Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Liebster Award: Part 2

Yeaaay, dapet nominasi Liebster Award lagi. Baru tau, emang boleh ya dapet lebih dari satu? Hehehehe.

Kali ini yang nominasiin aku adalah tidak lain tidak bukan temen2 cantikku Shinta LauraAmelia Pratami, MayaWidya Moonz, dan Rere Dini. Thank u so much you gals for your support ^___^

What is a Liebster Award anyway, and what are the rules? I have posted everything about this in my previous post: The Liebster Award Part 1. You can learn more about this award from there or anywhere around search engines.

Yuk mareee, kita jawab ya satu-satu pertanyaannya.

Pertanyaan dari Shinta:

Pilih jadi beauty blogger terkenal atau beauty blogger tercantik?
Beauty blogger terkenal lah pastinya. Kalo udah terkenal, gampang dapet rejeki Insha Allah, untuk mempercantik diri. Jadi dua-duanya dapet kan, tenar iya, kece juga iya. Wakakakak!

Jika kamu pengen salah satu bentuk fisik dari beauty blogger Indonesia lain, itu siapa dan apanya?
Matanya Ellen Tan sama tulang pipinya Shinta Laura.

Milih ngerjain tugas (kuliah/kantor/rumah) duluan atau ngeblog duluan?
Kalo aku sih tugas rumah dulu. Kalo nyuci gak pagi2, ntar siang cucian kaga kering! Kalo pagi ga masak, kesian anakku makan lauk kemaren ga napsu.

Apa sih kosmetik atau skin care holy grail kamu?
Olay Facial Wash (Cream Clenaser), Vaseline petroleum jelly, dan Mustika Ratu (Pembersih Sari Sekar Gambir). Yang laennya gonta ganti.

Apa yang menarik dari blog kalian sih?
Pastinya muka saya yang cakep banget ini  Sebisa mungkin setiap tutorial dan review produk aku bikin dgn foto dan penjelasan sedetil, se-simple, semenarik mungkin supaya orang tertarik bacanya. Trus kalo ada produk minimal aku udah pake sebulan lah, terus kalo tutorial aku udah latihan dulu sebelumnya. Jadi orang abis baca, dia dapet referensi berguna buat nusa, bangsa dan agama, gitu.

Jenis makeup apa sih yang paling kamu gak suka?
Maskara sama lem bulmat palsu. Secara yah, ini idung pesek gini pake kacamata, jadi jarak antara kaca ke bulu mata deket banget. Maskaranya sering nempel di kacamata bikin burem. Trus lem bulmat palsu itu sering bikin perih dan susah dibersihin!

Kalian pernah baca blog ku Shinta Laura Dhewani's Room ini gak? Kalo udah, apa yang kalian suka?
Pernah dong, sering malah. Yang paling aku suka itu tutur katanya (yaelah bahasanya) yang gak jelimet trus kocak, jadi bacanya ga bosen. XD

Artis Indonesia dengan wajah yang bikin kalian terobsesi ada gak? Siapa?
Asmirandah. Cuekin aja ya berita miringnya dia, tapi aku suka mukanya yg serba lancip. Mukaku banyak buletnya soalnya.

Skincare yang kalian percaya bikin kulit sehat tuh apa sih?
Skincare-nya produk bukan nih? Karena menurutku skincare paling ampuh itu banyak minum air putih, makan sayur en buah, sama tidur cukup (ga begadang). Kalo produk mah, itu cuma penunjang aja.

Foto tentang apa yang paling sering kalian post di Instagram?
Pictures from my beuaty blogs tentunya! XD

Kira2 apa sih yang bikin Shinta bisa nominasiin blog kalian?
Apa krn muka saya yang cakep ini? Mungkin Shinta nominate aku krn blog ku ini menarik (barangkali!) buat dia, trus rada kesian juga secara polowernya masih dikit, trus mungkin juga rada pusing nyari siapa lagi yang musti di nominate. Bahahahahaha! Ga tauuuuu....


