Showing posts with label lipstick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lipstick. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Review: Colourpop Ultra Matte Lip in Trap

Oh dear, this is actually another path of my journey in the middle of matte lip stain trial adventure. This is the kind of adventure I really love. LOL. I meant to try on every brand of matte lip stain in every shade they launch, but I just couldn't. My bank account told me so. So here I am, reviewing one shade only of Colourpop Ultra Matte Lip.

For those who haven't heard of this brand, Colourpop is an American cosmetic brand, and they're relatively new on the market. They previously launch their Lippie Stix collection. You can check out my review in the shade Tootsi.


There's nothing special in this department. Just some plastic transparent tube with silver cap and holographic Colourpop logo on one side. It has a white carton box as an extra packaging.




There are about more than 40 shades of Ultra Matte Lips, and varies from super nude to super dark purple. There's nothing too weird though, like green or yellow shade. My shade is Trap, which seemed to be a quite nude greige shade I adore lately. The shade indicator was placed on the bottom part of the tube with a transparent sticker.


Their long doe foot applicator is so soft, makes it easier to apply, as well as gives more comfort when applied onto lips.


Left: with camera flash
Right: under natural lighting

There's a hint of chemical odor of the product. Just a bit, though. This product dries quickly and felt very smooth. I don't even need extra effort to smooth the surface, whether it's on the lips or just some rough swatches on my hand. The consistency is just right between liquid and cream. Not too thick nor too light.


The shade Trap is actually a wearable greige kinda color, a mix between grey, brown, and a tiny bit of purple. Well, at least on my lips. If Lime Crime Faded and Cashmere had a baby, then Colourpop Trap is probably be the one. I don't think this would suit people with darker skin tone. But if you're confident with it, so just kill it.



Trap feels very lightweight on my lips. I can still feel a bit of powdery feeling on my lips, but for a liquid matte lip stain, this is pretty comfortable. But as comfortable as it is, it's not very kiss-proof. Well it is kiss-proof, but not really. There's still some of the flakes on the inside of your lips that will stain your coffee cups. Like... flakes on your cups. Eww...

This product also drains your lips, so be prepared by applying some lip balm in advance.

The removing process is not a hard one. I just need to dip a cotton pad on regular makeup remover (just a cheap one, Mustika Ratu), place it onto my lips for several seconds, and wipe it. The surface will turn into (again) small flakes that won't even stain your lips.

Overall, this product is worth to try considering the price which is relatively cheap and their enormous range of colour. There are lots of wearable colours to be used for everyday needs. This product originally cost USD 6 each, and sold in Indonesin online stores for about IDR 120K. Price may varies.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Review: Sleek Matte Me in Petal


I got this Sleek Matte Me like from winning Dine/Aisah giveaway, and it was almost a year ago. Not that I forgot about this cute prize, I was just simply waiting for the right moment to unwrap it.

When first launched, this product was originally named Sleek Ultra Smooth Lip Cream with a different kind of font. The one being reviewed here is their latest version. In case you're wondering.



The shade I own is Petal (435). And as stated on the bottle, this product can last up to 3 years upon first openning (36 months). Compared to LA Splash (only 3 months) or Lime Crime (12 months), Sleek Matte Me is more economical in terms of its life span.


Dimethicone, Hydrogenated Styrene Isoprene Copolymer Cresin, Silica, Diox, Titanium, Ide/CI77891, Red, Iron Oxide,/ CI77491, Yellow, Iron Oxide/CI77492, Bht, Propylparaben, D&C Orange No.5/CI145370:2, D&C Red No.6/CI15850:7


The applicator is what I love. Instead of a classic doe-foot shape, it is extra long and pointy, making it easier to draw a precise line. Unfortunately it feels so hard. I wish they have made it a little bit softer and more bouncy.


The texture is quite runny, not creamy. It also dries quickly.


Petal is a pale muted pink. It tends to washes me off unless if I put on a foundation or BB cream. My skin is NC25, and I don't think this would suit any darker complexion.

As you can see from the picture of my lips above, the texture of Petal shade is very streaky. I put on several layer and still couldn't get the smooth result. 

For those of you who have darker lips on the edges, I would suggest to put on some lip primer first, or a thin layer of foundation. And like many other pink lipstick on me (pale or bright) this one will also oxidize after several hours and turn into a darker color.


