
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Rafflesia Arnoldii

I made this trial to answer one of my mini collaboration challenge with other Indonesian Beauty Bloggers by creating a themed EOTD for a week. This one belonged to Tuesday theme: Rafflesia Arnoldii.

It kinda gross me out remembering this parasyte that has the odor like a dead body, and what kind of look I can create based on this?

I guess this was the best I did in my imagination.

Here's how:
  1. Using red lip pencil, draw your eyebrows and apply eye primer.
  2. Apply black, coral red, and carrot shade on your upper eyelids. Blend.
  3. Using lip pencil daw a raw line to create a flower shape, try to connect the line with eyeshadow above.
  4. Fill it with coral eyeshadow.
  5. Using white pencil, draw white dots then top it with white eyeshadow using a pointy sponge brush.
  6. Using black pencil, draw black shadow to create 3D effect, then smudge.
  7. Draw black eyeliner, apply mascara, and the falsies.

The abused tools:
  • Revlon Lip Liner (Red)
  • Coastal Scents eyeshadow 120 color pallette (black, coral, carrot, white)
  • NYX Retractable Eyelner (white)
  • NYX Eyeshadow Base (matte white)
  • Artistry Automatic Eyeliner Pen (black)
  • Maybelline The Falsies Mascara (black)
  • Princess Mint Softlens (purple)
  • Koji Eyelashes Glue (clear)
  • Unbranded falsies

Of all the parts I draw that day, the eyebrow was my favorite one. Wish I can wear that outside.

Oh, well. See you again. Smooch!

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