Ini pertanyaan dari Amel:

How much you love your imperfections shapes of your face?
Kalo dibilang cinta... hmmm susah. Aku tetep pengen punya wajah yang perfect, tapi sekali lagi aku berpikir, masih untung punya organ tubuh lengkap dan nggak cacat. Kalo aku mikir kayak gini, jadi lebih 'tabah' gitu hehehe...

Do you ever tried fake or replica cosmetics? If yes, what is the side effect you feel?
Pernah aku nyoba palet eyeshadow Mac abal-abal (warnanya pigmented loh), dan syukur Alhamdulillah gak ada efek apa-apa sampe sekarang. Jangan sampe deh, amit-amit dah.

Have you tried whitening your skin with abal-abal cream or lotion?
Tidak pernah. Kulitku memang sudah terang, tapi kalopun dilahirkan dgn kulit gelap, aku gak bakalan mau pake krim pemutih. Waktu kecil aku baca di majalah Bobo kalo krim pemutih mengandung merkuri yang berbahaya. Jangankan abal-abal, kalo ada merk paten yang ada embel-embel whitening/pemutih, aku gak bakal mau beli.

What is your biggest problem of using makeup?
Gambar eyeliner pake eyeliner cair sama nempel bulu mata palsu, gimana caranya biar apik, gak bergelombang? Sekalinya bisa ya kebetulan aja, ga bisa diulang! Wakakakak!

Are you happy to be a beauty blogger?
Iya dong. Hepi banget. I wish I can make this as my future job.

Do you know how to contour or highlight your face?
Yes. Tapi hasilnya masih kacau. Masih perlu banyak latihan. Btw, do you know, jilbab itu sebenernya cara paling gampang untuk men-contour pipi chubby, dagu lipat, dan jidat jenong loh. Hehehehe

What is your goal as a beauty blogger?
Pengen blog ku ini berguna buat orang yang cari referensi, view rate-nya banyak sampe jutaan kalo bisa bahahahhaha. Aamiin. Mengkhayal banget!

Local or international product you love most?
Sebenernya ini cocok-cocokan sama kulit sih. Tapi aku mengakui lebih suka produk luar karena lebih banyak varian. Varian loh ya. Kalo kualitas sih cocok-cocokan sekali lagi.

Your everyday fragrance is...
Any perfume that has the smell of Vanilla. Sekarang sih pake Bodycology body mist yang toasted vanilla sugar (banyak di Guardian). Baunya manis kayak kue. Sampe nyetok beberapa botol.

Have you ever shopping at online shop? If yes, have you dissapointed when shopping online?
Aku lebih sering belanja olshop daripada ke counter. Kecewa, sering lah. Dari barang yang ga sesuai ama foto, barang kelewat gak kekirim, atau salah kirim barang. Tapi gak kapok sih.

You favourite Indonesian Beauty Blogger?


Pertanyaan Maya:

What is your favorite Makeup items?
My concealer. Sekarang lagi gemar memakai concelaer stick nya Inez yang Light. Ini satu-satunya concealer yg shade nya pas banget di aku, cover noda tapi ga terlalu terang. Belom nemu lagi dari merk lain.

How old were you when you first putting on some makeup on your face?
When I was about 6-7 years old, 'stealing' my mom's. XD

Who is your favorite author and favorite book?
Agatha Christie, aku suka semua bukunya yang pemerannya Hercule Poirot. My fav book would be Tirai/The Curtain, pas Poirot bunuh diri.

If you could travel anywhere in the world and money was no object, where would you go? Why?
Ini gara2 baca buku Edensor-nya Andrea Hirata, aku pengen banget ke desa Edensor di Inggris. I wanna re-arrange my dream wedding, outdoor di bawah bukit, tamunya dikit aja ga lebih dari 50 orang. Pake baju item-item, aaaahhh jadi heboh sendiri. XD

Flat shoes or high heels?
Flat shoes lah! I'm a Crocs and Converse fan. Kerja aja pake Crocs, kecuali pas meeting ama bos baru high heels dipake.

