Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Review: Viva Queen "Perfect Shape Pencil Matic Eye Liner" in Black

Eyeliner ini sebenernya udah lama aku beli, cuma belom kesampean aja makenya soalnya masih punya dua eyeliner pensil warna item. Sayang kalo mau dipake. Tapi baru-baru ini dua pensil itu gak bisa dipake. Yang satu udah kadaluarsa, yang satu raib. Terpaksa deh yang ini dibuka T_T.


Produk ini sebenernya salah satu keluaran terbaru dari Viva. Kemasannya lumayan 'niat' loh, ada kartonnya segala. Nggak keliatan murahan deh.

Klaim produk:
No sharpening needed
No preservatives
Long lasting

The ingredients.

Bentuknya hitam, dari plastik, plus ada tato warna gold di bodi-nya. Sangar bo... Hehehe...

Judulnya juga pencil matic, jadi pensil ini modelnya yang diputrer-puter, istilah kerennya retractable. Tak perlu pusing diraut, tinggal puter aja udah nongol lagi dari bawah. Keuntungan pensil retractable ini, biasanya dia teksturnya lunak, gak sakit kalo diaplikasikan ke mata. Kelemahannya, rata-rata gampang patah, dan ketika ujungnya nggak runcing lagi bakal rada susah bikin garis yang super tipis.
Oh ya, varian eyeliner milikku berwarna HITAM. Ada tiga warna yang tersedia selain ini, yaitu biru, dan putih yang mempesona. Hehehe. Kata web Viva-nya gitu soalnya. Tapi nggak ada warna coklatnya, sayang sekali.
Harga produk ini adalah IDR 39K di website resmi Viva.


Kalo ngomongin soal warnanya, dia cukup buildable. Kalo kamu tekan sedikit, warnanya jadi hitam banget. Tapi kalo kamu gak suka jadi terlalu hitam, cukup aplikasikan dengan gerakan ringan, warnanya jadi abu-abu tua. Tekstur pensilnya juga enak, gampang banget buat gambar-gambar di muka. Tapi yaaa itu, karena dia modelnya retractable, ga bisa diraut, harus pinter-pinter narik garisnya supaya bisa dapet garis yang tipis.

Kalo dibilang tahan air, sih lumayan kok. Dialirin air sederas itu nggak goyah.

Tapiiii kalo setelah dialiri air, sekali gosok langsung bubarrrr...

Penampakan di mataku pada suatu ketika.
Aku sengaja make eyeliner model puppy eyes. Gaya eyeliner kayak gini nih, adalah musuh besar bagi para pemilik kelopak mata berminyak, plus yang matanya sensitif dan gampang berair. Seperti mataku. Tapi biarin deh, sengaja pengen lihat hasilnya. Aku juga nggak pake eye primer loh.
Aku nyoba pake di rumah doang, selama dua jam saja.
Gimana hasilnya?
Mata panda booo, huaaaa!
Mungkin eyeliner ini bakal aku pake kalo kebetulan lagi mau bikin fantasy makeup dan perlu pensil hitam buat outline-nya. Other than that? Nooo, I don't think so lah. Kalo mau nyoba silakan aja, mungkin buat kamu yang kelopak matanya gak berminyak, atau kalo matamu gak sensitif kayak aku, hasilnya bakalan beda. Mungkin. Tapi buatku, big no no deh. Kayaknya aku musti nyari eyeliner pensil lagi nih buat sehari-hari, yang smudgeproof plus waterproof. Any recommendation?