I have tried this product in the shade Birthday Suit, which is so much better in terms of the texture, finishing, etc. Petal kinda seems dries out and tends to clump at my inner lips, especially after eating. So the reapplication is a bit challenging. 

Lip preparation is highly recommended before applying this product. Moisturize your lips properly or scrub them in advance. I would avoid wearing this when I suffer from chapped lips.


In Indonesia, this product would cost for about IDR 120K in many online stores, they are not available off line, though.

Repurchase? Err... nope I think. I love the color but I just can't stand its texture.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Review: Purbasari Lipstick Color Matte in Topaz (86), Jade (89), and Diamond (81)


Iya kan, jadi lipstik ini lagi booming banget. Kayaknya nggak di mana, kalo lagi ngumpul sama perempuan, itu kalo lagi ngomongin lipstik, pasti si Purbasari Lipstick Color Matte ini jadi salah satu topik yang paling panjang dibahas. Dan kalo salah satu ada yang gincu-an pake Purbasari, suka pada mupeng gitu mukanya, sambil nanya: nomer berapa tuh?

Saking nge hits-nya, lipstik ini sampe susah dicari. Abis di mana-mana, sampe gue ilfil dan males nyarinya. Tiap gue cari di apotik, toko kosmetik, sampe mini market, itu BA-nya pada kompak jawab: ABIS. Sampe pabriknya aja kehabisan! Benar-benar brutal. Untung banget ada seller baik hati yang mau endorse Purbasari Lipstick Color Matte ini buat di-review. Hehehe.

Rejeki lipstick junkie yang sholehah.


Kemasannya khas lipstik mahal. Warna hitam dan gold dengan tube yang modelnya langsing. Tiap lipstik dikemas lagi dalam kotak berwarna senada. Dan kotaknya itu juga di-seal dengan plastik. Jadi bener-bener menjamin kalo lipstik yang kamu beli masih perawan.


Purbasari Lipstick Color Matte ini terdiri dari 10 warna. Gue ga hapal sih warna-warna apa aja, yang jelas bisa dipastikan semua warnanya wearable. Ga ada yang aneh-aneh, karena ini lipstik keluaran lokal. Shade yang gue punya adalah No 86 dan No 89. Tiap warna itu ada namanya lagi, cuma kayaknya lebih gampang ngapalin kodenya.


Purbasari Matte Lipstick No 89 (Jade)


Purbasari Matte Lipstick No 86 (Topaz)

Isinya lumayan banyak (4 gram). Gambar di atas itu adalah panjang keseluruhan bullet yang gue puter sampe mentok. Lumayan panjang kan. Ntar bawahnya kalo udah abis mentok, tinggal korek-korek lagi pake kuas bibir deh.

Kalo ngomongin aromanya, lipstik ini baunya enak kok. Entah wangi apa itu, kayak bau-bau manis.


Atas: dengan camera flash
Bawah: tanpa camera flash


Btw, sebelom kita bahas swatch warnanya, ini gue kasi liat warna asli bibir gue. Konon, beda warna asli bibir, beda juga hasil warna lipstiknya.


JADE (No 89)


Purbasari Matte Lipstick No 89 (Jade) dengan pencahayaan indoor.

Gue sebenernya agak kecele dengan No 89 ini, soalnya gue liat swatch-nya itu kayak pink bibir gitu loh. Ga taunya pas gue pake warnanya itu perpaduan antara hot pink dan merah, dengan kecenderungan merah yang lebih banyak. Kalo gue ngaca di tempat yang agak gelap malah warnanya jadi merah banget. Dan kalo gue ada di tempat yang agak terang, baru keliatan pink-nya, meskipun merahnya tetep aja lebih dominan.

Lalu, seperti lipstik-lipstik warna pink yang pernah gue pake, warna ini berubah jadi merah betulan di akhir hari. Pokoknya tiap gue pake pink, warnanya berubah jadi lebih tua di akhir harinya. Ga tau kenapa, apakah mungkin lipstik pink itu teroksidasi di bibir gue. Ada yang punya pengalaman yang sama?


Purbasari Matte Lipstick No 89 (Jade) dengan pencahayaan outdoor.

Btw, maap ye kalo matanya agak bold, soalnya bikin swatch ini sekalian bikin video tutorial smokey eyes. 


TOPAZ (No 86)

Purbasari Matte Lipstick No 86 (Topaz) dengan pencahayaan indoor.