Would you rather skip breakfast or dinner?

To be honest, I never skipped any meal time. But if I could choose, I would rather skip dinner. Skipping breakfast would only make me stupid. Yup, real stupid.

If you have a super power, what kind of power would you like to have?Why?

Ga tau ini super power apa bukan, tapi aku pengen banget punya kantong ajaib Doraemon, so I can bring all the pretty boys in anime come to life. OMG....

What is your dream job? Did you do it at the present moment?
My dream job is to be an interpreter, specifically in English, tapiiiii karena ga pernah nyoba submit hasil karyaku ke penerbit, jadi hobi ini aku tuangkan di blog aku aja.

Team Jacob or Team Edward?
Jacob lah, lebih manly!!!

Who is your most favorite person in this world?
My son, my number one champion in the whole world :)

Name 3 things you cannot leave behind, if you are leave your house.
Duit, KTP, HP. (Daripada gw jawab dompet, ga berguna kalo dompet kosong sih hahaha...)


Pertanyaan Widya:

Pilih cantik atau pandai ? Alasannya ?
Pandai dong. Kita jauh lebih bisa mendapatkan lebih banyak kalo pandai, karena cantik doang seringkali malah banyak apesnya kalo ga pinter memanfaatkannya.

Rambut panjang atau pendek ? Alasannya ?
Pendek. Emak-emak nih aku ahhahaa, mau pake remabut panjang rempong bener dah!

Brand skincare favorit ?
Olay (facial wash), Secret Key (STE), dan Mustika Ratu (milk cleanser).

Kalo cuma boleh pilih 2 produk makeup buat dipake pergi, pilih apa aja ?
Kertas minyak dan lipstik.

Minta maaf atau memaafkan ? Alasannya ?
Minta maaf. Memaafkan lebih susah.

Apa hal yang paling kalian benci ?

Kalo dikasih 1 permintaan, pengen minta apa ?
Susah bener yak pertanyaannya. Aku jawab yang jangka panjang aja deh: Selamat dunia dan akhirat.

Celana atau rok ? Alasannya ?
Aku suka dua-duanya kok, asalkan panjang menutup aurat. Rok atau celana, semuanya tergantung kondisi dan acaranya.

Hadiah apa yang paling diinginkan saat ulang tahun ?
Gadget, lensa kamera baru, sama emas. Bahahahaha matre!

Brand fashion favorit ?
Sepatu termasuk fashion kan? Kalo gitu aku pilih Converse! :) Tapi sebenernya aku ga punya baju bermerk terkenal, kebanyakan beli di pasar deket rumah atau di olshop aja.

Sebutkan 3 orang yang paling kalian kasihi ?
My son, myself, and my mother. Itu sesuai urutan loh :) Jahat ya aku, lebih sayang diri sendiri dari nyokap.


Pertanyaan Rere:

Hal menarik apa yang membuat kamu jatuh cinta dengan Makeup?
Karena dengan menciptakan satu garis eyeliner aja bisa merubah ekpresi wajahmu! THat's like, magic!

Tuliskan 3 produk andalan yang kamu pake di Daily Looks kamu?
Concealer, pensil alis, dan lip balm.

Gaya Makeup apa yang membuat kamu tertarik untuk mengunjungi sebuah blog (makeup harian atau Makeup yang out of box)?
Aku sih lebih prefer yg harian biar bisa dipraktekin. Kalo liat yg makeup out of box, aku suka liatnya aja, tapi untuk mencoba mikir dua kali, susah! XD

Gambarkan diri kamu dalam 3 kata!
Penyendiri, pendiem, dan perhatian. Halah....!