Friday, October 24, 2014

Review: Sweety Bee Lip Sugar Scrub (Lavender Mint)

 Aku paling rajin scrub bibir, nggak pernah absen. Malah lebih rajin scrub bibir ketimbang scrub muka. Soalnya aku penggemar semua jenis tekstur dan warna lipstik, dari yang creamy, sampe yang super matte. Jadi bisa ditebaklah bibirku kayak apa, sering banget kering. Kalo lupa di scrub, gampang pecah-pecah dan akhirnya berdarah. Jelek banget liatnya, kayak abis kena tonjok.
Selain karena bibir gampang kering, yang bikin aku rajin scrub bibir juga karena produk dari Moporie ini. Hahaha, aku gak promosi. Beneran aku suka banget, malah berrencana akan beli beberapa kaleng lagi setelah yang aku punya ini habis.
Yuk, mari tengok review si kaleng mini ini :)
Scrub ini dikemas dalam kaleng bulat pipih. Ukuran kalengnya kecil, sebesar telapak tangan.
Extra virgin avocado oil
Olive oil
Lavender & Peppermint essential oil
 Vitamin E

Waktu buka kalengnya aku agak surprised pas lihat teksturnya karena kayak gula kering biasa tapi agak sedikit lembab. Kan aku ngebayanginnya dia berbentuk basah layaknya gula bercampur madu, seperti yang biasa aku pake di rumah.. Eitts, walaupun keliatan kalengnya kecil tapi isinya padat loh. Dan kalengnya yang lucu itu bisa dipake lagi buat sesuatu kalo isinya habis. Hehehe. Gak mau rugi!

Nggak perlu banyak-banyak ambil produknya. Sayang. Secuil juga cukup buat bibirmu.

Pas diolesin ke bibir, aku pikir gulanya akan berjatuhan, karena teksturnya kering. Tapi ternyata nggak kok. Aroma mint-nya langsung terasa, lebih kuat dari aroma Lavender-nya. Daaan, karena dia dasarnya gula, ada rasa manis-manisnya dikit. Tapi aku nggak berniat sama sekali menggunakan scrub ini buat bikin teh manis kalo gula di rumah habis. XD.
Oh ya, cukup olesin di sekitar kulit bibir. Aku pernah saking semangatnya scrubbing, sampe kulit di sekitar bibir ikut kugosok. Besoknya langsung merah-merah. Iritasi. Pffft..


Perbandingan foto antara sebelum dan sesudah.
Gak keliatan beda ya? Ada kok sebenernya, walau sedikiiiit banget. Kalo kamu perhatiin, yang foto sesudah pemakaian, bibirku keliatan lebih merah, garis-garis bibirnya terlihat lebih halus, dan rasanya juga lebih lembab. Kalo udah kayak gini, siap deh pake lipstik merah.
Aku awalnya juga mikir, ngapain juga pake ada produk lip scrub segala. Soalnya aku biasa scrub sendiri pake gula yang dicampur madu, digosok-gosok pelan sebentar, trus dibilas, dan diolesin pelembab bibir. Tapi setiap kali aku scrub, bibirku rasanya jadi lebih kering walaupun udah pake lip balm. So, harus berkali-kali dikasih lap balm baru bibir terasa nyaman.
Tapi dengan pake lip scrub ini bibirku gak terasa kering sesudah srubbing, karena rasanya di bibir seperti ada lapisan lilin/wax yang bisa melapisi bibir sampe beberapa jam ke depan. Mungkin karena ada kandungan beeswax-nya? So, kalo lagi males pake lipstik atau lip balm, aku biasanya lebih seneng scrub pake ini. Bibir jadi terlihat merah alami dan gak kering tanpa bantuan produk apapun. Atau kalo misalnya aku abis make lipstik yang bikin bibir kering banget, setelahnya aku akan pakai ini. Tapi inget, namanya juga scrub, jangan keseringan ya. Cukup pake seminggu maksimal dua kali. Ntar bisa ledes tuh bibir, heheheh. Oh ya, jangan juga dipake pas bibir kamu lagi berdarah atau luka ya.
Meskipun begitu ada satu yang agak mengganjal dari produk-produk Moporie: nggak ada tanggal kadaluarsa-nya. Walaupun bahannya alami, dan aku juga percaya akan keamanan produk mereka, tapi pasti lebih oke kalo dilengkapi dengan tanggal kadaluarsanya. Lebih mantep makenya, gitu.
Kalo kamu cek websitenya Moporie, scrub ini ada banyak pilihan rasa, dari coklat, vanilla, kopi, grapefruit, dll. Tinggal pilih aja aroma kesukaanmu, supaya tambah semangat scrubbingnya.
  • Nice fragrance
  • Organic ingredients
  • No petroleoum jelly, parabens, and preservatives
  • Homemade product
  • Exfoliate my lips well
  • But doesn't dry my lips
  • Costumized fragrance
  • But no expiry dates written :(
  • How much: IDR 45K for 20gr