Yang No 86 ini adalah warna coklat bold dengan nuansa sedikit kemerahan. Bukan merah bata juga sih, tapi tetep coklat. Dan GUE SUKA BANGET sama warna ini. Asliiii, gue ga suka lipstik coklat karena berasa tua & kuno banget kayaknya, tapi yang ini ternyata baguuus.

Purbasari Matte Lipstick No 86 (Topaz) dengan pencahayaan outdoor.


Setelah nyobain lipstik ini, gue langsung paham kenapa yang ini ngehits banget. Karena emang formulanya ringan banget. Gue pikir tadinya ini ga jauh beda sama lipstik-lipstik serupa keluaran lokal kayak Wardah dan Mirabella, tapi nggak loh. Yang ini enak banget.

Pas diolesin, rasanya kayak ngolesin krayon di atas kertas. Empuk banget, nggak menggumpal, dan sangat pigmented. Sekali oles udah langsung nutup. Jadi jangan harap bisa pake lipstik ini tipis-tipis, karena sekali oles aja udah tebel. Oh ya, karena lunak, gue bisa pastiin kalo lipstik ini agak boros dipakenya.

Hasil akhirnya juga dead matte, gak berkilau sama sekali. Walaupun matte tapi berasa ringan di bibir, kayak ga pake lipstik. Jadi buat kamu yang pengen pake lipstik matte kayak yang lagi trend sekarang, cocok banget nyobain ini dulu, buat latihan. Dua warna ini juga ga gampang luntur walaupun dipake makan (tapi tetap luntur yaaa). 

Lipstik ini ga gampang transfer tapi nggak kissproof, jadi tetap bakal nempel di cangkir kopi walau tidak dalam jumlah yang banyak. Dihapusnya juga gampang, setelah dihapus gak bikin kering atau menyisakan stain di bibir kamu.

9,5 of 10

Buat kamu yang pengen beli lipstik ini boleh kontak langsung:

Harga: IDR 31K s/d 35K (lupa persisnya berapa)


Update on February 15, 2016

Hehehe, update lagi nih. Maap ya satu-satu gini reviewnya. 


Jadi yang gue mau bahas di sini adalah warna no 81 atau Diamond. Kalo soal kemasan, ga perlau lagi ya diomongin, karena udah dijelasin di atas.




Warna no. 81 ini adalah coklat muda dengan nuansa peach, atau istilah kerennya warna terracotta. Setahu gue, warna ini adalah salah satu warna coklat nude yang paling most wanted karena bisa matching ke segala macem warna kulit.

Waktu iseng bikin swatch-nya, warna No. 81 ini sedikit mengingatkan gue akan Kat Von D liquid lipstck yang Lolita II. Pernah gue review beberapa waktu lalu sih. Silakan klik di sini.


Mirip kan? Yaaa ga sama persis sih. Yang Purbasari lebih nge-peach, sedangkan Kat Vin D jatihnya lebih pinkish, but overall di bibir gue hasilnya rada mirip. Entah kalo di bibir kalian yak.


Overall, warna ini emang warna yang aman banget. The kind of shade that compliments my skintone jadi lebih cerah gitu, tapi sekaligus ga lebay. Aman lah. Dijamin ga bakal keliatan terlalu usaha. Hehehe.

Gitu aja update hari ini. Ntar kalo ada update lagi tentang lipstik ini, bakal gue review di sini lagi. Gue sih juga maunya bareng sekaligus di review, cuma ga bisa. Susah dapetin warnanya sekaligus.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Review: Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick in Lolita and Lolita II (Lolita Lip Duo)


I ordered Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick some time ago in the shade Lolita. Little did I know that several weeks later I'd received two versions of Lolitas in my mail, and in mini sizes. For me this is such a pleasing surprise since I can try out two different shades by just paying for one product. Oh, c'mon, how long does it take to spend a whole full size by the way? So in this case, mini size is a blessing.


The box contains two similar lipsticks: Lolita and Lolita II. From what I heard, Lolita II is actually a limited edition and available in this lip duo collection only. But please correct me if I'm wrong.


Left: Lolita
Right: Lolita II

The tube design for mini sizes are a bit different than the one you'd see on their full ones, although you can still see the silver rose design on the cap, and of course, KVD epic logo on the tube. 


What I love from their mini size is that the wand is not too long, so you can fully control your hand movement. Also it has a sheer chemical smell which is quite disturbing for me, but it will fade gradually.



