
Monday, September 29, 2014

Review: Make Over Liquid Lip Color (Red Temptation)

 Pertama kalinya nih aku review produk Make Over. Telat ya. Padahal merk ini udah banyak yang review, tapi buatku baru kali ini aku berkesempatan mencobanya sendiri.
Sebelumnya buat kawan-kawan anggota BBlog yang hadir di acara BBlog Meet Up 27 Sept 2014 kemarin, aku cuma mau info aja bahwa Liquid Lipstick ini bukan item yang sama dengan yang ada dalam goodie bag. Kebetulan sebelum dapet itu, aku udah punya duluan. Jadi yang aku review kali ini adalah yang aku beli dengan gesekan kartu kredit yang sampe sekarang belom aku bayar uangku sendiri ya. Berhubung udah lama juga ini post mengeram di draft sampe bertelor, ya udah aku publish aja.
Sekilas info aja buat yang belom tau, bahwa Make Over ini diproduksi di bawah naungan PT Paragon Technology & Innovation, perusahaan yang sama yang memproduksi kosmetik merk Wardah dan Putri. Ya, dalam arti lain, meski tampilan kemasannya agak beda tapi Make Over ini produksi dalam negri loh.

Kalo dilihat dari warnanya sih aku udah punya yang lipstik merah kayak gini dari Viva dan Maybelline, tapi belom ada yang bentuknya cair. Hahaha. Emang dasar cewek ye, alesan aja buat belanja. Kalo dilihat dari kemasannya, produk ini cantiiiik banget. Botolnya terbuat dari plastik bening dengan tutup hitam berlogo khas Make Over, dan bentuknya kotak. Unik deh.

Shade yang aku punya adalah Red Temptation. Ada 13 warna pilihan lainnya. Shade yang ini adalah yang paling merah dari semua warna yang ada. Satu lagi yang aku taksir itu Drop Dead Pink. Kalo botol atau swatch-nya dijejerin sama Red Temptation ini, asli jadinya keren banget. Mau beli juga tapiii kartu kreditnya komplain, katanya perih digesek mulu :P

Maaf ya aku gak bisa nemu komposisi bahannya di internet, jadi satu-satunya sumber yang aku dapet ya cuma dari foto ini. Sori kalo agak pening bacanya. Di sini masih ada parabennya, teman. For me, like I care lah about parabens. Karena ini merk paten (bukan abal-abal), kandungan parabennya pasti masih sebatas kadar aman.
Buat teman-teman yang fanatik banget dengan ke-Halal-an suatu produk, aku gak bisa memastikan brand ini Halal apa nggak, meski masih di bawah naungan atap yang sama dengan kosmetik Wardah dan Putri, karena gak tercantum logo Halal-nya. Mungkin aja sih Halal, tapi masih ngantri dapet sertifikatnya dari MUI. Hahaha, just a stupid guess by me. Forget it.

Tangkai aplikatornya nggak terlalu panjang atau pendek, dan ujungnya itu berbentuk doe-foot. Apa ya istilah bahasa Indonesia-nya doe-foot? Yah pokoknya standar lah seperti lipgloss atau lipstik cair pada umumnya. Gampang dipakenya. Kekurangan model aplikator busa berbentuk seperti ini adalah boros karena banyak menyerap produk. Tapi aku gak terlalu peduli sih, karena jarang banget aku make produk sampe betul-betul habis. Asli, jarang banget.

Swatchnya di tanganku. Warnanya merah... Merah apa ya? Blue based maybe. Aku paling nggak ahli deh ngomongin base color sebuah warna. Oh ya, dia ini pigmented sekali. Gak usah celup berulang-ulang, sekali oles aja warnanya langsung keluar.
Ada aroma vanilla-nya. Mirip kayak bau lipstik Lime Crime, tapi samar banget, dan akan hilang setelah beberapa menit dipake.
Warna bibir asli saya yang nulis blog ini. Heheheh...