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Review: Biore Cleansing Oil

Okay, so this is the first time I ever try a cleansing oil. But first, what's a cleansing oil really? Basically it's just the same with other cleansing products such as milk cleanser or water cleanser. It's good when we have choices, right? Or you may say, it's just some tricky marketing strategy. LAWLS.
Let's jump to the review then!
This cleansing oil is still limited in Asian market, if I'm not mistaken. Transparent plastic pump bottle is what the packaging all about. By the way, the blushing purple you is the color of the bottle, not the consistency.
What I love from the packaging is this extra removable plastic latch to lock the bottle.

Just remove it upon using.

And it's ready to use.
However, this kind of packaging is not very travel friendly, I guess. Since the latch will get lost easily and the pump could be accidently squeezed. Although this one is more practical if you use this at home, but I prefer the classic bottle with a twisting cap better.

You can read the ingredients and directtions of use on the picture above. However, I just don't agree with point No. 1. I don't need that much product. One or two pumps would be enough if you wear a moderate amount of makeup.
My conclusion is there are two important things this product claims are:
It removes waterproof makeups, especially mascara, effectively.
It doesn't leave greasy feeling although the basic consistency is oil
The consistency is some runny transparent oil, similar to baby oil products. The fragrance is a pleasant one.

Okay, so this is just a simple demo.
The product I swatch on my hand is Make Over Pencil Eyeliner which is super strong that won't run off unless you rub it very hard several times. I will review this product soon. Okay, let's just test this cleansing oil over this product.

I just pump one drop of the liquid.
Rub it with my finger.

Then wipe it with a tissue. All gone.
I would just pump one drop on my hand and massage it to all over my face, then wipe it with cotton pad. I would repeat this step twice before I complete my face cleansing ritual with a face wash. For extra stubborn makeup, I would soak my cotton pad with this product than press that cotton over the place I want to wipe.
Although this product claimed to be safe for removing mascara, you will still find it uncomfortable when some amount of oil enters your eye. Duh?
The weird thing is, eventhough this is an oil based cleanser, the oily/greasy sensation on your face will be gone in just with splash of water. So I don't have to put extra effort to clean the oil on my face with face wash twice. This product also doesn't give me that 'hot' sensation on my face, which is one indicator that this suits my skin.
In short, this product is a good replacement for both of my makeup remover and cleansing milk. However, you have to pump out extra product for stubborn makeups such as waterproof mascara. And for extra tons of makeup (like bride or photoshoot makeup), you need to find other products than this since you'll need extra amount to wash those heavy makeup off.
  • Nice fragrance
  • Can remove waterproof makeups pretty well
  • No parabens but still contains mineral oil, so please beware
  • Doesn't do a good job for very heavy makeup since you'll need to pump a lot of product
  • Doesn't sting my face
  • Where to buy this: I found this is big drugstores only, such as Guardian and Watsons
  • How much: around IDR 90K and 100K for 150 ml


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Review: Sariayu Intensive Acne Care

