-bulu di badanku. Tapi yah, boleh dong buat di rumah, nyenengin suami. Jadi pas lewat ke Alfamart mau beli coklat, gak sengaja ini kaki reflek aja gitu masuk ke rak skincare. Trus, tangan ini dengan sendirinya aja nyomot produk ini.

For a hijaber, I don't really have problems with hairs on my hands and feet. But removing them really has a soft feeling when you touched them. I found this babe in a local convenients store just in my neighborhood.

Ini satu-satunya varian yang tersedia di rak. Ya udah ambil aja ini, apalagi warnanya pink! Klaimnya si Veet ini sih ga neko-neko. Cuma bilang:

~Kulit mulus lebih lama~


There are three variants of this product, if I'm not mistaken, and this was the only one available, so I grabbed it.

Krimnya padat dan kental banget berwarna putih. Teksturnya mirip odol cuma lebih padat lagi. Sebenernya ada extra tutup alumunium di dalem tutup putarnya. 

Ada tulisan Lotus Milk & Jasmine di kemasannya. Aku pikir itu aroma krimnya, tapi kayaknya itu adalah saripati yang terkandung di dalamnya, karena krim ini kaga ada sama sekali bau jasminnya acan. Ampun, Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku.. Baunya haduh... Kayak bau obat keriting di salon.... Pernah ga cium bau pepaya di kandang burung beo yang udah lama ga diganti (kesian tuh burung), nah ntuh baunya kayak gitu. Untung aku termasuk tabah nyium bau langu. Mending pake masker aja deh kalo kamu sensi sama bau.

What's inside the tube was white, super thick cream, with very bad smell, really awful. Shoot! I suggest you wearing a mask if you're sensitive to odors.

Ini komposisi bahan dan cara penggunaannya. Menurutku ini krim nya keras ya (kayak batu) karena bisa rontokin daun, eh bulu, bukan sembarang krim kayak lotion gitu, jadi watch out baek-baek tuh cara penggunaannya. Jangan sampe dilanggar kalo ga mau kulit cantikmu itu kenapa napa. 

These are the ingredients and directions of use. Please read and follow them carefully to avoid unnecessary negative impact to your skin. I'm pretty sure they're available in other languages depending on your country.

Ini spatula plastik yang ada di dalam kemasannya. Warnanya pink, lucu banget, kyaaaa! Ga tau deh kalo varian lain. Apakah warna pink juga atau warna-warni ngikutin kemasan. Kalo iya, aku pengen beli deh semuanya, koleksi spatulanya! Nomor satu yg aku kasi tanda panah itu untuk ngolesin krimnya, nah yang nomor 2 (ujungnya) buat bersihin krim sebelum dibilas air.

This is the super cute pink spatula. Use side 1 to apply the cream, and side 2 to remove the cream afterwards.

Aku sebenernya jijik geli ngeri eneg sama foto ini, tapi ga apa-apa lah aku post biar tambah jelas. Ini hasil setelah kurang lebih 5 menit dioles di kakiku yang berbulu jarang. Dia jadi agak keriting gitu, mungkin karena efek panas 'terbakar' zat kimia di dalam krim ini. Rontok loh ya, bukan tercabut sampe ke akar kayak waxing. Lalu segera deh angkat krimnya menggunakan ujung spatula, seperti yang udah aku tulis di atas, dan bilas dengan air. 

It's kinda gross right? LOL. Actually, this is the picture of hairs on my feet after about 5 minutes. Quickly remove the cream with spatula and rinse with water. This cream doesn't meant to make your hairs fall off to their roots like the one happened with hair waxing, though.

Menurut petunjuk di kertasnya siiiiih, bersihkan krimnya setelah 3 menit. Tapi kalo rontoknya kurang maksimal, boleh diteruskan sampe 6 menit. Tapi jangan lebih dari 6 menit, kalo kamu ga mau kulitmu iritasi. Krim ini hanya untuk penggunaan di tangan, kaki, dan si keti alias ketiak. Jadi jangan coba-coba yaaaa rapihin alis, botakin rambut, atau cukur brewok pake krim ini. Perih, bro!

According to the directions of use, leave the cream on your skin up to 3 minutes, but if you still haven't achieved the desired result yet, you can leave it again up to 6 minutes. Not more than 6 minutes. This cream is to be used on your feet, hands, and underarms only. No application on your faces, scalps, or genitals is advised.