Siapa Beauty guru di Youtube yang banyak menginspirasi kamu?
Gossmakeupartist (for beauty tips), Michelle Phan (for makeup inspiration), dan zWinnieyap (for anime eye makeup). Itu nama akun di youtube nya yah, kecuali Michelle Phan, aku ga tau nama asli mereka.

Apa sie yang membuat kamu tertarik untuk mengunjungi atau membaca sebuah Beauty Blogg?
Kalo makeupnya unyu, atau dia lagi review barang yang aku lagi incer.

Apa sie suka duka kamu selama jadi Bloggers?
Dukanya, tongpes, karena belanja mulu. Tapi ga jadi b-blogger juga udah tongpes krn sering belanja baju! Hahahaha. Tapi kalo sukanya, bisa melakukan apa yang kamu suka (pertama kalinya aku melakukan apa yg aku suka, selain nikah dgn cowok pilihanku), dapet ilmu soal beauty, dan pastinya dapet banyak temen baru yang isi kepalanya satu ide, satu minat! Lebih banyak sukanya deh.

Apa tanggapan kamu tentang maraknya oplas yang menjamur saat ini?
Aku cuma tahu satu hal yang pasti tentang oplas: dosa. Tapi selain itu aku ga berani komen, soalnya ga tau keadaan orang yang melakukan oplas itu gimana, apa pola pikirnya, dan latar belakangnya apa. Yang pasti, karena oplas itu mahal dan hasilnya permanen, aku yakin orang2 yang melakukannya punya alasan yang kuat.

Menurut kamu, bagian mana yang paling menonjol dan kurang dari wajahmu?
Bibirku sekseh, bahahaha! Paling sebel sama idung, pesek! Kacamata melorot mulu, wakakakak!

Apa tanggapan kamu tentang blogg ku ~QueenaLooks~ ?
Jujur yah, kalo soal makeup menurutku kamu pinter banget krn hasil look nya selalu rapi dan ga overdo. Selain itu, pertama liat PP-nya Rere di google, kayaknya Rere orangnya cewek banget, tapi kalo dari hasil FOTD-nya, Rere punya banyak 'kegilaan' terpendam. Hahahah! No offense yah, this is a compliment! ^_^

11. Seandainya suruh milih, lebih suka Makeup Challenge yang penilaianya dari Vote apa berdasarkan penjurian?
Penjurian lah, lebih adil, kalo pake Vote... ehm.... lebih subjektif kali ya. Maybe that's why di IBB MUC selalu ada dua pemenang, yang based on Vote sama penjurian.


Haiyyah, itulah sodara-sodara jawaban saya. Untuk para next nominator nya, aku udah bahas di part 1 yah. Tapi boleh dong aku mau nominate 1 orang lagi nih temen baru:

Itu aja dari aku. See you again on my next posts!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Review: OPI Matte Top Coat

I don't have so many nail polish collection. To be honest, now I only have three bottles of them, and they're all black! LOL! I get bored a lot with nail polish and ended up giving it to my friends or families, but I always keep the black ones because that color is like a holy color for me XD

Since I only have one color, I just don't know what to do to make a creation, and I'm sloppy, so nail art is definitely a big no-no. After reading some reviews on other beauty bloggers, I decided to create a matte look nail color, using O.P.I. Matte Top Coat. I imagined my nail would look like this:

A black matte Ford truck. Kewl, huh?!

Ok, ok, skip that truck anyway. LOL.

Why did I bought OPI? Because this is the only matte top coat I can find in Indonesia. I bought this from for about IDR 150K (USD 15).

The liquid is bottled in a thick glass, using a black plastic cap.

The liquid is clear with a strong smell of alcohol. Just like most nail products.

The result on my nails.

The whole look on my hands. Pardon my sloppy application. Do they look like that Ford truck already?