 Jadinya, jreng-jreng. Love this color sooo much!
Aku gak tau persis produk ini dikategorikan lip gloss atau lipstik cair. Kalo liat review yang lain sih pada bilang ini lipgloss. Tapi kalo dibilang lipgloss, kok warnanya keluar banget, dan kalo mau disebut lipstik, dia gak terlalu nutup warna asli bibir. Mungkin itu sebabnya Make Over ngasih nama produk ini 'Liquid Lip Color' ya. Pokoknya dia mewarnai bibirmu, mau disebut lipgloss atau lipstik ya terserah kamu aja mau menilainya gimana. Heheheh.
Untuk warna Red Temptation ini dia tampilannya emang jreng banget, ditambah banget dia hasilnya glossy. Dipake buat kamu yang biasa pake warna bibir terang dan cuek kalo dicela "kayak abis makan anak ayam".
Pengaplikasiannya agak susah supaya warnanya bener-bener merata di bibir, karena dia teksturnya cair dan kurang pekat/kental. Jadi kayak agak-agak belang bonteng kalo makenya gak rata. Kamu bisa liat sendiri hasil fotonya di bibirku, gak rata. Susah ngeratainnya. Meski awalnya glossy, lama kelamaan di aku teksturnya berubah jadi creamy. Tapi hati-hati ya, karena dia cair jadi gampang banget kena gigi.
Kalo soal awet apa nggak, ya lumayan lah untuk ukuran lipstik cair, 6 jam setelah aku pake makan minum juga masih stay. Tapi itu semua tergantung dari caramu makan/minum ya. Kalo kamu ceroboh, sejam juga udah habis. Setelah dihapus dia juga akan menyisakan noda kemerahan yang bagus di bibirmu. Lipstik ini juga gak bikin bibirku kering atau menggumpal di bagian dalam bibir. So, kalo mau touch up lagi, gak perlu dihapus dari awal.
Make Over Liquid Lip Color ini bisa dibeli di counter Make Over dengan harga IDR 75K.
Sekian review dari aku, semoga bermanfaat ya!

Bonus mini tutorial!

Kamu punya lipstik merah gara-gara terlanjur beli atau dikasih orang, tapi belom pede makenya? Nah, sebelum memutuskan untuk menyumbangkan buat nyokap, kakak, tante, atau nenekmu, coba dulu deh dua cara berikut ini. Kadang kalo aku lagi pengen pake lipstik merah tapi situasinya kaga mendukung (misalnya lagi nganterin anak sekolah), aku juga pake cara ini.
Kuncinya cuma satu:
bikin gradient/ombre lips!

How to:
  1. Apply red lipstick on the inner corner of your lips.
  2. Apply any soft colored lip gloss (I use peach lip gloss, or you can use pink or clear ones) on the outter part of your lips. Pout your lips several times to blend the color together.
Products abused:
  • Maybelline Watershine Liquid (Puppy Love)
  • Make Over Liquid Lipstick (Red Temptation)

How to:
  1. Apply a pale pink lipstick on the outter part of your lips
  2. Apply red lipstick on the inner corner. Pout your lips several times to blend the color together.
 Products abused:
  • NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream (Istanbul)
  • Make Over Liquid Lipstick (Red Temptation)

Friday, September 26, 2014

Makeup Collaboration: The Wedding of Betty La Fea

Makeup collaboration! How awesome! And the most awesome part is finding the right people to collab whose vision is just as wacky as ours. 
The theme of this collaboration is Betty La Fea. I don't know if you've ever watched this Latina TV series aired many years ago. It told about a geeky nerdy ugly bookworm named Betty, whom at the end of the story (as you can guess) transformed into a total eye candy whose beauty and brain knock her rivals out. Her transformation was merely because of makeup and new hairdo, not plastic surgery or magic.
So based on that idea, we imagine Betty who have finally become pretty and found her ideal man, being made over into a georgeous bride.
Yak cukup segitu bahasa Inggrisnya. Lanjut sekarang pake basa endonesa aja, lagi ga enak badan soalnya (apa hubungannya?). Dalam kolaborasi ini, aku barengan bikinnya sama Rere Dini dan Evelyn.
Somehow Google+ polished our faces a bit more because the real picture is not as flawless as the one above. Fufufufu....
Kindly check out my friends' artworks for this collaboration:
Berhubung mbak Bety ga punya stok foto buat ditempel di buku nikah, jadilah dia submit foto ini ke petugas KUA. Ini foto lama waktu dia ngelamar jadi CPNS. Gayanya juga masih gaya jadul. Alis nyambung, idung pesek, ditambah kacamata gede dan berat, belom jerawatnya. Ampun deh tuh.
Ngomongin soal jerawat, kayakanya aku agak lebay bikinnya deh. Karena jadinya kok kayak cacar air ya ketimbang jerawat. Btw, itu kacamata asliku loooh, tebel dan aslinya emang berat banget, makanya jarang dipake hahahah.

Dan setelah poles sana poles sini, inilah mukanya Betty pas jadi manten. Agak cakepan dikit lah dari foto di atas.