Tuh kaaaan hasilnya, mulus kan, mulus kan, mulus kan??? Selama pemakaian dan setelah dibilas, aku sih ngerasa kayak ada rasa cekit-cekit perih gitu. Efeknya kira-kira sama kalo kayak kita habis cukur pake silet cukur. Kalo aku sih diemin aja karena ga tau harus diolesin apa. Perih dikit tahan lah, jangan digaruk yaaa. Mau oles body cream malah takut kenapa-napa. Veet sih mengklaim mereka juga produksi sabun khusus untuk mengurangi tingkat sensitivitas kulit setelah penggunaan krim ini tapi sampe sekarang aku belom nemu tuh. Mungkin kalo nemu aku akan share di sini. Oh ya, krim ini ga boleh dipake saban ari ya. Pakelah minimal setelah 72 jam. Pake tiap ari sebenernya boleh, asal siap-siap ledes aja tuh badan.

This is the result before and afterwards. I felt a sting sensation when and after the application, the same one you get when you remove your hairs using a usual razor. But not too much. You can reapply the cream after 72 hours since last usage.

Btw kemasan 25gr ini aku cuma pake sekali langsung habis loh. Mungkin karena betisku gede kali ya, jadi bidang yang dioles juga lumayan luas.

Okay, here are my verdicts towards this:
  • Thick and white cream
  • Awful smell, very very badly
  • Sting sensation on your skin
  • Effectively remove your body hair
  • NOt to be used other than on your feet, hands, and underarms
  • Where to find this. It's everywhere, I guess. On drugstores, supermarkets, or convenience stores.
  • How much? Oh no, I forgot, silly me. I think it was no more than IDR 20K (USD 2)

Will I buy this again?
Maybe. Considering its stingy effect, I don;t think I can use this too often.

Gimana setelah baca review-ku, cukup ngeri liatnya atau malah penasaran, atau jangan-jangan ada yang udah pake yaaaaa...

Are these products available in your country? Have you tried any other product than this?

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Review: Wardah Moisturizer Gel

Yuhuuuu, apa kabar?

Aku mau share pengalamanku make pelembab dari Wardah, salah satu brand lokal yang mengklaim produk mereka halal. Pake bahasa endonesa aja ah.

Sebenernya aku beli ini udah ampir setaon lalu. Ceritanya lagi klik-klik Lazada, eh ternyata produk Wardahnya banyak sekali di sana, dan karena waktu itu aku belom punya cleansing milk sama toner, beli lah. Beli pelembab ini sih cuma reflek aja, ga sengaja ke-klik (alesan!). Mikir-mikir daripada keluar panas-panas ke Giant, pesen aja dari rumah.

Tube-nya terbuat dari plastik, warnanya khas banget dengan signature color Wardah, ijo atau biru ya ini? Kayak warna angkot kopamilet, sekilas. Kayaknya gede yah? Padahal ngga, ini aku pinter aja motonya jadi keliatan gede (pow!), aslinya kecil. Isinya cuma 30ml. Kalo diterawang di lampu, isinya ga ada setengah tube-nya. Hahahaha! Yah ga apa-apa lah, murah ini.
Btw, jangan ketuker sama Moisturizer Cream-nya yah, karena kemasannya sama persis!

Tutupnyaaa aku suka sekali, flip cap gini cocok banget buat para manusia ceroboh kayak aku yang suka jatohin tutup odol. Joget-joget... Btw, pelan-pelan aja yah mencet tubenya karena isinya enceeer sekali, sekali pencet dikit, keluar deh.

Ini komposisinya. Banyak yang terganggu mungkin yah dengan penampakan miss paraben di sini. Tapi ngga sih, aku termasuk cuek sama yang beginian. Yang penting mukaku baek-baek aja.

Isi dalemnya. Tuh kan, tuh kan, encer banget. Aku ngga ngerti kenapa produk ini di kasih embel-embel GEL, secara isinya kan krim encer. Gel itu kan mustinya ga netes yah kayak pelembabnya Inez. Mustinya loh... Oh ya, seuprit gel yang ada di foto itu bisa cover setengah wajah loh.Wanginya menurutku soft dan seger sih, tapi karena aku punya fetish terhadap bau-bau aneh, mungkin ada baiknya kalian ngga terlalu percaya sama pendapatku soal bau ya. XD

Awalnya aku rada jiper make ini, soalnya liat ada Mineral Oil di kompisinya. Denger-denger banyak yang alergi sama mineral oil ini, dan Cleansing Milk Wardah yang juga mengandung bahan yang sama terasa perih di mukaku. Eh ternyata selama beberapa bulan make ini, Alhamdulillah mukaku baek-baek aja, ga jerawatan, ga kusem, ga kejang, atau terjadi huru-hara lain. Tetep cakep lah, gitu...

