
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Review: Etude Color Lips-Fit Lock 'N 'Summer #OR203 Live Fit Orange

This is one of the newest of several new items that was launched by Etude House. Confused with my statement? Well, don't be. Because EH continuously launches new product like in every second before I can grab their latest one yet. Able to make me poor.

The product I'm gonna be reviewing now is from their Lock 'n Summer collection, Color Lips Fit. This is the continuation of their previous Color Lips Fit launched several months ago. I've reviewed it already, you can check it out here.

Compared to their ancestors Color Lips-Fit which looked pretty and sweet, this Lock 'N Summer series has slightly different box and bottle design. More lively and fresh, although I don't capture the 'summer' look on its design. More like a Union Jack, isn't it?

The color system. 
Somehow, not all colors are suitable for summer, don't you think? It should have come in a more playful system. But that's ok, they're gorgeous anyway.

My shade is OR203 or Live Fit Orange. Of all three shades of oranges, this is the brightest one.

Directions of use:
  1. Shake well before use.
  2. Apply smoothly with tip. Lightly dab onto center of lips for gradation. Delicately apply for full cover.
  3. Apply a layer of Color Lips Fit WH901* after color for moist gloss.

*WH901 is a clear Color Lips-Fit range.

The applicator is a bit round, bended, and pointy. It is also bendable if you push it. I use the tip to draw the outter lips to create a neat and precise result.



The swatches when feshly applied, still look glossy and wet.

After a minute or so, it will turn to matte. When I say matte, it is very matte. It sinks into your skin just like that. 

Btw, what is the best word for describing this shade? Well, if you see the bottle you might first mistake it to red or coral red, but once you swatch the consistency, you know they aren't. This shade is what I would call a true daring orange.

Bare lips.


The swatches on my lips:

I apply this using gradient style and full lips. For gradient style I just dab a very very tiny amount on the inner lips (which make me ticklish!) and spread it with my finger onto the whole lips.


Btw, lately I just remembered that we can apply this as blusher as well. I should have told you on my previous post about it but I forgot.

To apply as blusher, I just need a very small amount like this.

Then... Blend it with your hand, like this. I took this picture under indoor lighting with camera flash.

And, this is how it'll look like under natural lighting.

Although the color looks pretty on my lips, I would rather not use this as blusher because it look weird on me, LOLs. Orange cheeks? Oh, c'mon! But, IDK, maybe I'm not used to this color on my cheeks just yet. Instead, I would rather use no blusher at all.


Once the liquid sunk into your lips and met its final matte result, you will fill the light powdery sensation on your lips, which is for me is not very disturbing. Unlike my previous Color Lips Fit shade which look too bright and COMICAL on me (a.k.a. weird), this shade just compliments my whole appearance.

Lately I also learn that any Color Lips Fit series will only dry your lips if yours are in bad condition. I use this alone without lip balm application in advance and my lips end up just fine although it's very matte. So, take care of your lips ya. Don't blame the product if you get chapped lips. LOLs.

This one also stain my lips and doens't easily transfer unless you kiss someone or something deliberately. But sadly I gotta say that the staying power is not very good. I used to eat while wearing this and the whole color just dissappeared except for the outter one, made me look as if I was wearing an orange lip liner. Totally ugly, LOLs. But reapplying it wouldn't be a problem since this one doesn't clump.

  • Unusually pretty bright orange
  • Matte and powdery result
  • Doesn't clump
  • Not drying
  • Not easily transfer
  • Lip stainning afterwards
  • Medium staying power, but easily dissappeared if I use this to eat
  • How much: Ranging from IDR 100K to 120K. 

Last word?
Totally adore this!

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