Lupakan makeup mantenan ala pengantin tradisional yang medok dan glamor, aku belom bisa bikin kayak gitu. Setelah browsing-browsing, akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk nyontek gaya makeup pengantin western yang lebih simpel dan natural. Cuma eyeliner-nya aku bikin agak tebal ala Arabian. So maybe hasil akhirnya lebih mirip makeup tamu kondangan, ketimbang makeup ala pengantin. Maafkan akuuuu, hiks...
But walau begitu, boleh di cek lah tutorialnya. Lumayan buat makeup pesta ala natural look.
How to:
  1. After drawing your eyebrows, base your entire eylids with eyeshadow base.
  2. Apply medium dark brown on your crease and outter V. Blend. This works as a base color.
  3. Apply a darker shimmery brown on the same place.
  4. Apply golden beige eyeshadow on your lids. Blend with the dark brown.
  5. Apply dark shimmery brown on lower lash bed.
  6. Frame your eyes with black eyeliner. Fill in your waterline with white pencil.
  7. Apply false eyelashes and mascara, and you are done!
Final look:

Untuk makeup wajah keseluruhan simpel aja sih. Aku cuma pake foundie yang non SPF, terus bedakan, cntour, highlight, pake blusher dan lipstik. Anyway, cara contour dan highlight pernah aku upload ya. Check out the tutorial here.
Products abused:
  • La Tulipe Cover Foundation (Natural Beige) mixed with Maybelline Liquid Mousse Foundation (Beige)
  • Maybelline Clear Smooth Face Powder (Light)
  • Sari Ayu Lip Eye Kit (I used pink eyeshadow as blusher)
  • NYX Single Eyeshadow in Dark Brown (as countouring)
  • Inez Color Contour Concealer in Light (as highlighter)
  • Sari Ayu Lip Eye Kit (Lipstick No. 1)

    Aku upload foto narsis rada banyakan ah, soalnya lama banget bikin ginian. Oh ya, headpieace-nya aku copot ya karena berat banget dan lumayan bikin keringetan. Lagipula aku lebih suka mukaku tanpa ada headpiece itu, keramena soalnya. XD


See how makeup can really change your look? When my husband told me I look better without makeup, doesn't mean I have to be bared face all the time kan ya. Hahaha.
See you and be good!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Review: Wet n Wild Ultimate Brow Kit (Ash Brown/963)

Please don't mistake this product with eyeshadow pallet. I once did. Apparently this is one of many tools to define your eyebrows. I used to acknowledge eyebrow pencil as the only tool available to do so, but nowadays there are pomades, eyebrow gels, and this one: eyebrow kit. Orright, let's move on to the review then.

This kit comes in a silver plastic box with transparent cover. It's pretty thick.

My shade is Ash Brown (No. 963). I'm not quite sure how many shades available.

If you still can find this seal on your box, it means it's brand new.

This kit is very travel friendly with all the things you need in one whole package. What you'll find is:
  1. A tweezer. Meant to help you plucking your eyebrow. Although for me, this one's too small. I prefer my old tweezer.
  2. An angled brush. Although the handle is too short, but the square shape is a plus point to avoid slippery hand. And the brush is stiff. I prefer this stiff kind of brush to draw my eyebrows. But if you don't, you know what's next, find your own favorite brush.
  3. A white wax. To make your eyebrow hair stay in place. But for me personally, this wax thing is a bit absurd since I don't find it useful at all.
  4. Two shades of brown. The main point of this product.

Close up view of the pans. I used to think that the long square there is the mirror. And I thought, how small.
Turns out it was equipped with a quite large mirror, and the width is as wide as the packaging itself. You just need to slide a small opening on the side of the packaging. That explains why the box is quite thick. Talk about hidden mirror, this reminds me of the old packaging of Revlon Colorstay blusher.

I assume these two brown shades are suitable for any kind of skin tone. You can use either one of them or mix them both. But when I swatched to my wrist the color was kinda fade out and powdery. But when I use the brush and apply it to my eyebrow, I was a bit surprised to see how pigmented they are.
An eyebrow kit review is not complete without a tutorial of how I use this. But I must tell you that you might find this a bit different from what written on the product directory. I don't use the wax because for me it's not very useful, and applying it at the last step would only make everything I set fade out.
  1. To make my eyebrows hair stay in place, I sprayed a small amount of hairspray onto a spoolie or an eyebrow brush, and brush my eyebrow with that.
  2. Draw a lower outline with the dark brown shade.
  3. Do the same thing to draw the upper outline.
  4. Fill the empty space with a lighter brown.
  5. Using whatever that's left on the brush, smudge your inner corner of the eyebrows to create a gradient effect. Or you can use eyeshadow brush, or even your pinky tip.
  6. And you are done. And please ignore my half finished eyeliner on the photos above.
You don't have to use all the colors in there. This is just one of many ways to define your eyebrows using this kit.
An example on one of my EOTDs.