Overall, pelembab ini rasanya ringan banget di wajah, gel-nya (yang gak kayak gel) kaga lengket sama sekali. Nyerap di muka rada lama sih, tapi muka ga tambah minyakan. Produk ini kayaknya cocok banget buat kamu yang mencari produk pelembab ringan, tanpa ada embel-embel fungsi lain. Maksudnya pelembab tok, ga tinted, ga ada SPF, ga ada anti aging, ga ada kandungan whitening atau lightening, etc. Just moisturizer. Aku biasanya pake krim SPF Melanox lagi sebelum pake ini, dan Revlon Photoready Face Primer setelahnya.

Baik, mari sekarang kita tarik ikhtisar bersama:

  • Krimnya encer dan ga lengket
  • Wangi seger menurutku
  • Rada lama diserap kulit
  • Diklaim cocok buat kulit normal-oily dan oily, so buat kulit yg kering, jauh-jauh kali yaaaa, karena ga terlalu bisa melembabkan
  • Masih ada paraben
  • Pelembab ini ngga banget buat kamu yang berkulit kering dan butuh extra moisturizer
  • Isinya 30ml, cukuplah, soalnya isinya encer jadi ga perlu oles terlalu banyak
  • Berapa? Lupa, tapi IDR 20K masih ada kembaliannya kok. Tergantung seller yang jual.
  • Buat kamu yang tidak pemalas seperti aku, Wardah sangat mudah didapat di toko sekitarmu yaaa. Supermarket, toko kosmetik, di pasar, di mana-mana.

Nah, segitu dulu ulasanku tentang ini. Apa kamu juga pake pelembab yang sama denganku, atau make ini juga dan hasilnya berbanding terbalik?

Monday, May 5, 2014

Sunshine Blogger Award

Setelah beberapa waktu lalu dapet nominasi untuk The Liebster Awar, kali ini aku mau post award ke dua ku yaitu Sunshine Blogger Award. Thank you so much untuk si cantik imut-imut Glory Chen yang udah nominasiin aku. It means a lot to me :)


  1. Post a picture of The Sunshine Blogger Award
  2. Post 11 random facts about you
  3. Answer 11 questions from the nominating blogger
  4. Link back to the blogger who monimated you
  5. Nomnated 11 wonderful bloggers, that you feel bring sunshine to the blogging world (be sure to notify them)
  6. Write 11 questions for your nominated bloggers

The eleven random facts about me:
  1. Night is my favorite time since everyone's asleep and I have my time alone.
  2. In love with Sweet Lolita, Pastel Goth, and Skinhead look.
  3. Phobia to pitch black darkness.
  4. Sering telmi, sering bengong juga.
  5. Coffee lover. Especially caffe latte.
  6. Apple gadgets mania, walaupun ga punya iPhone 5s. Mahal!
  7. Ga terlalu suka makan, tapi hobi ngemil.
  8. Cuma mau makan daging sapi dan ayam, itu juga jarang. I barely eat meat.
  9. Almost in the stage of a shoppaholic. Almost.
  10. Have 6 piercings on my ears, and one on my lower lips. Tapi yg di bibir udah ketutup.
  11. Musuhan sama pagi.

Dan ini pertanyaan yang ditujukan Glory ke aku:

1. Where do you get inspirations for your blog posts?
From youtube, from other bloggers, from the sky, from the grass, from the flowers, from your beauty drawers, from olshops, basically from everywhere. Makanya aku suka kalo ada makeup challenge, at least mengurangi usaha mikirin ide blog post berikutnya.

2. Tell me your skincare routine.
Scrub muka pake Inez Gel cleanser, maskeran pake masker bengkoang mustika ratu, diemin sampe kering, trus bilas pake olay cream cleanser + air selama 10 menit, abis itu di puk puk pake secret key STE.

3. What is your biggest dream this year?
I really wish I could have another child soon!

4. What is your favourite place to relax?
Di kamar sih. Atau di meja makan, because those are the places I can plug my laptop in.

5. Describe your fashion style.
Tertutup, ngga ketat, warna-warni, dan no heels. Meskipun tertutup, aku selalu usahain gak pake baju yg muslimah banget biar ga keliatan tua :)

6. Your top 3 favorite online stores.
Semuanya toko makeup....! Hahahaha

7. Beauty guru that you really want to interview.
Venus Angelic. I'm so deadly curious about her, is she a real human?

8. What to do when you feel bored or stuck?
Browsing olshop (hehehehe), denger musik, maen game, atau baca Manga.

9. Your job besides beauty blogger?
I have a job in a bank until six months ago, now, I'm merely a full time mom.

10. Your favourite snack or dessert.
Strawberry Cheese Cake slice nya Harvest. Itu strawberry-nya royal banget. 8 stroberi utuh dalam satu slice. Terus cream cheese nya ya ampun... OMG, OMG, OMG... Kalo snack aku suka makan batagor. Nyam!