Akhir-akhir ini aku lagi jerawatan. Nggak tau kenapa. Apa karena aku lagi coba-coba ganti perawatan kulit pake Hada Labo Shiro, atau karena nggak cocok sama pelembut pakaian, atau karena pikiran lagi mumet, atau bisa juga karena kurang gizi. Gara-gara males masak, jadi asupan gizinya kurang bervariasi. Kalo lagi laper, ganjel perut cukup dengan minum kopi. Aduuh, jangan dicontoh ya. Banyak suspect-nya. Tapi kalo dari tempat tumbuhnya jerawat, kayaknya sih karena gizi yang gak bener hehehe.
Biasanya aku cukup ngobatin pake acne gel dari Viva atau Clean & Clear. Ampuh sih, tapi yang namanya jerawat baru muncul lebih cepat sebelum yang lama sembuh. Ngeselin emang. Jadi aku sepertinya butuh yang formulanya lebih 'ngepek'.
Udah lama sih aku liat benda ini kalo mampir ke Giant, tapi gak pernah aku lirik karena lebih suka pake acne gel. Tapi, ya gak ada salahnya juga coba-coba.

Kalo dilihat dari kotaknya sepertinya ukuran produk ini kelihatan gede, padahal pas dibuka, botolnya itu imut-imut. Kira-kira sebesar botol minyak angin deh. Isinya juga hanya 12 ml.

Mengandung belerang halus, pegagan, dan bahan lain untuk membantu mengurangi jerawat dan merawat kulit berjerawat secara intensif.
Cara pakai
Bersihkan wajah dengan Sariayu Busa Pembersih Jerawat. Kocok campuran hingga merata, oleskan pada wajah yang bejerawat dengan kapas bersih. Untuk hasil optimal gunakan Sariayu Masker Jerawat.
Sekedar catatan, aku tidak menggunakan Sariayu Busa Pembersih Jerawat karena udah punya my own holy grail face wash. Biasanya kalo diganti dengan busa pembersih wajah khusus jerawat, wajahku jadi iritasi, merah-merah di sekitar garis tertawa. Dan masker yang aku pake juga dari Mustika Ratu. Nggak satu paket dari Sariayu semua.

Kalo dilihat dari komposisi bahannya, ada camphor. Hati-hati ya buat yang wajahnya sensitif.
Botolnya berwarna bening dengan tutup putar dari plastik. Kalo kamu perhatikan, seperti ada endapan di bagian bawah botol. Jadi harus dikocok dulu kalau mau dipake.

Bau produk ini sangat menyengat. Asli, tajam seperti silet. Heheheh. Pokoknya campuran antara bau belerang, jamu-jamuan (khas Sariayu), dan menthol. Kebayang dong kayak apa. Tapi biar menyengat, aku suka sih baunya. Segerrr, kayak bau kamar operasi (loh?). Suka aku cium-cium sendiri hihihi.

Biasanya aku mengoleskannya dengan kapas ini. Hati-hati ya, karena menyengat, maka pas kamu oles ke wajah, mata akan terasa perih. Meskipun aku mengoleskan di daerah hidung misalnya, tetep aja mataku langsung berair sedikit terkena uapnya. Pedes banget. Tapi tahan aja lah, pedes dikit. Masa iya mau ngolesin sambil merem?

Perbedaan jelas produk ini dengan acne gel adalah teksturnya yang bikin muka keliatan jelek. Hehehe. Kalo gel kan bening ya, tapi kalo yang ini bakal kelihatan seperti ada bedak putih nempel di muka seperti gambar di atas. So, aku sih bakalan pakai ini hanya pada malam hari, di saat cuma aku dan Gusti Allah yang bisa melihat wajahku seperti apa. Hehehe.