I used to think that filling your eyebrows with powder is the same with using eyeshadow, but no. Because if I use eyeshadow, sometimes there will be some powders fall on my eyelids. But it didn't happen when I used this. Those colors are very pigmented and will not fall off.
Compared to my NYX Eyebrow Gel, this is seriously more practical and easier to use. But the staying power is less than NYX. I wore this in an outdoor activity for a douple of hours and took a nap afterwards, and by the end of the day, some color on the outter part of my eyebrows faded out a little bit. But, if I must compare this again with my Viva or Silky Girl eyebrow pencil, this one stays much longer.
My thought:
  • Pigmented colors
  • Medium staying power
  • Not very useful wax
  • And even a useless tweezer
  • But I love the stiff brush
  • Equipped with a quite big mirror
  • Where to buy: Online stores, Carrefour, Watsons, Metro, Sogo, Guardian.
  • How much: IDR 109K (USD 10) on its official counters, but the price may vary if you purchase this  via online. I bought this for IDR 70K from NYX Olshop in Facebook. A little note when purchasing this online, please make sure the price is not more than IDR 110K, or else it means you have been ripped off by the seller. LOLs.
  • You also can buy this online from their official Indonesian web store.
Thank you for reading!


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Review: Lime Crime Opaque Lipstick (Centrifuchsia)

I have been a fan of Lime Crime lip products because of the packaging and their crazy range of colors. It took me a long time to finally decide purchasing this since the price wasn't something you would spend for some random stuff out of curiousity. But... have you ever want something so bad you don't care about the price, whether you need it or not? No? Well, lucky you, because that's what I felt towards this lovely purple bitch. So, to hell with budget.
Just look at the packaging design, doesn't it remind you of some toy lipsticks you had when you were a little gurl? Lilac color with a holographic Unicorn silhouette, same goes with the box design. Although it looks cute, but isn't it a little cheap looking?

There are 19 shades of Opaque Lipstick. My shade is Centrifuchsia. Why this? Because--despite the fact it is one of a few wearable shades--some reviews I read and watched told me this has the best texture. I actually aimed for Airborne Unicorn, because I love the name. LOLs. But it wasn't available at the time.
Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil, Pentaerythrityl Tetraisostearate, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, DI-PPG-3 Myristyl Ether Adipate, Euphorbia Cerifera (Candelilla) Wax, Bis-Diglyceryl Polyacyladipate-2, Ozokerite, Calcium Aluminum Borosilicate, Vanillin, Polyethylene, Microcrystalline Wax, Silica, Tocopherol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Phenoxyethanol. May Contain [+/-]: Mica CI 77019, Titanium Dioxide CI 77891, Iron Oxides CI 77492 CI 77491 CI 77499, Red 7 Lake CI 15850:1, Yellow 5 Lake CI 19140:1, Blue 1 Lake CI 42090:2, Red 6 CI 15850, Red 28 Lake CI 45410. VEGAN/CRUELTY-FREE.

The bullet design is classic pointy one. There's a strong vanilla scent on it.

The color is what I describe as medium dark pink, or fuchsia, like the name itself.

My pale bare lips.

The picture above is when swatched to my lips. Somehow my camera kinda toned down the color a little bit because in reality it looked so much darker. I actually took some pictures of my lips under natural lighting but I don't think I will show you those since the result doesn't resemble the real color at all.

I played with my photo editor, change the saturation and all that, and finally came up with that picture above. Although it was obviously edited, but it's the closest one to reality.
This lipstick applied to my lips decently, very pigmented, and went opaque without so much trouble. I just need to apply one layer and the color stands out already. The texture is smooth, doesn't clump, nor dry my lips although I wear no lip balm in advance. And just like many opaque bold lipsticks, this one will leave stain. A pink stain.
 Talking about they staying power, oh yeah, it stayed in place obediently, like a puppy. Even after I took a meal, the color only slightly faded. But too bad that the color easily transfers to whatever it touches.
I don't feel sorry at all spending about IDR 245K (for this because the quality really paid off. It felt lightweight on my lips, not too thick, with a pretty creamy finishing. However, I don't know the result for other colors from this line, as from reading some reviews, not every color give a good result, considering the price is almost the same as many high-end lipstick brands.
  • Opaque color
  • Medium dark pink tone
  • The color transfers easily
  • Long lasting
  • Not drying my lips
  • Very pigmented
  • Creamy finishing
  • Smooth textured and doesn't clump
  • How much: USD 18. I bought this for IDR 245K, available in many local online stores, but price may vary.


