
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Review: Inez Precious Cool Moist Gel


To be honest, this is the first moisturizer I ever bought. Really. The only thing I ever use to take care of my face was a face wash. I never wear SPF cream or moisturizer or serum. I did wear Olay day cream for a few months when pregnancy hormone dried my skin and stopped as soon as I gave birth because that cream had no more benefit for my face. But since aging has been haunting me (thanks to skin care commercials), I began buying more skin care products.

I first saw this product when I browse thru Inez Cosmetic official website. The word 'gel' attracted me. In my mind, 'gel' in cosmetic oftenly used to describe non sticky formula products. Oh, by the way, Inez is a local Indonesian brand categorized as Halal product.

The 'somewhat' gel is infused in a transparent plastic tube with dark blue cap. You will find an extra foil cover glued to the tube for its content extra protection. It wasn't very hard to remove tho'.

These are the ingredients

Considering its Halal label, the word ethanol catched my eye. Ethanol, or ethyl alcohol, was usually found in alcohol beverage. Commonly known as spirits in daily usage. I pressumed this product still contain alcohol. And in Islam there are two types of understanding, alcohol is still allowed as long as it's not consumed and the other is: you are only allowed consuming it for medical use. So, for those of you who believe in the second opinion, you might reconsider purchasing this. Kindly correct me if I'm wrong, please.
And as for me, well, I would consume alcohol as long as it does not intoxicant.

The contain comes in a blue transparent gel. And just like I thought, the aroma of alcohol was strongly smelled once you apply this to your face, it was like dabbing pure alcohol directly to your face. For sensitive nose owners, please beware since this might annoy you. And as for me, alcohol smell reminds me of an operating room and I love the smell of operating room hahaha.

The word 'cool' written on the tube means literal. You will feel a cool sensation once it touched your skin. I really love it! On the picture above, I tried this gel on my hand. It was absorbed qiuckly and leaving the cool sensation with no trace of stickiness at all. Well, this is definitely great moisturizer for my normal-oily skin type. Oh by the way, just a small amount of it will be enough to cover your whole face. Do not apply too much or the product will take longer to be absorbed.

I have been using this for about 8 weeks and there is still no issue for me. The product reacts well with my skin. Thank God I don't have to buy any more expensive products. I might consider Inez as one of my beauty haul brand in the future. ^^

Okay, to make it short, here are my verdicts:
- strong smell of alcohol
- cool sensation
- non sticky formula
- works best for normal to oily skin type
- the transparent tube make it easier to see through the content
- the turning cap is not very practical
- generous content (75 gr)
- price: IDR 33K (USD 3)

Will I buy it again? Definitely! It's my HG moisturizer, although I only bought one product in my lifetime. How about you?

Note: this is based on my experience. Result may vary to others.

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