A little tip from me when using this top coat:
  • Wait until the nail polish dry up first before applying it or you'll stain the brush and the top coat liquid.
  • Make sure your nail is coated evenly with the nail color before applying it, or your nail would end up looking like this:

Bad top coat result due to uneven nail polish application

Ok, here are some facts about this product:
  • The matte result is not long lasting since it faded out overtime, then my nail polish became glossy again.
  • It's not fast drying, so be patient.
  • Too thick application is a big no-no and kinda make your nails look 'wavy'.
  • It's not just a regular top coat, so applying this definitely needs some practice.

I think I might buy some more color and even glitter to glam up my nail color collections. Until then, have fun!

The black nail polish is from Lovely Me:ex collection

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Makeup Collaboration: Spring Makeup Look "Orange versus Pink"

So today I'm gonna post my very first makeup collaboration with babes of Indonesian beauty blogger. The theme we picked was the Spring Makeup Look.

My other pretty fellas who participate, you can check out their page:

Aren't we all pretty? XD

And.. Yeah, this is my look for this project. I googled to find out what exactly a spring makeup look like, and all the bright colors show up. So I decided to choose the ones I thought as the brighest shades ever: orange and pink.

Here are the steps on how to achieve the look. First things first, draw your eyebrows and cover your lids with eye primer. Add tapes on your outter eyelids. But this is optional. I did that since I wanna achieve a neat look.

How to:
  1. Apply baby pink color on your inner upper eyelids
  2. Add light orange shade on your middle lids. Blend.
  3. Then frame all the colors with a shocking pink color on your crease and outter V area. Blend them all together to get a nice gradation.
  4. Add baby pink shade on your lower corner. Fill the rest of your lower lash bed with shocking pink. Don't forget to connect all the lower part colors to the upper ones. Blend.
  5. Frame your whole eyes with black liner. Wing it a little.
  6. Add fake eyelashes (Optional). Curl your lashes.

Products I use:
  • Coastal scents 120 color pallete eyeshadow
  • Etude house proof 10 auto pencil in black
  • Itsdiva lashes
  • Maybelline Falsies mascara in black
  • Viva eyebrow pencil in brown
  • Etude House Proof 10 eye primer
  • X2 Bio softlenses in blue

For the lips, I use ombre style using shocking pink and shocking orange. Too bad I forgot to take the pics for tutorial -___- but this is a very simple look.

How to:
  1. Don't forget to use lip balm.
  2. Apply a shocking orange on your inner lips. Maintain a very small touch since it will smudge wider anyhow. I use Etude house blooming lips talk in OR207.
  3. Fill the rest of your lips with shocking pink. I use Etude house blooming lips talk in PK013, then blend them together.

Final result:

Waaa, such messy eyelashes and eyeliners. I'm terrible at these!

The whole look on your what-so-called face, with my camera phone. I love selfies!

So, that's all for now. Hope the tutorial give you an inspriration. See ya on my next posts, Insha Allah!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Liebster Award: Part 1

Yeay, award pertamaku ^___^ The Liebster Award.

It was such a hectic day, ngerjain kerjaan rumah. Makasih ya miss ART yang mudik di saat paling tepat, emang bisaaa banget situ ya. Lagi leha-leha di sofa sambil lurusin pinggang, sambil nge cek blog, eh dapet kabar kalo aku dinominasikan sebagai salah satu penerima Liebster Award by the gorgeous Putri Indah Marina. You can heck out her page here. We've been following each other's blog for a few weeks. Thank you Putri, you really made my day ^_^.

So what is a Liebster Award anyway?

The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. So, what is a Liebster?  The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. Isn't that sweet? Blogging is about building a community and it's a great way to connect with other bloggers and help spread the word about newer bloggers/blogs.

Here are the rules when you receive this award:
  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Copy the Liebster Award logo in your blog.
  3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you.
  4. Mention 11 random things about you.
  5. Choose 5-11 bloggers to be nominated next and link them in your post, with the follower less than 200.
  6. Create 11 questions for the people you’ve tagged to answer.
  7. Show these rules in your blogs (or you can copy from here).
  8. Tell the people you have nominated! They'll never know unless you tell them.