Friday, September 19, 2014

Review: Maybelline Eyestudio Hyper Glossy Liquid Liner (Black)

Eyeliners are one of my must-wear makeup item to define my small slanted eyes. I usually avoid using liquid liners since I got shaky hands, so I often end up with pencil, or pen, or gel liner. But, I got jealous of those Youtubers or even my fellow beauty bloggers who could easily draw flawless lines using liquid liners. So I think, I have to, have to, have to nail it as well!
Menurut gue, kalo hobi dandan, rasanya belom afdol kalo belom jago make eyeliner cair. Tapi itu menurut gue loh ya. Hehehe...
And I chose this, from conversations with some fellow bloggers, as one of the friendliest liquid liners, both in applicator, lasting power, and price. So, here is what I have to say.
The packaging is a bit tiny. Nothing fancy about the bottle. It was all black plastic with a glossy letters on it. When I first bought this, it was sealed with a clear plastic. But, in some countries, they are sold in a carton seal.
The shade is black, and it ONLY HAVE ONE SHADE, which is BLACK.
Please don't mistake this liner with Maybelline Hyper Glossy Runway Pop Color Liner, which has 5 different shades. Well, the formula may be the same, but there's a slight difference on the bottle design. This one is more simple. Please remember that BLACK is the one with PINK LETTERS on it. Don't be mistaken. (I didn't wear glasses when I purchased this, so of course it was damn hard!).
 Btw, I used to review this colorful liner in orange shade, check it out here.
The ingredients were listed in the plastic seal I already tore. But this is what I found from the internet:
This applicator is actually pretty short which is an advantage for me. Imagine that awkward moment when you literally have to stick your cheeks to the mirror because your eyes hardly can see anything. So, a short applicator is truly a bless for me.

The tip of the brush is pointy, really helpfull to draw a thin line. However when I pushed the brush a little bit further, it also helped me to draw a thicker line. Great for drawing a cat-wink edge. This brush also pretty hard. It's not too soft which I like the most since I'm a beginner on this. Totally an applicator for rookies.

The black is pretty intense. A true jet black with glossy finishing. How long it dries depends on how thick you draw the line. But on me, it only need about five seconds to dry. So I don't really have problems with smudging lines due to you accidently blink your eyes when your liners still wet.
An example on one of my EOTDs.
This is one of the rare products that fulfill its promise to be smudgeproof yet waterproof. I wore this from 9 am to 5 pm, it didn't move at all until the time I wipe it with makeup remover. It also didn't hard to be removed, once it's done, it'll turn to small flakes. Typical waterproof eyeliners.
The result on my eyes are glossy so this might not look pretty nice for photo session. I also don't find any sting when on every application. Usually my eyes are pretty sensitive to liquid liners, but not to this, so I think this one is pretty friendly for sensitive eyes.
However this might not feel comfortable once it dries since it'll leave that annoying feeling on your eyes, like you wear an eyelid scotch tape. This usually happen if I draw a thick line like on the picture above. But if I just apply a thin one, it feels comfortable enough.

This photo was taken after 10 hours of usage. No edit alert! Well, you may find my eyebrows and foundation were pretty ruined, but the liner didn't move AT ALL. I wore this liner that day on a pretty tiring humid outdoor activity, and I also splashed my face with Wudhu water, twice. My oily eyelids and teary eyes doesn't seem to have any effect on this liner

Overall, although I still need to learn to apply liquid liner, but I think I found my holy grail eyeliner already. Finally.
  • Waterproof
  • Smudgeproof
  • Intense black shade
  • User friendly applicator
  • Doesn't sting my eyes
  • Glossy finish
  • May felt uncomfortable if you apply a thick line
  • How much: around IDR 30K to 40K. Price may vary on each country.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Review: Inez Color Contour Plus Concealing Stick (Light/01)