11.Your favourite movies and music genres.
Favorite movies are Trainspotting, Kamikaze Girls, Coraline, Edward Scissorhand, Nightmare Before Xmas, dan Corpse Bride.
Hardcore, goth, death metal, and trip hop are the kinds of music I love the most. But, of course, aku ga anti lah sama mainstream. Asal jangan suruh aku dengar lagu Alay yah.

Sekarang ini para blogger yang aku nominasikan:

  1. Shinta from
  2. Sekaring Tyas Krisnarini from
  3. Anggie from
  4. Lintang from
  5. Putri from
  6. Imelda from
  7. Lova Adlina from
  8. Rere Dini from
  9. Titasya from
  10. Sheffyne Yuka from
  11. Vani Sagita from

Pertanyaanku buat temen-temen yang aku nominate adalah:
  1. Name your top three favorite online shop.
  2. Five makeup items you would bring travelling
  3. Why did you start blogging? And why a beauty blog?
  4. Smokey, natural, or colorful eye makeup?
  5. Define how you dress yourself!
  6. Liptint or lipstick?
  7. Flat shoes, high heels, wedges, or...
  8. What do you do to calm your mind?
  9. Long hair or short hair?
  10. Name one must have skincare item. Only one!
  11. Apa tipe orang yang kamu sebelin?
Sekian dulu dari aku, thank you yang udah spare waktunya menjawab pertanyaanku!
Sampai jumpa di post selanjutnya. Have a nice day!

Review: Wet n Wild Mega Last Lip Color (Vamp It Up/919B)

Bold--especially vampy--lip color is not me, I must say. But sometimes I just want to get out of my comfort zone, wearing something daring once in a while. So I guess one dark purple lipstick won't hurt my purse. My choice this time is Wet n Wild Mega Last Lip Color simply because its wide range of color choices and a good bargain price.

There are 26 color variants in this Mega Last series. Mine is 919B or Vamp It Up. The packaging is nothing special. Black tube with transparent cap which make it easier to see through the color without opening it or looking at the bottom. The tube itself is a bit bulky than a regular lipstick.

The whole bullet glided, taken with flash and without flash.

What I hate is the bullet doesn't retract all the way into the tube and it will leave ugly stain on the clear cap if you don't careful enough. The rounded bullet is also a letdown since I can't color my cupid's bow precisely. I think I prefer the classic pointy bullet.

The swatch on my wrists, again taken with flash and natural lighting.

And here are the examples on my lips. Sorry I keep on bugging you with the flash and no flash pictures. It's because they look a bit different on those lighting.

The color when you swipe it is very opaque. I think this shade is perfect for those who are still scared to wear black, right? It's pretty bold but at the same time, pretty as well. At least for me. LOL.

I haven't tried other shades from this series, but this one stain your lips very very badly, as if you have a natural red lips after wiping it down. The formula is semi-matte and kinda dry your lips, so moisturizing your lips before applying it is recommended.

  • Semi-matte formula
  • Opaque color and pigmented
  • Medium staying power
  • Stain your lips after you wipe it
  • Dry my lips
  • No weird smell
  • Where I bought it: NYX Olshop
  • How much: IDR 49K (I forgot the exact price). But it'll cost you around IDR 89K in their official counters. I heard the price in USA itself is no more than USD 3, if I'm not mistaken.
  • Where you can find this in Indonesia: Carrefour, drugstores, counters.

A tutorial by me using this shade. Check it out here.

Have you tried any other color from this series, or do you have other vampy purple lip color? Please tell! By the way, I think Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick has a similar shade with this one (Va Va Violet) but I hardly find it. Just to let you know. Until then!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Makeup Collaboration: Arabian Gems

Welcome May!
This is going to be my second post of the month, and the second time I participated in a makeup collaboration with my lovely Indonesian beauty blogger friends.