So, ini pertanyaan buatku. Bahasa Indonesia aja ah... males mikir nih hihihi.

Apa yang membuat kalian ingin nge-blog?
Buat mengisi waktu luang. Iya, aku cuma ibu rumah tangga biasa, ga ada kerjaan selaen ngurus anak tersayangku ini. Plus dari jaman masih kuliah sampe kerja, sering banget beli makeup, dan suka makeup. Japi kenapa ga buat beauty blog aja.

Kosmetik kesayangan kalian apa sih?
Anything yang bisa menyamarkan kantung mataku yg super dark ini. Kalo udah pake itu di kantung mata, aku pede ga pake makeup apa2 lagi. So far merk yang aku sering aku pake itu Maybelline Dream Liquid Mousse (Light) sama Inez Concealer Stick (Light)

Beauty Blogger Luar yang banyak menginspirasi kalian?
Tess Munster and Michelle Phan. Kalo MP aku suka beauty tips sama DIY-nya, kalo Tess Munster.. hmmm, coba deh buka page nya, you'll be surprise of how beautiful this person really is.

Kalau beli produk kamu suka di online shop / counter ?
Online shop. Lebih lengkap variannya. Kalo di counter aku lebih untuk nyari referensi warna aja. Hehehe licik ya.

Kalau ada kesempatan mau kolaborasi makeup sama siapa?
Aku terus terang ga nolak kok kalo diajak kolaborasi ama siapa aja, beneran deh. Asal badan ini masih sehat dan peralatannya memungkinkan, aku gak nolak deh. Hehehe

Siapa Artis Luar favorite kalian?
Johnny Depp dan Ewan McGregor. Bukan karena gantengnya loh ya XD

Apa jenis musik kesukaan kalian?
Rock dan Trip Hop. Tapi aku ga anti mainstream kok hahahaha. Aku juga suka K-pop, RnB, dll, tapi aku paliiiing suka sama dua jenis itu.

Siapa penyanyi kesukaan kalian?
Marilyn Manson, Massive Attack, Portishead (termasuk penyanyi bukan sih mereka?) dan Sarah Brightman. Banyak sebenernya, tapi yg paling sering aku dengerin ya mereka itu.

Kebanyakan tau produk-produk kecantikan dari mana?
Dari ngeblog dan join social media community. 

Lebih suka karoke/nonton film di bioskop?
Karaoke lah. Suka nyanyi walaupun ancur. Hahahaha. Kalo nonton kayaknya gimanaaa gitu, cuma duduk diem doang sambil nonton layar segede gitu, ga ngapa-ngapain. Ogah rugi, bahahahahaha! Kecuali film-nya Ewan McGregor dan Johnny Depp ya, aku pasti betah nontonnya.

Lebih suka jadi pengusaha/kerja kantoran?
Susah jawab yang ini, karena dua-duanya ada konsekuensi. Jadi pengusaha emang lebih bisa ngatur waktu, tapi kita harus terus konsisten dgn apa yg kita kerjain. Ide-ide harus terus mengalir, kalo ga,  rugi aja uang yang udah diinvestasikan, dapur juga bisa stop ngebul. Kalo jadi orang kantoran,  kita tinggal ikutin aja rule yang udah dibuat, paling banter sumbang ide dikit ke company buat process improvement. Ga enaknya, waktu tidak berpihak di kita, susah buat yang udah berkeluarga. Satu lagi, kalo orang kantoran dapet THR, kalo pengusaha ngasih THR! Hehehehe...
Aku baru ngerasain bertahun-tahun jadi orang kantoran, tau banget susah senangnya. Tapi belom pernah jadi pengusaha sendiri, jadi ga tau rasanya. Maaf yaaa.... -___-

Okay, I've chosen my next nominators for Liebster Award:

Segitu dulu, mustinya 11 ya. Ahahahaha, belom dapet lagi nih, susah banget nyari. Padahal dua lagi...kalo ada yg udah pernah di nominate, oops, sorry may bad!

