
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Liebster Award: Part 1

Yeay, award pertamaku ^___^ The Liebster Award.

It was such a hectic day, ngerjain kerjaan rumah. Makasih ya miss ART yang mudik di saat paling tepat, emang bisaaa banget situ ya. Lagi leha-leha di sofa sambil lurusin pinggang, sambil nge cek blog, eh dapet kabar kalo aku dinominasikan sebagai salah satu penerima Liebster Award by the gorgeous Putri Indah Marina. You can heck out her page here. We've been following each other's blog for a few weeks. Thank you Putri, you really made my day ^_^.

So what is a Liebster Award anyway?

The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. So, what is a Liebster?  The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. Isn't that sweet? Blogging is about building a community and it's a great way to connect with other bloggers and help spread the word about newer bloggers/blogs.

Here are the rules when you receive this award:
  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Copy the Liebster Award logo in your blog.
  3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you.
  4. Mention 11 random things about you.
  5. Choose 5-11 bloggers to be nominated next and link them in your post, with the follower less than 200.
  6. Create 11 questions for the people you’ve tagged to answer.
  7. Show these rules in your blogs (or you can copy from here).
  8. Tell the people you have nominated! They'll never know unless you tell them.

So, ini pertanyaan buatku. Bahasa Indonesia aja ah... males mikir nih hihihi.

Apa yang membuat kalian ingin nge-blog?
Buat mengisi waktu luang. Iya, aku cuma ibu rumah tangga biasa, ga ada kerjaan selaen ngurus anak tersayangku ini. Plus dari jaman masih kuliah sampe kerja, sering banget beli makeup, dan suka makeup. Japi kenapa ga buat beauty blog aja.

Kosmetik kesayangan kalian apa sih?
Anything yang bisa menyamarkan kantung mataku yg super dark ini. Kalo udah pake itu di kantung mata, aku pede ga pake makeup apa2 lagi. So far merk yang aku sering aku pake itu Maybelline Dream Liquid Mousse (Light) sama Inez Concealer Stick (Light)

Beauty Blogger Luar yang banyak menginspirasi kalian?
Tess Munster and Michelle Phan. Kalo MP aku suka beauty tips sama DIY-nya, kalo Tess Munster.. hmmm, coba deh buka page nya, you'll be surprise of how beautiful this person really is.

Kalau beli produk kamu suka di online shop / counter ?
Online shop. Lebih lengkap variannya. Kalo di counter aku lebih untuk nyari referensi warna aja. Hehehe licik ya.

Kalau ada kesempatan mau kolaborasi makeup sama siapa?
Aku terus terang ga nolak kok kalo diajak kolaborasi ama siapa aja, beneran deh. Asal badan ini masih sehat dan peralatannya memungkinkan, aku gak nolak deh. Hehehe

Siapa Artis Luar favorite kalian?
Johnny Depp dan Ewan McGregor. Bukan karena gantengnya loh ya XD

Apa jenis musik kesukaan kalian?
Rock dan Trip Hop. Tapi aku ga anti mainstream kok hahahaha. Aku juga suka K-pop, RnB, dll, tapi aku paliiiing suka sama dua jenis itu.

Siapa penyanyi kesukaan kalian?
Marilyn Manson, Massive Attack, Portishead (termasuk penyanyi bukan sih mereka?) dan Sarah Brightman. Banyak sebenernya, tapi yg paling sering aku dengerin ya mereka itu.

Kebanyakan tau produk-produk kecantikan dari mana?
Dari ngeblog dan join social media community. 

Lebih suka karoke/nonton film di bioskop?
Karaoke lah. Suka nyanyi walaupun ancur. Hahahaha. Kalo nonton kayaknya gimanaaa gitu, cuma duduk diem doang sambil nonton layar segede gitu, ga ngapa-ngapain. Ogah rugi, bahahahahaha! Kecuali film-nya Ewan McGregor dan Johnny Depp ya, aku pasti betah nontonnya.

Lebih suka jadi pengusaha/kerja kantoran?
Susah jawab yang ini, karena dua-duanya ada konsekuensi. Jadi pengusaha emang lebih bisa ngatur waktu, tapi kita harus terus konsisten dgn apa yg kita kerjain. Ide-ide harus terus mengalir, kalo ga,  rugi aja uang yang udah diinvestasikan, dapur juga bisa stop ngebul. Kalo jadi orang kantoran,  kita tinggal ikutin aja rule yang udah dibuat, paling banter sumbang ide dikit ke company buat process improvement. Ga enaknya, waktu tidak berpihak di kita, susah buat yang udah berkeluarga. Satu lagi, kalo orang kantoran dapet THR, kalo pengusaha ngasih THR! Hehehehe...
Aku baru ngerasain bertahun-tahun jadi orang kantoran, tau banget susah senangnya. Tapi belom pernah jadi pengusaha sendiri, jadi ga tau rasanya. Maaf yaaa.... -___-

Okay, I've chosen my next nominators for Liebster Award:

Segitu dulu, mustinya 11 ya. Ahahahaha, belom dapet lagi nih, susah banget nyari. Padahal dua lagi...kalo ada yg udah pernah di nominate, oops, sorry may bad!

Here are the questions I'd like you to answer:
  1. Alasan jadi beauty blogger?
  2. Ada ga produk makeup yang dari dulu setia kamu pakai sampai sekarang? Kalau ya, apa?
  3. Siapa artis yang jadi inspirasi kamu dalam makeup dan fashion?
  4. Blog luar negri mana yang kamu suka banget visit? (Ga harus beauty blog kok)
  5. Who's your favourite musician?
  6. Kamu lebih pede dgn makeup natural atau bold?
  7. Jabarkan tipe film yang kamu suka! Beri contoh judul! (kayak ulangan aja, hehehe)
  8. What was your childhood dream? Are you still trying to accomplish it or not?
  9. What's your guilty pleasure?
  10. What is your wishlist for makeup and skincare?
  11. Pilih kamera saku, DSLR, apa kamera gadget (hp/tablet)?
Nah itu dia pertanyaannya. Maap yah, sebagian ada yg nyontek pertanyaan orang, tapi aku emang beneran pengen tau! ^_^

11 Random Facts about me:
  1. Barely eat meat and never eat any kinds of seafood since elementary school. I'm afraid of them. And eating meat only if it's cooked as a steak.
  2. Cherish coffee a lot as a mood booster.
  3. Milk always make my stomach hurts.
  4. Before I got married, my ideal boyfriend is the one in Yaoi Mangas: super cute, stylish, rich, kind, loyal, smart, and GAY. But I have no gay friend....  Maybe that's why I barely have a boyfriend -__-
  5. Dreaming of having a LASIK surgery to get rid of eye glasses.
  6. I love drawing.
  7. Spent years studying accounting, but barely remember a thing about accounting, because that did not interest me.
  8. Spent years working in a foreign bank but speak more fluently about art, makeup and fashion.
  9. Envy Tavi Gevinson and Stella Lee a lot. Talk about living your dreams, huh?
  10. I got pregnant three times, but only one survived.
  11. I have a very wide range playlist songs in my Apple gadgets, from Trio Ambisi (horas!) to Diamanda Galas. Do you even know them, anyway?

Phew, I think this post is the longest one with words in it. Okay, that's all for now. 
Happy blogging!

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