Thursday, June 11, 2015

Review: Sleek Matte Me (Birthday Suit/436)

Sleek Matte Me was originally launched about 2 years ago, if I'm not mistaken, but this became a hit just recently. 

The packaging itself is quite simple. Clear class bottle and a matte black cap, and with a big Matte Me sign on the bottle. I bought this online. When I first got this, I slightly doubted the product authenticity because the font design was a bit different from what I saw on their official web and on some beauty blogs from around the world. But I got this from a reputable online store, so I would assume this one is authentic with its latest packging design.

Color system from left to right:

Rioja Red
Birthday Suit
Brink Pink
Fandango Purple
Party Pink

The shade I own is Birthday Suit (436). And as stated on the bottle, this product can last up to 3 years upon first openning (36 months). Compared to LA Splash (only 3 months) or Lime Crime (12 months), Sleek Matte Me is more economical in terms of its life span.

The applicator is what I love. Instead of a classic doe-foot shape, it is extra long and pointy, and making the application a lot easier.

Typical matte lip cream: wet when freshly applied and turned to a dead matte result in 5 minutes.

Sooo Birthday Suit is a classic nude with pinkish/brownish tone. I think this suit all skin color. It's nude but not muted/pale. The type of color that will never go wrong.

The product dries quickly. While waiting to dry, DO NOT ever pout your lips together, or else it'll end up miserable. While waiting for it to dry, I actually felt that tacky and uncomfortable feeling on my lips, but once they all set, they won't budge. And although it feels dry, but sooo comfortable and doesn't dry my lips.

And unlike most matte lip cream I tried, the inner part of your lips won't clump even after you eat or drink. So reapplying never been sooo easy. I have no idea how this is happens. Is it because the formula, or is because the color pigment? Just FYI, I have two Lime Crime products in the shade Pink Velvet (a hot pink) which is soo much more drying than the shade Cashmere (a nude tone).

Of all the matte lip cream products, I think this one that gives me more comfort, compared to other brands. I bought this in @makeuptoolshop in their Instagram account for about IDR 120K. But the prices may vary in several online stores. And, please do not look for this brand offline, they're not available in Indonesia. Not yet.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Review: Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner (Black Ink)

I've heard and read so many good reviews about Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner. This even starred 4.3 in and awarded as the best beauty products by several magazines. I'm not a fan of high end products and there are several dupes in the market, but I feel like I have to give this a try, like one of the things I have to try before I die.

Nothing special about its packaging, just some regular glass pot with plastic cap, it also comes with a black box.

There are two variants: black and brown.

The color is not one the best jet black. I have to swipe several times until I get just the right blackness. Compared to my ELF Cream Liner, Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner is less intense. Although I don't know if I could compare these two products, considering the other one is a drugstore darling.

I must say that Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner has a hard texture. The surface on the pot won't get messy easily although you scratch it with your eyeliner brush, although I don't experience any difficulty taking the product out of its pot. Its hardness gives extra control of how much the product you can take. It's also have smooth and anti-clump texture.

On the other hand, the hard texture is also one of its weakness. It's a bit hard to apply the product on my eyelid, I have to apply several layers until I get just the right blackness and thickness. Weird, because I read so many reviews mentioning its easy application because I don't experience it at all. Just tell me where did I go wrong?

So, the most important question: does it budge? Yes, unfortunately but just in a tiny tiny amount. I used this on several occassions with eye primer and then after a couple of hours a small amount of smudginess appear under my eye bags. But the rest of the lines were there until the end of the day.

A bit disspointing though, considering so many good reviews and (lets not forget) its high price. But I must say, compared to other gel liners I've tried so far, this one cost me the least amount of smear under my eyes. I'm pretty sure for those of you who don't prone to oily lids or watery eyes, Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner can be a great product for you.