Here are the questions I'd like you to answer:
  1. Alasan jadi beauty blogger?
  2. Ada ga produk makeup yang dari dulu setia kamu pakai sampai sekarang? Kalau ya, apa?
  3. Siapa artis yang jadi inspirasi kamu dalam makeup dan fashion?
  4. Blog luar negri mana yang kamu suka banget visit? (Ga harus beauty blog kok)
  5. Who's your favourite musician?
  6. Kamu lebih pede dgn makeup natural atau bold?
  7. Jabarkan tipe film yang kamu suka! Beri contoh judul! (kayak ulangan aja, hehehe)
  8. What was your childhood dream? Are you still trying to accomplish it or not?
  9. What's your guilty pleasure?
  10. What is your wishlist for makeup and skincare?
  11. Pilih kamera saku, DSLR, apa kamera gadget (hp/tablet)?
Nah itu dia pertanyaannya. Maap yah, sebagian ada yg nyontek pertanyaan orang, tapi aku emang beneran pengen tau! ^_^

11 Random Facts about me:
  1. Barely eat meat and never eat any kinds of seafood since elementary school. I'm afraid of them. And eating meat only if it's cooked as a steak.
  2. Cherish coffee a lot as a mood booster.
  3. Milk always make my stomach hurts.
  4. Before I got married, my ideal boyfriend is the one in Yaoi Mangas: super cute, stylish, rich, kind, loyal, smart, and GAY. But I have no gay friend....  Maybe that's why I barely have a boyfriend -__-
  5. Dreaming of having a LASIK surgery to get rid of eye glasses.
  6. I love drawing.
  7. Spent years studying accounting, but barely remember a thing about accounting, because that did not interest me.
  8. Spent years working in a foreign bank but speak more fluently about art, makeup and fashion.
  9. Envy Tavi Gevinson and Stella Lee a lot. Talk about living your dreams, huh?
  10. I got pregnant three times, but only one survived.
  11. I have a very wide range playlist songs in my Apple gadgets, from Trio Ambisi (horas!) to Diamanda Galas. Do you even know them, anyway?

Phew, I think this post is the longest one with words in it. Okay, that's all for now. 
Happy blogging!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

My Perfect Face

Hello, all you readers with the perfect faces wherever you are! This time, I just wanna set aside all the talks about makeup tools and beauty tips. Lets just talk about your face. Your bare face.

Seriously, what do you see when you look into the mirror bare face? Your face, of course! Hahaha. No, really, I'm talking about what your mind sees when your eyes are staring at your own bare face. Imperfections, I would say. Just what is exactly you define as a perfect face? To be honest, I have no idea. Even the most beautiful women in the world still find some spots that need to be carved.

I may look my best on some pictures, but in reality, I don't always look that good, especially in the morning XD. Thanks to cosmetics, I was almost able to cover up all those things I consider as the imperfections. Lets just reveal them one by one. Oh, by the way, due to some reasons, I don't look completely bare face in this pictures since a drew my eyebrows and thin eyeliners. Other than that, this is my real face. And, yeah, no filter. So prepare your heart XD

Warning: Nausea alert!

