
Monday, May 5, 2014

Sunshine Blogger Award

Setelah beberapa waktu lalu dapet nominasi untuk The Liebster Awar, kali ini aku mau post award ke dua ku yaitu Sunshine Blogger Award. Thank you so much untuk si cantik imut-imut Glory Chen yang udah nominasiin aku. It means a lot to me :)


  1. Post a picture of The Sunshine Blogger Award
  2. Post 11 random facts about you
  3. Answer 11 questions from the nominating blogger
  4. Link back to the blogger who monimated you
  5. Nomnated 11 wonderful bloggers, that you feel bring sunshine to the blogging world (be sure to notify them)
  6. Write 11 questions for your nominated bloggers

The eleven random facts about me:
  1. Night is my favorite time since everyone's asleep and I have my time alone.
  2. In love with Sweet Lolita, Pastel Goth, and Skinhead look.
  3. Phobia to pitch black darkness.
  4. Sering telmi, sering bengong juga.
  5. Coffee lover. Especially caffe latte.
  6. Apple gadgets mania, walaupun ga punya iPhone 5s. Mahal!
  7. Ga terlalu suka makan, tapi hobi ngemil.
  8. Cuma mau makan daging sapi dan ayam, itu juga jarang. I barely eat meat.
  9. Almost in the stage of a shoppaholic. Almost.
  10. Have 6 piercings on my ears, and one on my lower lips. Tapi yg di bibir udah ketutup.
  11. Musuhan sama pagi.

Dan ini pertanyaan yang ditujukan Glory ke aku:

1. Where do you get inspirations for your blog posts?
From youtube, from other bloggers, from the sky, from the grass, from the flowers, from your beauty drawers, from olshops, basically from everywhere. Makanya aku suka kalo ada makeup challenge, at least mengurangi usaha mikirin ide blog post berikutnya.

2. Tell me your skincare routine.
Scrub muka pake Inez Gel cleanser, maskeran pake masker bengkoang mustika ratu, diemin sampe kering, trus bilas pake olay cream cleanser + air selama 10 menit, abis itu di puk puk pake secret key STE.

3. What is your biggest dream this year?
I really wish I could have another child soon!

4. What is your favourite place to relax?
Di kamar sih. Atau di meja makan, because those are the places I can plug my laptop in.

5. Describe your fashion style.
Tertutup, ngga ketat, warna-warni, dan no heels. Meskipun tertutup, aku selalu usahain gak pake baju yg muslimah banget biar ga keliatan tua :)

6. Your top 3 favorite online stores.
Semuanya toko makeup....! Hahahaha

7. Beauty guru that you really want to interview.
Venus Angelic. I'm so deadly curious about her, is she a real human?

8. What to do when you feel bored or stuck?
Browsing olshop (hehehehe), denger musik, maen game, atau baca Manga.

9. Your job besides beauty blogger?
I have a job in a bank until six months ago, now, I'm merely a full time mom.

10. Your favourite snack or dessert.
Strawberry Cheese Cake slice nya Harvest. Itu strawberry-nya royal banget. 8 stroberi utuh dalam satu slice. Terus cream cheese nya ya ampun... OMG, OMG, OMG... Kalo snack aku suka makan batagor. Nyam!

11.Your favourite movies and music genres.
Favorite movies are Trainspotting, Kamikaze Girls, Coraline, Edward Scissorhand, Nightmare Before Xmas, dan Corpse Bride.
Hardcore, goth, death metal, and trip hop are the kinds of music I love the most. But, of course, aku ga anti lah sama mainstream. Asal jangan suruh aku dengar lagu Alay yah.

Sekarang ini para blogger yang aku nominasikan:

  1. Shinta from
  2. Sekaring Tyas Krisnarini from
  3. Anggie from
  4. Lintang from
  5. Putri from
  6. Imelda from
  7. Lova Adlina from
  8. Rere Dini from
  9. Titasya from
  10. Sheffyne Yuka from
  11. Vani Sagita from

Pertanyaanku buat temen-temen yang aku nominate adalah:
  1. Name your top three favorite online shop.
  2. Five makeup items you would bring travelling
  3. Why did you start blogging? And why a beauty blog?
  4. Smokey, natural, or colorful eye makeup?
  5. Define how you dress yourself!
  6. Liptint or lipstick?
  7. Flat shoes, high heels, wedges, or...
  8. What do you do to calm your mind?
  9. Long hair or short hair?
  10. Name one must have skincare item. Only one!
  11. Apa tipe orang yang kamu sebelin?
Sekian dulu dari aku, thank you yang udah spare waktunya menjawab pertanyaanku!
Sampai jumpa di post selanjutnya. Have a nice day!

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