
Sunday, May 5, 2019

New and Exclusive from Althea: A'Bloom Beauty Playground!


Althea is at it again!

So after releasing their Althea's Exclusive brand some time ago, Althea has come up with the latest collection, A'Bloom, which was officially launched on 23 April 2019. The collection range includes four series of sheet masks, blackhead remover, and the ultra cute makeup puffs.



The sheet masks comes in single sachets just like most sheet masks do, with cartoon design all over it. There are four variants for designated skin problem: 
  • Anti Blemish Peach Mask Sheet. Best for oily skin, although might work for all skin types. Rich in moisture and Vitamin A retinol components which helps to control oil and water balance of the skin. 
  • Moisturizing Watermelon Mask Sheet. Great for combination skin. Contains 92% water which is excellent for moisturizing and soothing for the skin during hot wheather. 
  • Nourishing Avocado Mask Sheet. Great for dry skin. Rich in protein that prevents aging, adds shininess and elasticity to the skin. 
  • Brightening Lemon Lime Mask Sheet. Best for combination skin. Contains high Vitamin C that help to banish dark spots and Green Tea that helps to brighten and calm your skin.


The sheets are all thin and almost skin-transparent, so they won't give you that ghostly look while wearing them. And the amount of serum are adequate enough to moisten my face and neck. There is no excess serum inside the sachet. Personally, I'm not a fan of sheet mask with excess serum. Where would I wear it on? My hands and feet? No, thanks. That'll be sticky.

I have used all four variants and to be honest I don't have my personal favorite since all of them are the same for me. I use them at PM once every two days, and so far I like the result. They give me enough moisturizing and suppleness, and cure my pimples faster. Unfortunately, they don't calm my redness.


This sheet masks are sold for IDR 6000 in Althea. But you can buy them in a set which includes 10 items for only IDR 50.000 that will save you some money. So far, these are the cheapest sheet masks I have ever found and will be my favorite ones since I'll be repurchasing them again.


Abloom BHA Blackhead Blaster is a treatment for reducing blackheads, whiteheads, and removing dead skin cells. Basically, it's a skin exfoliator. This product comes in a tiny black roll stick. To extract the product, simply roll it up and the black stick will come out.

  • Contains BHA from White Willow Bark extract for deep cleansing by removing dead skin cells.
  • Apricot seed powder to remove excessive sebum.
  • Charcoal to extract the dirt in pores.
  • Tea Tree Leaf Oil to soothe and prevent any redness/irritations on the skin.


To use it, I simply apply the stick onto my targeted areas. Since I have normal-dry skin, instead of using this all over my face, I just apply this around my nose and a small amount on my chin. You can also use this as a whole-face mask or apply this on your elbow to smooth it up, which I choose not to. Why would I do that and reapply the same stick onto my face later? Lol.

I use this once every two or three days on AM skincare routine after cleansing my face with facial foam. Massage it in circular motion and rinse with tap water. It is recommended to place a warm towel on targeted areas in advance for best result.

I've used this for a couple of days and, the day after, I notice some peeled skin on my nose tip which means that this product dries me up. So I choose to stop it. This occurs probably because I have normal-dry skin, but might work best for those with oily/combination skin.

The blackheads and whiteheads on my nose tip aren't that much so I don't see any huge change after using this, but I do feel that they can be easily extracted with tools or bare hands.

You can buy A'Bloom BHA Blackhead Blaster here for IDR 54,000/8 grams. 



Inspired by the adorable meringue cookies, these Meringue Puffs are too damn cute with pink pastel hues. They come in two sizes: Giant and Baby. They are packed in a transparent mica box with cookie theme, so you'll feel like you're actually buying cookies/sweets instead of makeup tools.


These puffs are made out of non-latex sponge with hydrophilic properties. Their dry shape are actually soft enough, and when they're wet, not only the softness will double, but also the size that will grow 1.5 times bigger.

The Giant Meringue Puff will provide quick and smooth application on wider surface of the skin, while the Baby Meringue Puff will work best on a more detailed application with its pointed tips.

Use them dry for a perfectly matte finish, you can also use them damped for a more glossy/dewy finish look. I personally love using them when damped since I'm crazy about dewy makeup look.




I would use the Giant Meringue Puff for foundation/BB cream, while the Baby Meringue Puffs are used for cream blush. Unfortunately I feel kinda sad for these adorable puffs once they're used since there are stain of foundation all over them. The light color of these also emphasize the stain.

These puffs are my go-to makeup tools. I love this so much I even put this on my repurchase-list items!

Giant Meringue Puff is sold in single for IDR 28,000 and Baby Meringue Puff is sold in a three-set packaging for IDR 38,000. You can buy them here.

A demo of me doing a skincare routine:


  1. Gw kmrn tes pake yg blackhead. Trus gw ngerasa yg sama juga sih...jd lebih gampang pencet, cm gw teken dikit pake kapas lsg keluar. Hehehe

    1. wah enak banget mak cuma pake kapas doang keluaar... gue kayaknya masih harus pake kuku sih

  2. Aww aku jadi ga sabar mau cobain maskernya, aku udh beli yg peach di althea waktu launch tp belum smpe barangnya

    1. aku juga mau beli lagi itu tapi keburu abis hahahah

  3. Sheet masknya tipis banget ya, jadi nggak sabar cobain punyaku 😆

    1. iya aku suka banget sama mask sheet yg lembarannya tipis gini

  4. sheet masknya keburu habeeeesss T____T gara2 galau, kaga ada yang post maskernya tipis apa tebel. gw ga suka mask yang tebel. pas kebetulan ketemu yg udah coba, dibilang tipis dan bagus dan gw mau beli udah habesssss semuaaaaaa. terus ini lu post fotonya, betapa tipisnya itu masker T_T sedih benerrrr kelewatan masker super duper murah

    1. Yah samaaa, gw pun pas kepengen beli ini lagi eh udah keburu keabisan 😭😭😭

  5. Enak banget yang Meringue mini itu. Lebih empuk malah daripada yang giant.


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