My super wide and 'spacious' forehead

My mother used to mock me a lot because of this. LOL. Even my family members and relatives have their own nickname for calling me because of this kinda forehead. But even so, I never been bothered by this and hold no grudge to my families XD. For many years, my mother maintained that medium bob hair cut with bang to cover my forehead, which lasted until I finally decided to wear Hijab. It worked well, although that's not the main reason

My eyes

Really. I have a lot to complain about my eyes. They're narrow, puffy, with very thin and short eyelashes, and those super dark circles... and they're super sensitive I get teary pretty often, and drawing lower eyeliners is completely a bad idea. They look fierce as well no matter how hard I try to smile kindly. But I love the fact that my eyes are still functioned, and I'm not suffering color-blindness. ^_^

My super thick glasses

This topic actually still related to the above paragraph. See my glasses lenses? Oh, yeah, they're very thick. My ears often felt hurt pretty badly from holding the weigh. I've been wearing these since I was 8 (I got bullied a lot as a child because of this) started with -2.00 and the number keeps on multiplying until I reached the age of 20. So, you can guess the minus and cylindris number by now. That's why in all of the tutorial I always wear soft lenses, simply because I can barely see without them. Wearing softlenses and glasses are mutually hurt. If I get the chance to win a billion bucks, I'd definitely get an eye surgery!

My flat nose

This item has been another target off all the stupid bullies back in my childhood and teenage hood. Luckily even though it's flat, but it's pretty small, and still fully functioned as a breathing tool. ^_^
Do you know that flat nose is actually a symbol of success? Hahaha.

My chubby and plumpy cheeks

These marshmallow shape cheeks actually only appear when I smile or laugh, it's weird huh? If don't smile, they really dissappear! But you know, chubby cheeks can really make you look younger! Guess how old I really am!

My not-so-white teeth

Although my teeth are lined neatly (thanks to my mother who persistent enough to take me to the dentist although I hate it so much), but they're not the whitest ones. This happens because my constant consumption on coffee since elementary school. So, I don't really confident wearing dark bold lipsticks. But well, this is because of my own fault.

That.. Errr.. Mole

What is that, really?! I don't really like moles, to be honest. Kinda make my face look dirty. Sorry, God, I complain a lot. And, sorry, Cindy Crawford, you look great XD.

My curly pinkie

Err... Right, actually, not only my pinkies are curly, but all of my fingers are.

There are still many though: my fat belly, my fat calves, etc, etc. Sheesh... Women! You never had enough!

Okay, I finally revealed some items I consider as my own imperfections. Phew, it took a lot of courage. 

I don't mean to sound like a Miss Complaint, but lets just be honest, who in the world ever satisfy with her/his own appearance? Many people got bullied a lot, some of them even chose the worst path to end their suffering. But lemme tell you this before it's too late. The problem is not on how many imperfections you have, but how you face them, how you live with them, and finally accepting those as part of who you are. If you already achieved this stage, then you are living a happy and content life. 

So, to all the imperfect people out there, we all are!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Tutorial: Purple Power!

I've been keeping this tutorial for about a month in my draft, first meant to be my submission for Indonesian Beauty Blogger Makeup Challenge for Fairy Look, but I canceled it. Why? I'll let you know later.

Okay, let's start with clean eyes, defined eyebrows, and primed eyes.
If you've done all of it, now you can start.

  1. Apply blue color on half of your upper eyelids.
  2. Fill the rest with purple shade, then blend. Or you can do the other way around.
  3. Cut your crease and outter V line with black shade, then blend.
  4. Fill the half of your lower lash line with purple, and the rest of it with silver eyeshadow. Don't forget to color your tear duct as well.
  5. Apply eyeliner using the style I did in the picture. Separate the end line. Line your waterline with black liner as well. (Or you can choose any preferable eyeliner style).
  6. Apply mascara and you are done. You can apply false eyelashes, but I was a bit lazy that time. XD

Final result:

Full face view:

See? This is why I didn't submit this. I don't look like a fairy at all. More like a witch. A lizard witch. LOL.
Eye makeup ingredients:
  • NYX eyeshadow primer
  • LA Colors eyeshadow
  • Artistry pencil liner in black
  • Viva eyebrow pencil in brown
  • Clinique mascara in black

  • Viva Body Painting in purple
Hope you enjoy the tutorial. See you!

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