Kayaknya udah 100 tahun lebih aku ga review produk Inez. Akibat bombardir produk dari merk lokal lain, si Inez ini seperti terlupakan olehku begitu saja, padahal kemaren-kemaren demen banget deh ama dia.Terus kemaren pas lagi bongkar laci, nemulah si concealer ini, yang (kayaknya) aku pernah beli beberapa bulan lalu, tapi lupa. Seneng deh, rasanya kayak nemu duit cepek ceng di kantong celana yang udah dicuci. Hihihi....
Penampakan concealer ini mirip banget kayak lipstik, ukurannya, sampe kotaknya pun juga. Warnanya khas Inez banget, biru dongker, dengan aksen warna gold. Kayaknya kalo soal kemasan, kurang menarik ya. Warna biru dongkernya itu bikin dia keliatan 'murah' gitu.

Shade-nya ada dua jenis, yang Light (01) dan Medium (02) Aku punya yang Light (01).

Di atas adalah foto cara pemakaian dan komposisi bahannya. Sayangnya aku lupa foto logo Halal dari MUI-nya.

Stik-nya itu bener-bener kayak lipstik. Dan gak ada bau-bau aneh yang bakal tercium kok, ada wangi samar sih, tapi menurutku nggak mengganggu.

Warnanya itu walaupun Light tapi buatku nggak keputihan, ngeblend banget sama warna asli kulit wajahku. Menurut penglihatanku sih, ada sedikit rona pink-nya. Which is oke banget kalo buat menutupi mata panda.
Aku pake concealer stick ini di bawah mata, kelopak mata, area sekitar hidung, dan beberapa spot hitam bekas jerawat, setelah menggunakan foundation/BB Cream. Baru abis itu ditimpa lagi pake bedak. Tapi cara seperti ini aku pake dulu banget waktu mata pandaku masih parah, karena sekarang-sekarang ini dengan menggunakan foundie atau BB Cream pun, udah lumayan ketutup. Rada hepi sih karena usahaku ngobatin mata panda berbuah hasil hehehe.
Sayangnya untuk area hidungku yang rada berminyak, concealer stick ini beroksidasi setelah beberapa jam pemakaian. Dan berakhir dengan hasil yang sedikit menggumpal. Well, itu untuk area hidung ya, tapi untuk di kantung mata yang nggak terlalu berminyak, dia oke-oke aja tuh.
Sedikit saran ya, teksturnya agak padat, lebih padat dari beberap concealing stick yang pernah aku coba, jadi ngeblend-nya harus pinter dan sabar, kalo nggak bakal keliatan cakey. Kalo aku lebih gampang ngeblend-nya pake tangan ketimbang kuas atau spons.
Biasanya aku pake ini untuk makeup sehari-hari. Cukup poles di area kantung mata dan hidung, tebalkan alis, pake lip balm, udah deh. Minimalis banget. Jadi sisa area wajah yang nggak ketutup concealer bisa bebas bernapas. Itu contoh alternatif aja buat kamu yang males bedakan tapi gak mau keliatan The Kill and The Kumel banget.
Tapi kalo untuk pergi ke acara yang agak resmi dikit, concealer stick ini akan berubah fungsi jadi highlight wajah. Karena ya seperti yang aku bilang, ditutup foundie aja kantong mataku udah ketutup. Kalo dikasih concealer lagi, bisa-bisa kayak panda pake kacamata putih deh.
Berikut contoh teknik highlight wajah menggunakan produk ini. Entah kenapa di foto ini warnanya jadi keliatan putih banget. Mungkin karena efek cahaya lampu yang strong banget ya. Btw, ini highlight versi muka eke yang rada panjang ya. Beda bentuk muka, beda lagi caranya. Jadi kalo yang ngerasa bentuk mukanya kayak eke, monggo diikutin.

The magic of makeup itu bisa bikin orang belom mandi, jadi keliatan kayak udah mandi hahaha. Oops, sori, cuma kiasan aja loh ya. Soalnya pas sesi foto di atas, aku udah mandi kok.

Oke, ini kesimpulannya ya:
  • Warnanya menyatu dengan warna kulit.
  • Biarpun Light, tapi gak terlalu putih.
  • Oksidasi di hidungku yang oily.
  • Ada resiko cakey karena teksturnya padat dan susah di blend.
  • Long lasting
  • Halal labeled
  • Berapa: sekitar IDR 30-40K, lupa tepatnya.
  • Di mana beli: biasanya di toko kosmetik, karena aku belom pernah liat ada konter Inez. Tapi aku beli ini di website resminya.