I think I still need to find another smudgeproof gel eyeliner and considering of purchasing MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack. Btw, I bought this online for about IDR 380K and would cost more if you buy this from Bobbi Brown official counters. There are several online stores that sells with lower proces, but I bought this from the seller I trusted.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Review: Sabun JF Sulfur Acne Care


Gw gak pernah ngobatin jerawat secara khusus. Paling kalo cuci muka aja yang pas bagian jerawatnya disabunin agak lama, cepet ilangnya walaupun gak pake sabun khusus jerawat. Cuma beberapa waktu lalu gw iseng nyobain skin care baru, alhasil muka gw jerawat batu di rahang dan jidat, bruntusan kayak apa tau. Geli banget. Jadi gw langsung aja kepikiran nyobain sabun JF Sulfur karena inget temen-temen gw suka pake ini kalo ngobatin jerawat, bahkan ada yang make untuk mencegah jerawat juga.

Sabun JF Sulfur tersedia di apotik, minimarket, supermarket, dll dengan harga sekitar IDR 10K.

- Membantu mematikan bakteri yang dapat menyebabkan radang jerawat.
- Membersihkan kulit dari kotoran dan minyak berlebihan.
- Membantu mengurangi jerawat dalam 2 minggu tanpa menyebabkan kulit kekeringan.

Sabun JF Sulfur ada dua variannya, setau gw. Yang kemasan kuning seperti yang gw punya ini untuk mengobati jerawat. Satu lagi kemasan biru (dengan sabun warna transparan) untuk mencerahkan wajah dan menghilangkan noda jerawat.

Sabunnya berwarna kekuningan dengan ukuran yang menurut gw ih gede banget. Lebih gede dari ukuran sabun badan. Sabun ini bukan sabun kecantikan ya, jadi baunya itu belerang banget walaupun menurut gw gak terlalu menyengat. Teksturnya agak kasar, kayak ada pasir-pasir halusnya.

Saran aja sih, karena ukurannya gede, gue sering potong sabun ini jadi 3 bagian. Bukan untuk ngirit, cuman sayang aja gitu. Biasanya sebelum sabun ini habis, manfaatnya udah terasa dan butuh waktu beberapa minggu lagi sebelum gue butuh pake lagi. Sementara kalo udah dibiarkan terbuka selama itu, kayaknya udah gak higienis. Jadi mending dipotong-potong, atau sekalian buang dan beli baru. Buat muka gitu lohhh, masa iya sembarangan.

Entah info ini penting apa nggak, tapi gue udah 7 tahunan pake sabun muka Olay Total Effects yang Cream Cleanser. Enak banget pake sabun itu, gak kering, dan kenyel banget rasanya. Cuma kalo untuk saat-saat di mana muka gue jerawatan, gue akan langsung beralih make si JF Sulfur ini. Dan seperti yang udah sebut di atas, efek jerawat yang kempes atau bruntusan yang berkurang akan langsung terasa selama beberapa hari menggunakan ini.

Walaupun di klaimnya tertulis kalo dia tidak menimbulkan kekeringan, terus terang hal itu nggak gw rasain. Habis cuci muka pake ini, muka gw rasanya ketarik dan kering banget, terutama di area garis tawa. Jadi setiap cuci muka, gue langsung pake toner dan pelembab di seluruh muka, terutama di bagian garis tawa gw bakal pake pelembab agak banyakan. Biar nyaman aja. Soalnya kalo nggak, lama kelamaan bakal muncul garis kehitaman di pinggir bibir, kayak boneka Tongky. Atau Chucky (kalo gak kenal Tongky). Atau Annabelle (kalo gak kenal Chucky). Gak kenal juga? Yahelah... Cape deh...

So far, sabun ini masih jadi andalan gw kalo kondisi kulit wajah lagi nggak bersahabat. Tapi begitu muka udah balik normal lagi, gw akan langsung ganti ke sabun Olay Total Effects, karena ga tahan dengan efek keringnya. 

Review: Mores 2 Eyes Sleeping Eyes Mask & Mores White Booster (*)

Mores is Thailand premium skin care brand which was certified by Thailand and Korean FDA on February 2014. And last month I had chance to try out two of their skin care products: Mores 2 Eyes Sleeping Mask (full size) and Mores White Booster (travel size).

MORES 2 EYES Sleeping Mask

Mores 2 Eyes Sleeping Eyes Mask cream was infused in a transparent pump bottle which was originally packed in a bulky blue box. It has a quite unique pump that can be twisted around to pump out the product.