Top: Lolita
Bottom: Lolita II

They are wet when first applied but will turn into a dead matte finish in no time. Which is a good thing I suppose.




The shade of Lolita is not quite amusing, This one's far from what I expected when I saw the swatch in Temptalia. What I got here is a dusky rose with a hint of brown (or mauve?). It's way too dark for me and doesn't compliment my skin tone at its best. But still this one is good nude color.



Lolita II

This Lolita II shade is a bitch ass, I really-really love this. It's a warmer and lighter version of Lolita, kind of terracotta nude. I wear this and surely my face looks several times brighter. This is the kind of color that almost everybody love, especially us, Indonesian girls. 


As promised by the company, these lipsticks are absolutely long-wear. Stays the whole day unless if you're a barbarian eater. They have full coverage and won't leave any stain when you wipe it. Although I'm not so sure about other shades, though. They apply evenly, smooth, won't budge or feather all day long.

Every similar product like this would definitely dry your lips, even mine, and leave some tacky feelings on your lips. But these ones are definitely felt great, one of the most comfort matte liquid lipstick I ever try. Although I must say, the dryness is still there. So be sure to exfoliate your lips beforehand.

Their full sizes are sold for about USD 20/each, or around IDR 350K in many online stores in Indonesia. But I bought this Lolita Lip Duo for IDR 300K, pre-ordered.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Review: LA Splash Lip Couture in OG Ghoulish


This is the third LA Splash liquid lipstick that I have. To be honest, since these products are relatively inexpensive, all three shades I own are not very wearable for daily use, simply because I think I can do experiment with weird shades. 


They are originally double packaged in two ways: with clear mica box and with plastic wrapping. Apparently the one I got is with mica box. The packaging is a clear tube with gold detailing and gold cap. (And it matches my steampunk necklace perfectly! Kyaaaa!)


The shade I own is OG Ghoulish. Just an important notice that this one is different from Goulish which was launched earlier.




Can you see a super tiny black tube picture at the bottom left corner with a 3M code on it? That indicates the life span of this product that can only last up to 3 months after you open it. This is called PAO (Period After Opening) which can be found on many consumer products, usually beauty and skin care ones. And for the record, PAO is not the same with expiry date.

 That's why I didn't intend to buy so many colors from them. THREE MONTHS for 0.13 oz nett? How can I spend all of them in three months...


The applicator is a straight and long shaped one rather than a regular doe foot. I don't really fond of this kinda shape, it's too big. Or maybe I'm just not used to it. Yet.


Left: Natural lighting
Right: With camera flash

The formula is a perfect combination between liquid and creamy. Not too thick nor too thin. The smell is unbelievably disturbing, like the strong smell of wall paint. LA Splash has the worst smell compared to several similar products I've tried so far. Although it'll fade eventually.


OG Goulish is a super pale grey-beige color, or many beauty bloggers call it: a greige shade. For the longest time, Lime Crime Cashmere is the palest shade I own, but OG Ghoulish beats it. Some even said this is a dupe for Cashmere. Nope, not at all.

The opacity is amazing, I don't need a second dip to fill my whole lips. It takes a while before it dries completely and you'll feel is some uncomfortable tacky feeling on your lips. But once it dries, it won't budge.

They also last all day. Kissproof, smudgeproof, waterproof. Taking this off is easy. I just put a cotton dipped in ordinary makeup remover, press it for several secs, and wipe it with all you might. After that, scrub your lips and moisturize. This product won't leave any stain at all afterwards.


This picture is just me playing with dark foundation, imagining if my skin was this dark, this is how OG Goulish would look like on me.

Does it dry? Yes, forgodsake! Even for my lips that don't dry easily, they do! And they also felt dry, as if your lips are sealed with a duck tape or something. But somehow, compared to similar products, this felt less dry and more comfortable. And just like many other matte liquid lipstick, the inner part of your lips will clump  after a long day.

Although it's nude, OG Ghoulish is not a very wearable color for everyday use. You'll look pale. I wear this and lots of my friend said I look like a walking corpse, or a zombie. Zombie syariah mungkin. Only a few people compliment me. But I don't care. I wear this shade quite often, because I love it.

This is originally cost USD 14 in USA (was USD 11.98). I bought this for about IDR 150K but forgot where. But many online stores sell this product. The price may vary.

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