Aku lupa kasih tanda di foto ini, tapi kamu bisa lihat gak jerawat paling gede di situ? Tiga hari lalu sebelum ambil foto ini, itu jerawat lagi mateng-matengnya. Belum keluar lemaknya. Cuma tiga kali aku olesin obat ini, langsung kayak gitu. Lumayan cepet kan dibanding gel.
Anehnya lagi kalo obat jerawat kan biasanya bikin kulit di sekeliling jerawat ikutan mengelupas karena kering, nah yang ini nggak, bro. Nggak tau apa karena kulit mukaku yang rada badak, atau mungkin karena aku imbangin dengan pake sabun muka yang mengandung formula anti aging, jadi tetep terasa lembab.
So overall, bolehlah produk ini dicoba, apalagi harganya juga nggak terlalu mahal. Oh ya, karena jerawatku masih bisa dibilang nggak terlalu merajalela banget, aku sih nggak menggunakan satu paket produk khusus jerawat sekaligus ya. Misalnya pake facial wash, toner, pelembab, cleansing, masker, dll yang khusus jerawat. Karena biasanya kalo seperti itu, mukaku langsung iritasi saking keringnya. Jadi kalo masalah wajahmu seperti aku, nggak usah panik ngerawatnya hehehe. Santai aja. Lain halnya buat yang masalah jerawat sudah akut. Okeh?
Harganya sekitar IDR 18K. Lupa persisnya berapa.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Review: Max Factor Facefinity All Day Flawless 3-in-1 Foundation (Beige55)

For me, Max Factor isn't the most famous makeup brand as it isn't the most talked about in Indonesia. Funny because I've walked pass the counter like a gazillions of times but never intend to even look at the collections. Lack of advertising, probably?
And so I was searching for a good foundation. I have two, actually. La Tulipe Cover Foundation, which is too cake-like, hard to blend, and super thick. And Maybelline Liquid Mousse Foundation which was reviewed and recommended a lot but I found the consistency is too runny and fail to make my face look flawless. Very very poor coverage.
Then I bumped into Max Factor counter and told the BA that I want a perfect foundation: matte finish with great staying power. And this what she recommended right away, like she already knew this was the perfect item. She even picked the shade for me correctly in just one glance at my face. I like this kind of BA, smart one.
So this product is basically a three-function foundation in a bottle as it contains primer, concealer, and sunscreen by SPF 20. It dresses in a thick glass bottle with a clear plastic hat. I have to becareful not to drop this.

My shade is Beige 55.
There are 14 different shades, but the availability may be different on each country, I suppose. Stop by at their official website to find out more.

I can't see parabens here. Or is it my sight just fooled me?
What I like from the packaging is the pump. I do love pump bottles since it will guarantee its hygiene. The downside of every pump bottle is that some products might stuck underneath the pump that you'll need to unscrew the pump and eak out plenty more with a brush. But since I barely finish my makeup products to the very last drop, I don't really give a damn about its uneconomical.

Another good thing of the packaging is that you can turn the pump right to left and vice versa to unlock it. This reminds me if I put this in my purse, and accidently the cap was popped open, I don't have to worry that the pump might be unintentionally squeezed. It's like an extra seal in case you lost the transparent cap.

This Beige 55 shade has a slight yellow undertone which I think is an advantage because I usually go with the ashy colored BB creams that make my face look a bit pale. So, yeah, I think this shade is perfect for Indonesian with fair skin to yellow undertone.

   Btw, no weird smell whatsoever.

How I usually try out the shade of foundation in the counters is by swatching it to my wrist since that area has the closest tone to my face. No, I don't swatch it to my jaw as many beauty bloggers do. I wear hijab, how would I do that?
On the picture above the color doesn't look too obvious since it blends really well with my skin. Btw, my wrist is the fairest shade.
I swatch this on my hand as it's the darkest part of my body. The color here looked more obvious. As you can see that I had so many freckles on my hand. And the yellow undertone foundation make it look more flawless, but not pale.
I won't get bored telling you this, but my skin type is normal to oily, especially on the T zone. And this is the first makeup base I ever try that doesn't need to be set up with a face powder, I can wear this alone just like that, and I don't feel any greasy or oily sensation on my finger when I touch my face all day. It's totally matte! The coverage is from medium to high. Those dark spots are all gone. Except for my heavy undereye dark circles. For daily use, I will just ignore this fact. But other than that, I will apply extra eye concealer.
However, the application is a bit tricky since this foundation dries very quickly and tend to make your face look patchy if you don't blend it well. I really have to moisturize my face in advance, especially on some spots that have drying acnes. Those spots will look totally ugly if you don't moisturize them well.
To trick the patchy and cakey look, I would spread this product using my own hands. And on some drying areas (around the nose and on drying acnes) I would apply extra moisturizer to damp those cracking skin, and reapply some thin layers. 