- Erases dark circles
- Minimizes the bags under your eyes and reduce swelling/bruising and keeps skin smoother
- Brightens and firms you under eyes
- Boosts tired eyes, strengthens, and prevents aging lines 


Mores White Booster I got was a travel size (5 ml size). This product is originally infused in a transparent pump bottle as you can see in the pictures below.

Judging from their claims above, Mores White Booster has all that most Indonesian women wanted the most: fair and flawless skin.

The texture of these two products are almost the same: creamy, light, absorbed easily, have that soothing/cooling sensation, and have that soft flowery scent. But Mores White Booster has thicker consistency than Mores 2 Eyes.

My Take

Mores 2 Eyes Sleeping Eyes Mask:
I only tried this product for less than a month. It has a light and creamy texture and felt cool and sooth my eyes. I love this feeling! For several weeks trying this, I experienced no breakout, instead I felt the puffiness and aging lines on my eyes decreased a little. And as for its brightening effect, I don't experience any significant result. I have very heavy dark circles under and upper my eyes, just for the record. So I guess, I still need stronger product to overcome this problem.

Mores White Booster:
Since I can only wear this about 2 or 3 times, I cannot review how this effects my skin. But I experienced no breakout at all and I love how the cream absorbed easily on my skin and doesn't give that oily/greasy look.

For more info of purchasing, you can visit their page:

Thank you for reading!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Review: Khalisa Lip Care (Cherry Peppermint)


Udah sering pake atau minimal tau lip balm merk Lips On Lips dan Lip Ice? Dua brand itu udah cukup lama terkenal di Indonesia dan sama-sama berada di bawah naungan Rohto Laboratories Indonesia. Nah akhir-akhir ini baru di luncurkan kembali satu line ip balm bernama Khalisa. Kebetulan beberapa waktu lalu saya berkesempatan mencoba cuma-cuma satu varian mereka. Terima kasih Rohto.

Satu hal yang menarik perhatian saya dari kemasannya adalah label halalnya. Saya nggak tau apakah Lips On Lips dan Lip Ice juga memiliki label yang sama, tapi yang pasti ini adalah satu keunggulan Khalisa, khususnya buat kamu yang concern banget sama kehalalan suatu produk.

Ada empat varian dari Khalisa Lip Care:
Peach Caramel
Bubble Gum
Cherry Peppermint
Pure Vanilla Honey

Kebetulan varian yang saya dapatkan adalah Cherry Peppermint. Kemasannya sih gak ada yang aneh-aneh ya, standar aja gitu seperti kemasan lip balm pada umumnya. Bentuknya tube langsing dengan tutup putih, mirip seperti lip balm Rohto yang lain.

Yang saya suka banget dari lip care ini adalah klaim SPF nya, yess!

Sesuai dengan namanya, varian Cherry Peppermint ini memiliki aroma buah cherry yang khas, walaupun saya tidak mencium adanya bau peppermint sama sekali. Mungkin hidung saya yang slaah ya hehehe. Bullet-nya itu berwarna merah bata, ga tau kenapa di gambar bisa keliatan merah banget begitu ya.

Khalisa Lip Care Cherry Peppermint ini sedikit berwarna merah meskipun tidak terlalu kentara. Begitu dioles di bibir pun akan terlihat sedikit ada warnanya, tapi jadinya alami. Bukan seperti Lip Ice yang setelah didiamkan beberapa lama akan berubah warnanya. O iya, dia gak ada rasa manisnya sama sekali, jadi buat kamu yang hobi jilatin lip balm manis, produk ini bukan untukmu hehehe.

Buat yang suka liat-liat akun Instagram saya, mungkin suka lihat kalo saya demen banget ngutak-ngatik bibir, bikin lip art hehehe. Dan gak semua bahan yang saya pakai untuk lip art itu adalah lipstik biasa, kadang pake face paint juga, atau lipstik tapi yang matte-nya agak lebay. Kalo udah dihapus pasti bibir jadi ada kering-keringnya. Ditambah lagi saya tidur di ruangan ber-AC dan saya adalah hantunya minuman kopi. Jadi lip balm itu bagi saya adalah barang wajib. Kayaknya jarang deh bibir saya dibiarkan polos gitu aja. Kalo gak lipstikan, yah pasti pake lip balm.

