
Monday, July 7, 2014

Review: Revlon Colorstay Lipliner (Red & Nude)

I haven't done any of lipliner product, have I? That's because I just own it lately. Back then, I used my eyebrow pencil as lip liner, but this time I finally managed to have the real deal. I chose Revlon. And there was no reason why. It's just a random idea. 

Well, actually I bought the red first and been using it for eyeshadow and eyebrow pencil. I've been wanting to have a very good red eyeshadow from Sugarpill, but the price is just way beyond my budget. So, I thought, why don't I use a lipliner. They are matte and red as well. And when I set that red lip liner with my Coastal Scents red eyeshadow, turned out the color changed into a very nice chili shade.

The Nude one was a brand new so it was still wrapped in black plastic.

Once you open the plastic, this is what they'll look like. Each cap represents the color inside.

My shades. Red and Nude.

This is what the bullet look like. When it's brand new, it is pointy as the Nude shade. But after abusive use by me for quite some time, the tip will change shape into a more rounded one, like the Red. But Please note that any retractable pencil is easily broken if you push too hard, and this also happened to these pencils. I broke that red pencil many many times when I tried to draw my eyebrow with it.

Swatches on my hand. They are true red and beautiful nude brown. I must say I'm a bit dissapointed with the brown, when I swatched it at the counter, somehow, the shade looked like a nice nude pink. Maybe because of the lighting? I don't know. It wasn't exactly the color I was looking for, although it is actually a nice brown shade. I rubbed these swatches from my hand afterwards but the shade still stayed in place. Forgot to take the picture, though. I must say, their staying power is amazing.

I used them as lip liner and as lipstick. Although the color on my lips are not intense, but it can boost up your lipstick color intensity and staying power. 

Thes two pictures were my lips with lipliner and lipstick. I must say that wearing lipliner can make a huge difference. Your lip line will look more defined and, rather than wearing a lip concealer, it is a good lipstick base to make the shade more pop out.


Make lipstik dengan dan tanpa lipliner itu ternyata beda banget deh hasilnya. Kalo tanpa lipliner emang sih kesannya lebih kasual, tapi ada resiko lipstik bleber karena salah coret hehehe. Dengan make lipliner, kita keliatan banget dandannya tapi hasil lipstiknya lebih rapi dan bisa juga jadi base lipstik yang bikin warna asli lipstiknya jadi lebih keluar. Ini menurutku lebih bagus daripada pake concealer bibir yang belom tentu cocok buat semua orang. (Pake concealer bibir di aku malah bikin warna lipstik jadi lebih muda). Oh ya, buat yang ngga puas sama bentuk bibirnya, pengen dibentuk biar lebih tipis atau lebih dobleh, bisa banget make lipliner boooo. Heheheh.

Walaupun bagus, pensil dengn model puter2 gini rentan banget patah. Belom pernah aku nemu pensil puter yang ga gampang patah, mau merk apa aja pasti rentan deh. Jadi nekennya jangan pake tenaga kuli yah!

This is just a comparison between application with and without lipliner. But too bad I forgot to give you example of a nude lipstick.

Lipstick used:
  • Maybelline Color Show Lipstick (Red My Lips)
  • Beautystyle Lipstick (Sweet Earth)

That's all for now. I don't leave you with my verdict like usual, but if you have any query, please leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!

ps.: Price IDR 60K each (USD 5-6)

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