I use this on outdoor activities. I am talking about walking on your feet in humid Bekasi at 11 am, 37 degrees Celsius, and some oil showed up, but just a bit, on the tip of my nose. Other than that, this foundation stays all day long until my 10th hour without primer nor face powder, with a little fading.

This foundation might not work well on those who have dry skin. You can see the example on the back of my hand as it's so dry. The finishing look uneven and clumpy. But on those with normal to oily skin, this will be a great solution for you who look for a flawless result with matte finishing. But, you might want to reconsider using this for photography or wedding makeup since the SPF consistency will tend to give that unwanted white cast appearance.

In short, this product might be your answer if you're looking for matte finish foundation with medium to high coverage. But a big no no for those who seek for dewy-looking finishing with medium coverage. 
  • Matte finishing
  • Dries very quickly when applied
  • Not great for dry skin
  • Tend to look partchy if you don't blend it well
  • Moisturizer is strongly suggested
  • No need extra face powder for daily use as it's very matte
  • Long lasting
  • How much: IDR 150K to 160K (USD 14)


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Blog Sale: Please Adopt Us!

Blog sale!

Beberapa produk berikut ada yang masih baru. Ada yg masih segel, ada yang nggak. Kalaupun kemasannya sudah agak kurang 'photogenic' tapi kalo aku bilang baru, itu pasti baru dan belum pernah aku sentuh.

Pengiriman hanya lewat JNE dan hanya melalui Bank Mandiri. No free ongkir, apalagi kalo di luar kota. Tapi kalo masih di Jabodetabek, bisa dipertimbangkan kalau pembelian di atas IDR 100,000.

Untuk tanya-tanya silakan kirim WhatsApp di nomor 0811823428. Atau boleh message lewat Facebook, tapi please aku harus di add friend dulu supaya message mu bisa aku baca. Link FB-ku ada di top page.

Tidak terima tawar menawar karena harga sudah lebih murah dari harga resminya. Dan hanya menerima pembayaran berupa uang tunai atau transfer. Tidak menerima pembayaran berupa cek/giro, Traveller's Cheque, wesel, Money Order, Inkaso, barter barang, pulsa HP, apalagi pulsa PLN. No, no, no.

No keep. Begitu transfer langsung booking.

Untuk review produk, boleh search di Google ya temaaan. Ada beberapa yang sudah ku review juga di blog ini.

Hehehe, galak banget ya gue.

Happy shopping!

Brand new
NYX Rouge Cream Blush in Natural (CB02)
IDR 75,000


Brand new
Revlon Super Lustruous Lip Gloss in Shine City (No. 010)
Warna bening
IDR 40,000

Sari Ayu Two Way Cake shade Putih Langsat. Cuma dipakai untuk swatch.

Brand new
Sari Ayu Pelembab Putih Langsat
All IDR 40,000

Brand new
Maybelline Fruity Jelly in Sparkling Raspberry (No. 09)
IDR 15,000

Brand new
Make Over Liquid Lip Color in Red Temptation
IDR 60,000

Revlon Wet/Dry Eyeshadow in Raisin Rage
IDR 30,000

Mustika Ratu Lipstik Amuspa Buketan. 80%. IDR 20,000.
Mustika Ratu Blusher Amuspa Buketan. 90%. IDR 30,000.

Etude House Color Lips-Fit in PK 003 (Fantasy Fit Pink). Isi 90%.
IDR 80,000

Missha M Perfect Cover BB Cream shade 23 (Natural Beige). Isi 90%. Dua kali pakai.
IDR 100,000

Etude House Kissful Lip Care. Untuk concealer bibir. Isi 90%. Hanya sekali dipakai swatch.
IDR 30,000

Viva Queen Moisture Lipstick shade 112 dan 115. Hanya dipakai sekali swatch. Isi 90%.
Masing-masing IDR 10,000.

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