Saya udah pake lip care ini dua bulan, menurut saya dua bulan itu waktu yang cukup banget menentukan apakah sebuah produk cocok atau nggak di saya. Untuk Khalisa Lip Care ini sih di saya nggak ada masalah tuh. Kan ada lip balm yang justru malah bikin bibir pecah-pecah, tapi nggak hal nya dengan Khalisa Lip Care. Apalagi untuk varian Cherry Peppermint ini ada sedikit warna merahnya, jadi kalo mau dandan cepet-cepet dan gak mau keliatan pucet banget, varian ini cocok banget buat kamu.

Khalisa Lip Care ini udah bisa kamu dapatkan di supermarket. Saya baru ngeliat ini di Giant sih, seharusnya di minimarket atau apotik juga ada. Untuk harga saya kurang tahu karena ini saya dapatkan secara cuma-cuma, tapi seharusnya sih nggak terlalu mahal.

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai lip care ini kamu bisa capcus langsung ke
Have a nice day!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Review: NYX Extra Creamy Round Lipstick (Thalia/LSS529)

NYX Extra Creamy Round Lipstick (or also known as Lip Smacking Fun Colors Lipstick) is the cheapest variant of all NYX lipsticks. And this Thalia shade is my all time favorite. The one I review here is with their latest packaging but the formula was no different with the old ones, or so I thought, because I've bought this many many times.

The packaging is quite simple with black sleek tube and a small clear tube on the bottom that indicates each shade. I once opened it, and it really contains some share of the lipstick. No kidding. So when you're out of it, you can go with the bottom tube.

I bought this online for IDR 65K.

My shade is Thalia, my darling shade.

Diisostearyl Malate, Bis-DiglycerylPolyacyladipate-2, Polyglyceryl-2 Triisostearate, Octyldodecanol, IsostearylIsostearate, Ethylhexyl Palmitate, Euphorbia Cerifera (Candelilla) Wax /Euphorbia Cerifera Cera / Cire de Candelilla, Ceresin, Beeswax / Cera Alba /Cire d’abeille, Polyisobutene, Polyethylene, Copernicia Cerifera (Carnauba) Wax/ Copernicia Cerifera Cera / Cire de Carnauba, Microcrystalline Wax / CeraMicrocristallina / Cire Microcristalline, Tocopheryl Acetate, BHA, Limonene,Fragrance / Parfum. MAY CONTAIN / PEUTCONTENIR (+/-): Mica, Titanium Dioxide (CI 77891), Iron Oxides (CI 77491,77492, 77499), Red 6 (CI 15850), Red 7 (CI 15850), Red 28 (CI 45410), Red 36(CI 12085), Blue 1 Lake (CI 42090), Yellow 5 Lake (CI 19140).

The bullet shape is a classic pointy one. There's some strong scent coming out of the tube, and what I learn from several thousand times of application is that the tube is so fragile it easily broke.

Thalia is what I describe as nude pinky mauve. There's a slight hint of purple. It is very very creamy, smooth, and pigmented. Easy application alert.

Taken under bright lighting.
Taken under medium lighting.

As I mention several times before, this is my favorite shade and my favorite lipstick of all time. I have bought this ever since NYX opened their official counter in Indonesia and I fell in love right away with this shade. Thalia is your MLBB shade and a perfect nude for all occassion. But please beware because on some people, this shade could look a bit pale. My friend used to try this and it didn't perfectly blend with her, although she has fair complexion.

This lipstick has creamy formula and finishing. It doesn't dry your lips at all. But its decent moisture sometimes backfires since it easily transfers to anything, even my teeth. So having your coffee with your lipstick mark on the cup is not a very pleasant thing, especially since I'm quite used to wear some matte lip stain nowadays.

This lipstick won't stay long on your lips either, so you'll need to take this with you for retouching. It will only last for an hour or so, not to mention if you have that sloppy eating attitude. 

Oh, and btw, sometimes they don't have this stock with them. If that happens, I would buy the shade Tea Rose. It has quite similar shade with Thalia but more like peach or pink rather than mauve.

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