The theme this time is "Arabian Gems". Inspired by the Arabian bold eye makeup and various color of beautiful gems. We picked our own color to represent our looks and connect it with gem colors all over the world. How we ended up with Arabian and gems, it's a pretty long story by the way :)

My gem is Malachite, the symbol of transformation. Malachite comes in a large variety of green color and often look similar to Jade. In Greek mythology, the throne of Demeter, the Earth Goddess was designed from malachite and adorned with golden pigs and ears of barleyIt's also been popular since the ancient times especially in Egyptian and Greek carvings and figurines, even crushed to powders and used as eyeshadow. Amazing how those ancient people do their makeup, right? These days, Malachite is popularly used in carvings, jewelries, and even as healing stones.

Some forms of Malachite:

This one's my favorite :)

For other makeup looks as well as inspiring tall tales about some other gem stones, kindly visit my pretty b-blogger fellas pages:

Thanks a bunch for those ladies who would spare their precious time and effort to collab together!

This is my FOTD inspired by the beautiful green of Malachite. Well, it's supposed to be green but I guess it's not shown well in the picture, maybe because I didn't use my green veils? IDK. Silly me!
Doing Arabian makeup is actually a bit challenging, because I hardly make my eyes look BIGGER.

Ignore the necklace. LOL.

This is step by step tutorial how to achieve the look.

  1. Stick the tape. Line your upper eyelids with black pencil. You don't have to be so neat since this is just to make a pattern for further steps. And this is optional. You don't have to do this.
  2. Line your crease with dark green color, wing it to the tip of your eyebrow. Make it pretty high in the inner. Blend it a little.
  3. Fill the empty space with light green eyeshadow.
  4. Color your brow bone with silver shade. This ti e you can take off the tape.
  5. With liquid liner, line your upper eyelids, wing it.
  6. Apply eye primer on your lower lash bed. Optional.
  7. Using pencil eyeliner, frame your lower eyes, wing it downward, then smudge it using sponge.
  8. Fill the dotted area with silver eyeshadow.
  9. Apply fake eye lashes and mascara. You are done!

The key for a pretty Arabian eye makeup is bold eyeliners, bold eyeshadow, and bold eyebrows!

Final result:

My eyes still look so small :(

And these are my first failed attempts doing Arabian look.

Oh yeah, the last two pictures are heavily photoshopped since I took it in a non air-conditioned room, a hot sunny day, and sweat faded my base makeup. Sigh... Do you see the flaws? If no, then I'm a good photo editor. LOL.

Except for the last two pictures, here are the ingredients on my face:

  • Etude House Proof 10 eye primer
  • MUA eyeshadow #14 (dark green)
  • Inez Sparkling Loose Eyeshadow (golden moss/light green)
  • Inez Sparkling Loose Eyeshadow (sparkling silver)
  • Mizzu pen eyeliner (black)
  • Artistry automatic eyeliner pencil (black)
  • Maybelline The Falsies Mascara (black)
  • Silky Girl eyebrow pencil (brown)
  • Itsdiva falsies
  • Ageha softlens (caramel brown)

  • Tony Moly Luminuous Goddess Aura BB cream
  • Maybelline shine free cake powder (01/Light)
  • Caring Colors blusher (peach)
  • Makeover Face Countour Kit

  • Beautystyle Lipstick (sweet earth)
Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Tutorial: Purple Ombre Lips

Hello, everyone!

In some parts of the world, it's summer already. But heavy rains with scary thunders still haunt some regions in Indonesia. The skies still look dark and gloomy. So I think it's still okay for me to give you a tutorial which is best for autumn. I used to wear this style to hangout in the night life. So, check it out.

  1. Moisturize your lips.
  2. Dab your foundation with sponge. (I dabbed my BB cream and top it with a white creamy eye primer)
  3. Frame your lips with black pencil (lipliner or eyeliner).
  4. Color your outter lips with black pencil.
  5. Fill your inner lips part with dark purple lipstick.
  6. Top it with white creamy eyeshadow.
  7. Pout your lips to blend the color. Reshape your lips by drawing a little more out of your natural lip line to create a more plumpy look.

Some useful tips:

  • If your don't have a white creamy eyeshadow, simply replace it with a pale pink lipstick.
  • Dark purple lipstick can be replaced with a dark purple eyeshadow.
  • Bold color lipsticks works best with healthy lips and white teeth. So make sure your lips are in their best condition and don't forget to whiten your lips first. Otherwise you have to be extra confident wearing it ^_^


  • Vaseline Pteroleum Jelly
  • Etude House Cotton Fit BB Cream (as lip base)
  • NYX eye base in matte white (as lip base)
  • Artistry automatic pen eyeliner.
  • NYX Jumbo Pencil (Milk)
  • Wet n Wild Lipstick (Vamp It Up)

See you on my next posts!

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